With another sigh, Yang Lei stepped in front of Kageyama, ignoring the noise behind him, and used medical ninjutsu to help Kageyama heal.

"You still have medical magic?"

A few people behind them discovered Yang Lei's situation and couldn't help being a little surprised, but they mistook ninjutsu for magic.

In the magical world, medical magic is very uncommon, otherwise, Fairy Tail would not have to be covered in bandages every time it goes through a big battle.


Yang Lei nodded casually, and then asked a few people, "Have you quarreled with the result?"

Elsa asked in confusion, "What?"

She thought that what Natsu was talking about was a trivial matter, and that Yang Lei should not mention it.

But this is what Yang Lei said.

"What a bunch of idiots."

Yang Lei put away the hand on Yingshan's body and helped him heal it. He raised his hand and pointed to the key that Lucy was holding in his hand, reminding him, "Didn't Natsu say that Protoss can burrow? Then let her Why don't you take us out of the underground?"


0358 Yang Lei's harvest

It wasn't until Yang Lei reminded them that Erza and the others suddenly remembered, yes, isn't Lucy's newly obtained key able to summon a Protoss that can burrow in the ground, so that they can go out from the ground?

Because Hubby gave Lucy the key to Ba Luge on the way, he didn't see the wind barrier outside, so he didn't see the key to this problem.

As a result, everyone was arguing, but no result came out. Yang Lei couldn't help but sigh: "If this cat didn't follow, I'm really afraid that you will be sold by others."

Of course, this is just a rant, not to be taken seriously.

But Habi took it seriously, came to Yang Lei's side with big watery eyes, and finally slammed into Yang Lei's arms.

"You are such a good man."

Hubby sent Yang Lei a good person card, making Yang Lei even more speechless.

"Let's go quickly."

Rubbing his aching temples, Yang Lei finally knew how unpopular he must have been in the world of death.

At that time, he was probably the most noisy one.

But now, he suddenly discovered that everyone who looks like Fairy Tail is more noisy than him, but he has become more mature and stable.

There is no way, Rukia is not here, Hinata is not there, Sakura is not here, how can he be in the mood to make trouble.

There was a lot of noise, and everyone surrounded Lucy and asked her to quickly summon Ba Luge.

The appearance of Ba Luge shocked Lucy, because Ba Luge's image was completely different from before, from a 'strong man' to a thin and petite girl, who was very beautiful.

"Ba Lu Song."

Lucy quickly got used to the newly acquired Protoss, and made a request: "The signing of the contract will be discussed later, please take us out first."

Lucy is different from other protoss wizards. She treats protoss like friends.

It is precisely because of this mentality that the King of Protoss treats her as a friend, and other Protoss treat her as a friend.

"I see, Princess Princess."

Ba Luge bowed his head slightly, and then a khaki magic circle appeared under his feet, but a big hole was dug out in an instant.

With the help of Ba Luge, the group successfully crossed the wind barrier from the ground.

In fact, Yang Lei has countless ways to break the barrier of the wind, but he was taken into the ditch by everyone's off-line before, and he only remembered after he recovered. It seems that he doesn't need to keep a low profile, right?Didn't you say you wanted to show off your power?

Standing outside the wind wall, Yang Lei couldn't care about the dirt on his body, and looked back at the wind barrier not far away, his face was dark and stiff.

"time to go〃"."

Elsa came over, patted Yang Lei on the shoulder, and said with a look of approval: "Originally, I was very grateful for your help, but I hope you can continue to act with us, because later I think Introduce you to our president."

Yang Lei nodded, the expression on his face was still so sullen.

"what happened?"

Elsa looked at Yang Lei with some puzzlement, and asked thoughtfully, "Is something left in the station?"

Yang Lei shook his head, suddenly raised his hand and waved to remove the wind barrier.

The pupil technique of his Samsara Eye awakening is Lunhua. Detachment, which can be divided into two physical clones, and the pupil technique of Reincarnation Eye awakening is element manipulation, which can control natural elements.

Wind is also one of the natural elements, and he can naturally be controlled.

"I just remembered."

Yang Lei turned around expressionlessly, and said in a sullen tone, "Actually, I have a way to get rid of this."

Everyone is absolutely down, big brother, since we've all come out, don't say it even if you remember it, it's very shocking, right?

Yang Lei glared at everyone, and it was they who took him into the ditch. On the surface, he seemed to be speechless about their disconnection, but secretly, he was willing to watch the play, and it was impossible to be happy.

As a result, I was also stupid, this is really 'idiots are contagious'.


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