
Makarov was really rude, he stretched his arm and suddenly slapped Lucy's upturned P, but this was not punishing her, so Makarov said, "Girl, you can't do it again in the future. Feeling remorse and guilt because of anything, treat the guild as your home, and treat your partners as your relatives, and you will help everyone wholeheartedly in the future, won't you?"

"Did you say it after shooting?"

Lucy complained, it seems that Makarov's chicken soup for the soul is not for nothing, she has returned to her normal heart, and even her daily complaints have returned to normal.

Mira Jane on the side pouted and protested to Makarov: "President, I'm going to be angry if you do this."

.. ..

Everyone was noisy, this is really a guild full of joy and laughter.


After a while, Makarov looked at Yang Lei again and said seriously: "Work is work, no matter how big things are, work can't be delayed, so..."

Before Makarov could say the second half of the sentence, Yang Lei stood up and interrupted: "I'm sorry, I have already completed that task."

Saying that, Yang Lei opened his personal space in front of everyone and dragged out the White Tiger Beastmaster who had been put in last, and threw it on the ground, occupying a lot of space, and even caused a 'dong' sound.

"This is?"

Everyone was startled. Although the White Tiger Beastmaster had died, it still exuded a huge power, which made people change their color.

Even Makarov was startled, pointing to the White Tiger Beastmaster, feeling the power it exudes, and exclaimed: "This is more than an S-rank monster, it's already a Saint Ten rank, no wonder no one has been able to. complete this mission."

Yang Lei rolled his eyes and said to himself that it is fortunate that Lao Tzu is strong and capable, otherwise he will definitely be killed by you.

"There are hundreds of thousands of tigers in my personal space, do you want to see them?"

Yang Lei raised his head and asked Makarov.

"no need."

Makarov hurriedly waved his hands, even the Beastmaster died. He believed that Yang Lei had already wiped out all the monster races, and said, "You have completed this task. After the council sends someone to confirm it, the reward will be paid. Thirty million J is here for you."

"Okay, let's not talk about other things for the time being, let's drink and eat meat as much as you like, and let's continue our celebration dinner."


0376 Squad established?

The Magic Council's response was very fast. After all, the showdown between the Fairy Tail and the Ghost had a great impact. It sent people over the next morning and took Yang Lei and Makarov away.

As the president of the guild, Makarov would definitely be taken away for questioning.

As for why Yang Lei was also taken away, it was because Joseph, one of the ten magicians, was killed by him. He must be taken to the council to see if he should be imprisoned or sentenced to prison. He is innocent.

The fact that Makarov and Yang Lei were taken away caused everyone in the guild to worry for a while, especially Natsu, who was clamoring to make a big noise in the council, which surprised the councilors who came to take them, and later it was Maka. Roff shot him down.

"rest assured."

Before leaving, Yang Lei also comforted his partners, saying: "The dispute was provoked by ghosts, and the evidence is still there. If the council really dares to ignore the indiscriminate inquiries and ignore the truth of the matter, I will bring the old man back safely. "One Twenty Seven"

There was no anger in the sentence, no threat at all, but the judges who came here broke into a cold sweat at that time, which was more serious than the situation when Natsu was shocked.

Because they already knew that the handsome young man in front of him was the one who killed Joseph. He was really angry and shot, at least they couldn't resist.

Makarov raised his hand to help his forehead, and he was helpless. Before Natsu's side was settled, Yang Lei's side jumped out again. That's enough.

"Let's go."

After coming out of the guild, a group of people got on the magic four-wheeler driven by the councilor and rushed to the council.

After arriving at the Council, the senior commentators and the Speaker immediately held an accountability meeting. There were only two people who were accountable, namely Yang Lei and Makarov, who were sitting below.

Makarov felt helpless about Yang Lei and Natsu's nonsense before, but when he got to the Senate, he himself became a little old man without seriousness. He fell asleep unconsciously.

Yang Lei on the side couldn't help but have a black line, thinking that no wonder the fairy tail is so nonsense, it turns out that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked.

The Speaker and others were so stupid that they had the intention to dissolve the Fairy Tail Guild, but the most important thing is that I really don't blame the Fairy Tail, the Fairy Tail is the victim and the one who defends and counterattacks. But it's big.

But they really don't want to swallow such a breath. They have always looked at Fairy Tail unpleasantly, because as long as Fairy Tail Mage does the task, it will cause a lot of trouble every time.

For example, the first meeting of Natsu and Lucy destroyed the port of Harrugion City.

Also in the Iron Forest, Yang Lei destroyed Lalabai and also destroyed the small village where the president held a regular meeting, although he paid compensation afterwards, and the amount of compensation was dozens of times higher. Not only that, but it did not satisfy the Senate.

In short, in the Senate, there are many people who don't like Fairy Tail.

If they can, they really want to take the opportunity to dissolve this guild.

But no, the council also has an enemy, and that is the dark guild.

Whether it's the Fairy Tail or the Ghost, these two guilds have destroyed the dark guilds and are the main force in dealing with the dark guilds. If they really want to disband like this, I am afraid that they will be pushed to the dark guilds.


In the end, even the Speaker couldn't help but let out a long sigh. This matter was really difficult for him to solve.

In fact, it's easy to solve, but he can't swallow this breath.

The ghost is also a trump card in the hands of the council. In the end, it was destroyed by you, and Joseph also said that he was killed and killed. Is there any king law, and is there any council in his eyes?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The Speaker and the senior commentators who were not pleasing to the Fairy Tail simply began to scold and babble, and finally even Yang Lei was about to fall asleep.

In fact, Yang Lei and Makarov came to the council just to take a formality, and there would be no guilt at all, because this matter is indeed a dispute provoked by ghosts, and Yaowei can't be allowed to stand there and kill ghosts, right?

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