Hey, it's not his own money anyway, Yang Lei said that he really doesn't feel bad about spending it.

Don't forget that he won [-] million jacks in the casino not long ago, and it was only the result of a slot machine blowing up. This money came too easily.

After arriving at the shore of the island, as Xiu said, the island is really heavily guarded, and the yacht was discovered early in the morning. At this time, a team of guards was rushing here with torches.

"I went to see Gerald."

Yang Lei didn't have a hobby to deal with the soldiers. After saying hello to everyone, he disappeared into the night.

Yang Lei knew what Gerald's intentions were, and guessed that Gerald was now using his mind body to fool the councilors of the council, deliberately exposing the Tower of Paradise, intending to let them activate the magic wizard power as a last resort. .

Of course, Gerald didn't want to destroy himself, but wanted to absorb this terrifying huge magic power so that he could use it to activate the R system of the Tower of Paradise.

Not only that, but what Yang Lei knew even more was that Gerald made a mistake in his calculations. The power of the magic wizard power was too huge. The magic crystal he prepared couldn't absorb it at all, and it would overflow and destroy the island.

It's not that Yang Lei can't stop the magic wizard power, but he doesn't want to waste his energy. Since he can kill everything in the cradle at the beginning, why let the incident develop to an unfavorable stage.

Yang Lei wanted to go, but there was no one in this world who could stop him.

In addition, it was still night, and no one could find him. Even if he passed by face to face, he could only feel a breeze blowing, and he didn't know anyone had passed by.

With Yang Lei's speed and his improved Shunpo, it took less than three seconds to reach the gate of Paradise Tower from the shore of the island. This speed is terrifying.

"A paradise?"

Yang Lei looked up at the heights of the tower, and couldn't help showing a sneer, this is Ersha's psychological shadow, this is the hell that tortured her, he wants to destroy this place, so that it can no longer become Ersha's heart nightmare.

"who are you?"

Naturally, there will be no shortage of guards at the gate. When I found Yang Lei, I was shocked. It was obvious that there was no such person one second ago, but suddenly appeared in front of me the next second. Plus it was midnight, I was almost not scared. kill them.

Fortunately, the guards were not one or two, but more than a dozen people. They didn't turn around and ran away in fear. Instead, they dared to shout loudly. What they didn't know was that the shout was a bit broken. .

"My name is Yang Lei."

Yang Lei reported his name, he was in front of the guards a moment ago, but he was already behind them the next moment, raised his hand to open the door, and continued without looking back: "Of course, you can also call me Death. ."

Unlike Eli Gore, who is known as the god of death, Yang Lei is the real god of death, and he is the one who really has the status of god...  

The moment Yang Lei opened the door and walked into the park, blood suddenly spewed out of the guards' bodies, their consciousness had already fallen into darkness, and they fell one by one.

"There are guests here."

As soon as Yang Lei walked into the Tower of Paradise, Gerald, who was sitting on the top floor of the Tower of Paradise, had already sensed it, he couldn't help showing a confident smile, and without looking back, he rushed into the darkness behind him and said, "Then it's up to you. I hope I can see a good game."

There were a few light hums in the darkness as a response, and then the sound of the door opening, followed by the sound of footsteps drifting away, went downstairs.

"You're confident."

But at this moment, an unfamiliar voice sounded in the room, which startled Gerald.


Gerald clapped his hands to brighten the lights in the dimly lit room, turned his head to look behind him, and saw a handsome and strange man standing at the door.

"It's you?"

Gerald's eyes widened with a look of shock on his face. The last second he felt that Yang Lei had just entered the gate of the Tower of Paradise, but he did not expect to arrive here the next second.

Not only that, it seems that Yang Lei's intrusion hasn't caught the attention of the few people who went out. That is to say, his speed is too fast, and those few people didn't notice anyone passing by him at all, and they opened the door from them. came in through the door.

"how can that be?"

Gerald exclaimed in disbelief that he already had the strength of the Holy Ten Sorcerers, but even so, he couldn't pass in front of the few people who went out on 4.1 without being discovered by them. Could it be that Yang Lei The strength has been strong to another level, isn't it?

Gerald guessed the truth of the matter, but he didn't want to believe it. He would rather believe that Yang Lei was a rare space magician than that he had such a powerful strength.

"That's right, this is space magic, it must be space magic."

A layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on Gerald's forehead, but he still refused to recognize the reality and forcibly treated Yang Lei as a space wizard.


Yang Lei shrugged nonchalantly, took a step to Gerald's front, raised his hand to grab his shoulder, and said, "Take back your mind body, and then watch a play with me honestly. , I'll give you a treat later."

"Otherwise, I will kill your soul as well."

0382 The Tower of Paradise ends

As soon as Yang Lei's hand put his hand on Gerald's shoulder, he absorbed all of his magic in an instant.

Gerald sat down on the chair with his legs soft. It wasn't that he was frightened, although he was indeed frightened, but his poor performance was because his magic power was taken away and he was weak, and there was no way to resist it. .

The mind body Chikrain, who was still doing things in the Senate, also passively disappeared, which shocked Urrutia and the members of the council. What happened?Why did a big living person suddenly vaporize?

I also praised that the members are not ordinary people. They quickly recognized that it was a mind body. At that time, I almost didn’t get blown up by anger. This is the council. You actually use a mind body to fool us. This is too much.

Urrutia smiled and wanted to excuse Gerard, but she couldn't help feeling a little surprised. Gerald didn't look like he was actively recovering his mind body, but passively disappeared. What's going on?

No one explained to Urrutia, and she didn't have time to go to the Tower of Paradise to check the truth, so she didn't know that Gerald was very embarrassed now.

"Who the hell are you?"

Gerald leaned back on the chair weakly, clenching his teeth so that he would not pass out.

For a magician, magic is really important.

Just like Makarov before, he was suddenly drained of his magical power, not only fell into a coma and lost 16 combat power, but also fell into a huge crisis, and almost died because of this.

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