Yang Lei said in his heart that his reputation would be ruined in one go, how could he have the heart to continue to stay here, raised his finger to the sky in the distance, and reminded: "Reminder, Natsu and the cat Hubby have already gone one step ahead."


Everyone turned to look in the direction he pointed, and sure enough, Hubby and Natsu had already flown a long distance.

"It's useless."

At this moment, Kageyama, who was brought out together, woke up and said weakly, "You guys can't stop Big Brother Eli Gore."

"I heard that Eli Goyle is known as the god of death?"

Yang Lei took the sentence and listened to him again without waiting for others to speak: "If there is a chance, I will show him what the real Death God looks like."

Yang Lei's words are true, because he is the god of death.

But others didn't know what he meant, thinking he was just threatening, or secretly trying to kill Eli Gore.

"Let's drive."

Erza strode towards the magic quadricycle that was parked not far away.

"I'll drive."

Yang Lei grabbed the driver's seat and said, "Your consumption is already very high, and my magic power is still very rich."

Elsa glanced at Yang Lei, and finally nodded and compromised. She was really exhausted, and she has not been able to recover until now.


In the driving position, Yang Lei greeted him, holding the remote control stick with his left hand, and his right hand did not pay attention to the configuration that conveyed the magic power, but snapped his fingers to release the power of the wind barrier that he had just controlled, and gathered in the back of the car. Push the body hard.


Just listening to the roar of the magic four-wheeled vehicle, it ran out at an extremely fast speed.

"Magic is different from chakra."

While pushing the body with the power of the wind, Yang Lei whispered in his heart.

He has seen magic several times before and after, and has already mastered the principle of magic.

The level of magic and chakra is the same, it is the same level of power, and the form of existence is also very similar.

Chakra is extracted by ninjas using physical strength and mental strength in a certain proportion.

Similarly, magic power is also condensed by magicians using physical strength and spiritual strength, but some magicians are more focused on physical strength and are suitable for close combat, while some magicians are more focused on spiritual strength and are suitable for long-distance combat.

In theory, chakra and magic should be able to be converted to each other, but the difference is that the release method of magic is a magic circle, and the release method of chakra is a ninjutsu seal, which has a great effect on use. difference.

"."It doesn't matter."

But here in Yang Lei, this is not a problem. He has the eyes of Jianjigu to sort out, and quietly condense the two forces of magic and chakra in front of him to form a small group. With the help of the eyes and the open pupil technique, they quickly grasped their principles.

not only.

"It's a good harvest."

Yang Lei smiled very happily.

The magic he masters is different from other magicians, and the magic circles of other magicians are different according to the type of magic.

But he realized it directly from the source of magic power. The magic circle does not need to be too complicated, as long as it is a simple primitive magic circle.

For example, there are thousands of fire magic, and Natsu alone will have several moves, and the corresponding magic circles will be equally numerous.

But in Yang Lei, it was different. He didn't need too many magic circles. He only needed to open the most primitive fire magic circle, and he could use any fire magic to his heart's content.

The same is true for other types of magic, a most primitive (Wang Zhao) water magic circle can allow him to cast any water magic.

"The main thing is."

Yang Lei clenched his fist with his right hand, and muttered to himself in his heart: "You must form a seal when performing ninjutsu, otherwise Chakra will not be able to move smoothly."

"But now it's different. As long as the magic circle is opened, I can perform ninjutsu to the fullest, and it will change according to my wishes, which is really convenient."

Yang Lei actually combined ninjutsu with a magic circle, and used a magic circle to perform ninjutsu. This way, there is no need to make seals. I don't know how much faster the seals are. printed.

The most important thing is that in the past, at most, he could only perform three or five ninjutsu at the same time, but now, he can even open all the magic circles at once, and then all the ninjutsus go wild together, and the end is extremely fierce.

"Would you like to try it?"

Yang Lei suddenly moved, just to find that the power of the wind behind the car was gradually weakening, and his subconscious mind moved.


A cyan magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Yang Lei, and then, the power of the wind behind the magic four-wheeled vehicle was suddenly supplemented, which made the speed of the vehicle increase again, even much faster than at the beginning. . .

0359 Lalabhai Appears

Although Yang Lei has never delivered magic power into the magic quadricycle, the speed of the magic quadricycle has never slowed down from beginning to end, and even caught up with Natsu faster than the speed in the original book.

Nonsense, Erza in the original book is about to run out of magic power at this time, how can she compare with Yang Lei.

When Yang Lei and the others arrived, they could just see the final scene of Natsu defeating Eli Gore.

Brother Eli Gore was defeated?

Compared with Erza and the others who had gathered together happily, Kageyama was much more depressed. He knelt on the ground and refused to believe it. Eli Gore, whom he had always feared and admired for a long time, would be defeated.

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