At this moment, I only heard Yang Lei say: "Don't worry about that, I will find a way to break it."


Even Elsa couldn't calm down, grabbed Yang Lei's arm and the two ran aside.

"You really want to break the moon?"

Elsa glared at Yang Lei, even she felt unreliable about this, I really don't know what he thought.

What did Yang Lei think?It's very simple, he can really break the moon, and he doesn't think it's that difficult.

The other is because he knows the truth and can help these residents without breaking the moon. At this time, seeing Erza put on an inquisitive look, I don't know if I explain to her that she will definitely not let go of herself, although He can easily break free.


Yang Lei suddenly raised his hand and hooked Ersha's chin, which made Ersha blushed and felt a little overwhelmed, because she felt her heart beating so fast.


Yang Lei frowned, having a bad feeling in his heart, wouldn't he provoke a peach blossom debt again?When he saw that he was holding someone's chin on his hand, how ambiguous and ambiguous this posture was, he wanted to give himself a mouth.

"Then what."

At this point, if he let go of his hand, it would be really difficult to explain. Yang Lei hurriedly used some strength to pick up Elsa's face, wanting her to look at the sky.

But Ersha misunderstood. Yang Lei was [-] meters tall, while Erusa was only about [-] meters. She raised her head just to see Yang Lei's face, and couldn't help closing her eyes subconsciously.


Natsu and the others who came with them suddenly ran over to join in the fun, especially Lucy, who covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Could it be that Yang Lei and Miss Erza have that kind of relationship?"

Natsu and Gray also looked surprised, thinking that it was Erza.

Even Hubby started to complain, but the place where he complained was different from everyone else, but: "Is there a sudden KISS here?"

"Cough cough."

Yang Lei blushed, coughed dryly, and pretended to be casual, let go of the hand that hooked Ersha's chin, pointed to it, and explained, "I mean to let you look at the sky."

Elsa glanced at Yang Lei in disappointment. She herself didn't know what she was expecting in her heart. At this time, she followed Yang Lei's subconsciously to the sky, and suddenly, she found something strange.

Lucy next to them also saw a difference. Although the crystal cover is transparent, since it can turn the normal moon into purple, it is enough to show that it is only translucent, and everyone discovered its existence.

"In other words, as long as you break it, you can help the villagers to lift the curse?"

Erza regained her composure, looking at the crystal hood and expressing her opinion.


Yang Lei nodded in affirmation, but he suddenly lowered his voice and whispered: "It's just that the so-called curse will not be lifted, because the villagers here did not become demons because of the curse, but they were originally demons. "


Several people almost exclaimed, but fortunately, Yang Lei coughed in time to stop them.

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"Don't talk yet."

Yang Lei shook his head at the group of people, and with a slight movement, he pulled out the hand that Ersha was holding, and let them stay here and wait for him. He turned around and came to the village chief alone, and said to the old village chief: "Village Chief, we will do some preparations later, and we should help you break the curse tomorrow night at the latest, please believe us."

What Yang Lei said had changed from breaking the moon to breaking the curse, but the village chief didn't hear the difference. After all, the purpose of breaking the moon was just to break the curse.

"I see, thank you, Master Mage."

The old village chief was overjoyed. Since Yang Lei dared to brag about Haikou, it means that he must have absolute certainty. He quickly explained to the nearby villagers that these mages would be their distinguished guests, no matter what requests they made, they had to Satisfy as much as possible.


Yang Lei nodded with satisfaction, turned his head and waved at Ersha and the others, and said, "Please open the back door of the village, we are going to prepare."

The villagers were really obedient, and without waiting for the old village chief's order, they opened the back door of the village as quickly as possible, and sent Yang Lei a few people out of the village with respectful expressions on their faces.

"What exactly is going on?"

After a certain distance from the village, Elsa and the others couldn't bear it any longer, especially Elsa, who couldn't even think about the feeling before, and surrounded Yang Lei with question marks on their faces.

Yang Lei shrugged, beckoned everyone to sit down, told them everything he knew, and told them that the residents of this village were originally demons. Later, because of the appearance of the hood, their memories were confused and they thought they could change. The human appearance is their true identity, and the devil's identity is because they are cursed.

"That is to say, breaking that hood just reminds them of the memory of being a demon?"

Lucy had a cold war. It was a demon. All the novels described demons as terrifying. She regretted coming to this island.

"rest assured."

Yang Lei smiled and comforted: "These villagers are very simple, even if they want to deal with us, they don't have that strength."

"And now, we still have one thing to solve. I feel the breath of the devil on this small island, if I guess correctly."

Having said that, Yang Lei turned his gaze to Gray with a meaningful smile on his face, and continued: "That demon should be Daliola."

0366 The power of time is in hand


Gray exclaimed that he had a deep relationship with the demon Daliola.

When Gray was a child, the city where his family lived was attacked by Daliola, not only his parents died, but he was the only one in the whole town who survived, everyone else died.

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