After all, the ghosts even took out the magic cluster cannon. The purpose is to destroy the demon tail. No matter who stands in the position of the demon tail, they will not wait to die. Even a fool knows that when they are beaten, they have to scream twice, Not to mention a bunch of normal people.

Another, after the loss of Ghost, the Senate did not want to lose another 'general'.

And the Fairy Tail Guild is not only Makarov as the Holy Ten Sorcerer, but also one of the founders of the Fairy Tail, Volod Sinken, is also a Holy Ten Sorcerer, and even a member of the Four Heavenly Kings. I have to take care of his old man's face, right?

In short, Yang Lei and Makarov can go back before the time for the Senate that came in the morning.

"I don't even want to leave us for dinner or anything. It's really stingy."

On the way, Makarov grumbled and complained, making Yang Lei feel a little ashamed, this old man.

After coming out of the council, the two of them were not in a hurry, they strolled back to the guild leisurely, and they naturally aroused cheers again...  

The wizards of Fairy Tail cheered as if they had won another big victory, and could not wait to have another celebration feast.

. . . . . .

Because the damage suffered by the guild at the beginning was restored by Yang Lei, and the subsequent war did not affect the guild, it saved everyone the trouble of building another guild.

In this way, everyone can start working again immediately.

It's just that Yang Lei is a little different. The SS-level mission he completed before has not been confirmed by the council, and he can't take the mission until the mission is marked as completed.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Lei has time to stay and see the scene of Loki being redeemed by Lucy.

Here's the thing.

One morning, Gray suddenly rushed to the guild and shouted, Loki left the guild, and he seemed to be in a bad state.

This made Lucy a little worried. Loki still had some interaction with her, so she asked the Southern Cross star spirit to inquire, and after some inquiries, she finally figured out Loki's identity.

But, why did Yang Lei and the others also follow?

In Erza's words, haven't we already formed a team?Of course we have to act together.

We are talking about Yang Lei, Elsa, Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Happy, and now we have to add a lucky one.

"Say it."

Watching Loki turn into a galaxy and quickly fly to the gate of the celestial spirit world, it's not 3.3, it's Leo, Yang Lei couldn't help but complain: "Why are all the celestial spirits in the zodiac looking like humans?"


Having said that, Yang Lei looked at Lucy again and muttered, "Only Lucy's star spirit is like this?"

"What a sharp rant."

A voice sounded on Yang Lei's shoulder, and I saw Geely standing there holding Yang Lei's ears, wearing a silver dress, she was extraordinarily cute.


"Didn't I give you to Erza?"

Yang Lei turned his head in confusion and asked Geely, "Why are you still following me?"

Elsa, who was standing behind Yang Lei, also stared at Geely. She also liked Geely, but she didn't know why Geely was more willing to follow Yang Lei.

Geely raised his head arrogantly and snorted softly, thinking that I am not your pet, why did you give me away?Just follow you, just follow. .

0377 The Tower of Paradise is about to open

After Yang Lei and his party returned to the guild from near the town where the Blue Pegasus Guild was located, everyone knew that Loki was a Leo star spirit.

Everyone in the guild is very strange. The companions who have been with each other for several years are Protoss rather than humans. They didn't notice it at all. It was a failure.

"Am I hiding too deep?"

Leo suddenly appeared from the side, this is his public meeting after all, how can there be no protagonist, so Lucy opened the door of Leo and called him out, and asked him to explain to everyone in the guild.

"That's how it is."

Leo was exhausted, and he could finally face the past indifferently. He quickly recounted his experience, and finally said: "From now on, I will be Lucy's property, and I will be responsible for it from now on. When she is in danger again, she will appear as Prince Charming."

Leo said, suddenly moved very quickly and picked up Lucy, turned around and walked away, and said to himself: "Let's find a place where no one is there and have a good relationship..."

"Come back to me quickly."

Lucy interrupted Leo's words, and the black-haired man took out the key and sent Leo back. 16 is really, it's too ridiculous.

"and many more."

Seeing that Lucy was angry, Leo quickly let go and didn't dare to take an inch, and then took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket and handed them over, saying, "Thanks to everyone's care during this time, this is where I planned to invite my girlfriend to go on vacation. I can't stay in the world for a long time now, I will invite you to play."

Leo has a lot of hospitality rolls, five at all.

"Did you count my share?"

Yang Lei raised his eyebrows. He actually didn't deal with Leo because he was handsome and taller than Leo, and he almost snatched Leo's little sisters over before.

That is to say, Yang Lei is not fake to others, otherwise, I am afraid that Leo's 'support group' has been robbed by Yang Lei long ago.

It was precisely because Yang Lei ignored everyone that his relationship with Leo did not deteriorate further, otherwise they would have fought long ago, and it would have turned into the relationship between Gray and Natsu at the beginning. compatible.

But what he didn't expect was that Leo actually took out five reception scrolls.

The two kittens, Harpy and Geely, don't need a reception ticket, and this team happens to have one for each.

"It's the sea."

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