Later, Gray was discovered by his master Ulu, and since then he has lived with Ulu, mainly to learn Ulu's ice magic, also called modeling magic.

Later, Gray was blinded by hatred when he heard the news of Daliola's reappearance, regardless of being a child, he didn't learn much magic at all, so he got up and went to find Daliola.

It is conceivable how an inexperienced child could be Daliola's opponent.

At the critical moment when he was about to die, Ulu arrived, gave up his life to seal Daliola, and used the magic of "two-three-zero" forbidden and taboo as ice to freeze.

"That's it."

There was sadness on Gray's face, because he recalled the past memories, and the whole person seemed a little depressed.

Ulu died because of Gray, there is no way to argue that this made him feel guilty for many years.

Now that the past is suddenly revealed, the mood that has been calmed down after all these years has been turbulent again.

After listening to Gray's narration, Erza and the others looked at each other, comforting but not knowing what to say.

Only Yang Lei had a playful and inquiring look in his eyes. He wanted to ask who Gray's father was and why his father was special. Later, he thought about it, forget it, he would meet him in the future anyway.

Because they wanted to listen to Gray's recollection, everyone wasted a lot of time, and when they hit the road again, it was already evening.

"The moon is indeed purple."

The moon has risen, and everyone looked up and found that under the influence of the crystalline cover in the sky, the moon turned purple.

"There's a building over there."

Not too far ahead, everyone found an old building not far away, and hurried forward to check what was in this building.

In particular, Gray was the most positive. He had a hunch in his heart that maybe Daliola was here. This was his intuition.


Just as everyone was about to step into the gate of the building, a howl came from behind them, and when they looked back, they couldn't help but startled, and saw a rat as gigantic as a cow rushing out of the forest to run here. Come.

"You go in and leave it to me outside."

As soon as Erza turned around and stood behind the crowd, although the mouse was very big, it looked like a monster at first glance, but in Erza's eyes, it was nothing at all.

"Let's go."

Yang Lei didn't rush to live, and brought Natsu and the others to the inside of the building to speed up.

I don't know what period this building was built. How many years have passed since now, and all the decorations inside are about to be weathered. That is to say, because most of the items are made of stone, it can last until Today, such as tables and chairs.

"Look here."

Natsu and the others found three slates with patterns inside, and they hurried over in curiosity.

Yang Lei shook his head with a smile, turned and walked in the other direction. His purpose here was not Deliola, but Urrutia.

This building also has a back door. Yang Lei came out of the back door and subconsciously looked up at a small hill not far away. He saw a short man with a mask on his head and a strange costume. people.

"Got you."

Yang Lei smiled. He didn't expect his luck to be very good. Without any hesitation, he tapped the ground with his right foot and disappeared instantly. It was only a blink of an eye that he arrived at Urrutia, whose alias was Sarudi. in front of you.


Urrutia was taken aback by Yang Lei's speed, and they were hundreds of meters away from each other. He didn't expect the other party to come over in an instant.


A soft sound came from Urrutia's body. She lowered her head and saw that Yang Lei had pierced her stomach. A hand reached in and grabbed her heart.

"I will die."

Urrutia's mind quickly turned to this thought, and she didn't dare to hesitate any longer. Even if her magic never succeeded in working on the creature, she had to try it at this time.

It is true that people can explode with great potential in desperate situations.

Originally, the time arc magic that Urrutia mastered could not work on living things, which meant that her lost magic could not work on human beings or animals.

But now, she can't care about it anymore, she waved her hand to Yang Lei with all her magic power, and at the moment when her slender palm was pressed against Yang Lei, a magic circle like a dial suddenly appeared out of thin air...  


I saw Yang Lei swiftly backed up according to the speed and method he came from, standing at the back door of the building looking at Urrutia.

"Is this the magic of time?"

Yang Lei glanced at the palm of his hand, which was not even stained with blood. Suddenly, a time magic circle appeared there, and he got what he wanted.

Looking at Urrutia again, she has disappeared, and with no magic power left, she even rolled and crawled to escape, and even Leon, who had managed to win over and Daliola, who wanted to control, couldn't care less. Departed from Karna Island by boat.

Fortunately, her wound was healed under the effect of time magic, otherwise, she would have to die on the road.

Yang Lei is not worried that Urrutia will master more advanced time magic because of his stimulation, it doesn't matter, as long as he is stronger.

And now, he is concentrating on the time magic that he just got, and finally, he has mastered this power.

As early as when Sharinyan evolved into a kaleidoscope, because the left eye pupil technique is the eye of time, he became interested in the power of time a long time ago, but he has been suffering from being unable to contact it.

Now he finally has a chance, he will try to deduce more power of time from this magic with the eyes of Jianjigu.

In fact, the arc of time is very powerful. In the original book, Ulu 1.7 Tia used it to reverse the time of the whole world by one minute.

And just now, Urrutia burst out with great potential in a desperate situation, making Yang Lei and her time go back five seconds.

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