The same is true for Gerard at this time. If he can't restore his magic power for a long time, he will gradually deplete and die.

Yang Lei smiled and asked back, "Don't you know who you have provoked yourself?"

Gerald frowned, of course he knew that Yang Lei was the magician of Fairy Tail, but what he wanted to know was his true identity.

Gerald knew about Yang Lei. As early as the previous regular meeting of the presidents, the council received news about Lalabhai and Tiezhisen, including the presidents' descriptions of Yang Lei and the handling of the aftermath. and many more.

How could Geral not pay attention to Yang Lei, who can kill Lalabai's magician in one move.

Therefore, in the Tower of Paradise incident this time, it was not only Sanyu Wu of the Skull and Bones assassination team who was recruited by him, it can be said that all the elites of the entire Skull and Bones came.

But what he didn't expect was that Yang Lei could avoid all eyes and eyes and directly kill him in front of him, and his strength and magic at the level of the Holy Ten Mage were completely useless, and he fell here with just one face-to-face. like fields.

So, Gerald couldn't help but want to ask Yang Lei, who are you?What kind of terrible power does it have?

Yang Lei didn't have time to play a quiz game with Gerald. At this time, the others finally reached the gate of the Tower of Paradise.

Near the gate, the group was divided, with Erza, Gilly and Hugh forming a team, Natsu, Hubby and Lucy forming a team, Gray and Jubian forming a team, and then Simon, Wally and Mi Liana has formed the last team.

After a few teams briefly discussed the action and countermeasures, they rushed to the direction of the upstairs and launched an attack, and then encountered one enemy after another on the road.

"Is it interesting?"

Gerald looked at Yang Lei, both of them could use magic to control the situation in the Tower of Paradise. The former was too familiar with the Tower of Paradise. Even if the magic power was emptied, he could continue to control it. At least he could see everything. scene.

As for how Yang Lei did it, it was very simple. Just look at how Gerald did it, and he would just do it.


Yang Lei turned his head to look at Gerald, smiled suddenly, shook his head, and said, "It's not interesting, I just want Erza to get rid of the knot, what's so funny, or should I say it's uninteresting. "

Erza's heart hurts, but Gerald asks if it's funny?Although Yang Lei knew that Gerald was bewitched by Urrutia, he couldn't help sighing to himself.

"You really want to die, Gerald."

Don't look at what Yang Lei said before, he wanted to kill Gerald to avenge Erza.

But before he made his move, he hesitated a little bit, because Mistgun had taken the initiative to say hello to him, which was a friendly gesture between partners.

Others don't know it, but Yang Lei knows it very well. Mistgang is Gerald of Edras Continent, so he wants to give him a chance.

If Gerald could wake up when his magic power was exhausted, Yang Lei decided to let him go.

It is a pity that Gerald's attitude sentenced him to death.

"It's not that I'm too ruthless."

Yang Lei told Gerald that a spiritual arrow was condensed in his hand. This is the method of the Quincy, which can completely destroy the souls that were killed.

"Gerald, you brought it on yourself."

As he said that, Yang Lei slowly but firmly sent the Spirit Arrow in his hand, and with a 'pu chi', it pierced Gerard's forehead between his forehead and brow.


There was no accident. Gerald's head was pierced through, but his body didn't matter. He fell back and died on the ground, but his soul did not go to the underworld, but was slowed down by the means of the Quincy Exterminator. It slowly dissipated, turning into a piece of glittering light plume that was blown away by the wind and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"From this moment on, everything will be rewritten."

Yang Lei murmured in a low voice, with no regret or overwhelm on his face. He was not afraid of the plot that might undergo huge changes because he had invincible strength.


"The Tower of Paradise should disappear."

Yang Lei said to himself, what revives Jerf, these idiots, Jerf is not dead at all, okay, people are immortal, still use you to resurrect?

"The Skull and Bones should also disappear."

Feeling the battle downstairs, Yang Lei regenerated his murderous intent. No matter who the Skull Club was, since he took action against the Fairy Tail, he would have to bear the consequences of being retaliated against. He was very protective.

"How can it be said to protect the shortcoming? It's called strangling all possible crises in the cradle."

Yang Lei continued muttering to himself, got up and walked towards the door, opened the door and walked out of the room, walking downstairs from the top floor.

When he came to the stairs downstairs, Yang Lei also met people from the Skull and Bones Society, and he was the strongest in their guild, that is, the president of the Skull and Bones Society.

In front of Yang Lei, the president of the Skull and Bones Society couldn't make a single move, and his head was chopped off by a knife.

On the next level, Yang Lei will kill another person.

On the next level, Yang Lei will kill one more person.

By the time he finally reunited with Erza and the others, the Skull and Bones had been wiped out.

"It's time to go back."

Yang Lei looked at Erza, who was in a state of embarrassment and was wearing only a few rags. His eyes were as gentle as water, but he didn't notice it.

Hearing that Yang Lei had dealt with all the enemies upstairs, including Gerald, Simon and the others couldn't help but look shocked. Only Natsu and the others seemed very indifferent, they were used to Yang Lei's strength.

780 "Yang Lei."

After reuniting, Geely ran to Yang Lei again, not because she thought Elsa was too dirty, but because she was afraid that Elsa would be too tired to hold her.

. . . . . .

Next, everyone first came out of the Tower of Paradise, then found the boat on the shore and rowed into the sea, and finally boarded the yacht.

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