Yang Lei couldn't help asking himself, he wanted to be single, because he attached great importance to his family and family.

But things are unpredictable. There are always girls who can break into his heart for him to meet. In fact, he doesn't want to do this, and he has been trying to avoid it, but.

"It's really reaching the limit."

Yang Lei said it himself (bgaf), he is also very uncomfortable, especially when he rejected Ersha's confession, when he saw Ersha's face suddenly changed from red and moist to a little gray, and she was covering up. He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, making him want to hug this girl into his arms.

But he can't be too selfish and pursue it just because he likes it, that's too irresponsible.


"I can't be considered responsible, can I? What's the difference with the scumbag Wuji?"

Yang Lei recalled a certain ancient costume martial arts TV series he had watched, in which the love life of a male protagonist made him feel the most disgusting.

It is obviously ancient, and it is obviously possible to have three wives and four concubines, why do you have to hurt other women who like you?

At that time he was still young, and now he can finally understand the feelings of the scumbag.

"Anyway, both sides are scumbags."

Yang Lei recalled the past memories, gritted his teeth, and couldn't help but secretly make up his mind: "Then let me persevere a little longer, if I can't forget to let go of Elsa during those seven years on Sirius Island, I don't care. already."

Because of Rukia's lessons, Yang Lei finally stopped escaping, but thought of a way to test himself with the seven years in the Sirius Island chapter. If he really can't let go of Erza, then let it go.

"Anyway, he's already a scumbag."

Yang Lei smiled bitterly, not knowing what to do with Hinata and the others.

. . . . . .

Yang Lei's speed was very fast. Just when he was thinking about it, he had already rushed from the previous station to the next station. The speed was several times faster than that of the train.

After arriving at the station in this small town, Yang Lei fell from the sky and asked the staff at the station. Since they sent a message to the previous station, it means that they must know what to order.

The staff did know the truth. It turned out that a group of wizards from the dark guild destroyed the railroad tracks in the upper and lower directions of this station, just like Iron Forest's previous practice, in order to block the arrival of support from other directions. here.

It should be said that these people and Iron Forest really deserve to be the subordinates of the Six Demon Generals, they all have the same thoughts.

As for why the news sent from here turned into a war between mages, big brother, you can't say that the rails were destroyed by mages from the Dark Guild, right?Will it attract the enemy instead?

"Where have those dark guild wizards gone?"

Yang Lei continued to ask, he had already guessed what was going to happen on this side, otherwise he would not have rushed over in such a hurry.

If he guessed correctly, the current plot should have developed to the Six Demon Generals.

Yang Lei became a little anxious. The strength of the six magic generals is not weak, and each of them is at least an S-level mage, especially the Midnight and Wuli personalities, which are full of the tenth level.

In the original book, everyone was still fighting very hard, not to mention that there was one less Gerald at this time, and Erza was in the same situation as him, so she should be struggling.

So Yang Lei wanted to find out where Elsa and the others were as soon as possible.

Yang Lei didn't know until now that Mirajan heard what he said to Makarov that night and told it to Erusa.

Therefore, although Erza is still a little tangled, she is not depressed. She is still the fairy queen, but she does get distracted from time to time.

"Boy, why are you looking for us?"

Let's talk about Yang Lei here.

Without waiting for the station staff to speak again, I heard a strange sound of yin and yang coming from behind, and a group of wizards who didn't seem to be good people came over. Those who were familiar with the road first surrounded Yang Lei in the middle, and then looked up and down Yang Lei. .

"It turned out to be a little white face."

One of them let out a weird laugh.


Yang Lei was already in a hurry, plus this group of people are not good birds, how can he be polite, raised his hand and smashed the man's head, turned to look at the other person, and asked, "You are the six demons. General's subordinates?"

A disagreement smashed a person's head, and the group couldn't help but be stunned, thinking in the end, are we from the dark guild, or is your old man from the dark guild?

"Then what."

The man Yang Lei was staring at opened his mouth a little vaguely.


Another head was smashed, Yang Lei didn't like them at all, aren't you wicked?The wicked need the wicked grind, and then turn to look at the other person, without asking, just staring at him.

"we are."

The man was frightened, and hurriedly admitted that they were the subordinates of the Six Demon Generals.


However, the man's head was still shattered.

"Fight him."

The remaining people all collapsed, and they were about to fight with Yang Lei as soon as they swarmed up.



A series of muffled noises came out, and a headless corpse fell to the ground weakly. Yang Lei stood in front of the last person who still had a head, and put his hand on the man's clothes and wiped it with an expressionless face. Looking at the blood on his hand, he asked, "Where is the Six Demon Generals?"

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