"I say.".

0395 Six Demon Generals!

Yang Lei left with Geely in his arms, leaving a headless corpse on the spot. Although the staff around knew that this group of people were not good people, they were wizards of the Dark Guild, but even so, they couldn't believe that Yang Lei would definitely He's a good guy, so he doesn't dare to approach him.

Yang Lei didn't care either, just looking at Geely in his arms and didn't want her to see the bloody scene.

"I'm not a child."

Geely complained dissatisfiedly and shouted: "Let me go, I'm about to be suffocated by you. Also, when I was in Hushan, I also saw bloody pictures, and I also followed those tigers to eat raw meat. Is it alright?"

When Geely was in Hushan, she was not the eldest lady. The reason why the tigers kept her alive was because they were distant relatives, and the other was to treat her as a mascot, ~ it was a toy.

It is conceivable what will happen to Geely's situation in Hushan, and it is no wonder that Geely did not have the slightest bit of unbearableness when Yang Lei slaughtered the tigers in that mountain.

What should I say, when she was in Hushan, she was like a slave and had to stay, and she had to pray every day that she would not be eaten by tigers.

You think, the two sides are not of the same race, how could she be taken care of, she can only barely die, and she has to play with other people's tiger cubs. How could she be sad about the death of these tigers.

The appearance of Yang Lei was like a savior to her, otherwise she wouldn't be so attached to Yang Lei.

Yang Lei also knows that Geely is not a little white flower, but he unilaterally doesn't want her to see the unbearable picture, which is not a good thing.

"Go away."

Yang Lei tapped Geely's little head, and walked out of the town. Seeing that the steps he took were not large, in fact, each step could span thousands of meters, and he came out of the town in just a moment.

Arriving outside the town, Yang Lei recognized the direction and continued walking.

I saw a figure disappearing and appearing on the road. One second it was still here, and the next second it was already several miles away. Before the afterimage he had stopped in the previous second dissipated, he had crossed again. It's been a few miles away.

In this way, several afterimages were left along the way. When Yang Lei stopped, he had come to a villa built in the forest.

I saw that the exterior decoration of this villa is very cute, but when Yang Lei thinks of who the owner of this villa is, he can't help but feel a chill in his heart, and can't help but complain: "It's really a low-quality building."

The owner of this villa is Bob, the fat shemale uncle of Blue Pegasus.

In the previous Lalabai incident, Yang Lei had seen some guild leaders, such as the four-headed hounds guild's leader, and the blue-eyed Tianma leader.

The image of that uncle is really not easy to forget. Even at such an old age, he is embarrassed to wear an angel's clothes, and it is still very tight. It is enough.

Geely was finally able to lift her head from Yang Lei's arms. She looked at the villa, and then mumbled a little puzzledly: "No, it's very beautiful."

She simply thought that the heart-shaped decorations on the villa were cute, because she didn't know that the owner of the villa was actually an uncle, and he was also an uncle who likes to pretend to be tender.

"Leave him alone."

Yang Lei hurriedly shook his head and threw Bob's portrait out of his mind, and continued to walk into the gate of the villa with Geely in his arms.


As soon as he entered the gate, Yang Lei couldn't help frowning. There were traces of blood and fighting in the villa, which meant that the plot had already begun.

However, according to the information he got from the group just now, it was clear that Erza and the others just arrived here not long ago. It stands to reason that he should be able to catch up with their gathering at such a fast speed?


At this moment, a huge battle sound came from a distance.


Yang Lei raised his hand to cover Geely's eyes, his speed was too fast, and he was afraid that Geely would feel dizzy if he couldn't stand it.

After coming out of the villa, Yang Lei rushed in the direction of the sound at the fastest speed.

. . . . . .

"Are you all that strong?"

In an open space some distance from the villa, the place became a mess due to a war.

At this moment, the Six Demon Generals were standing around looking at the so-called coalition forces they had knocked down, and they couldn't help but show disdain.

Especially since all six of them have done their best, and they continued to fall asleep at midnight, but it was only five of them who knocked these people down, too scumbag, right?

"Kill them all?"

Angel asked, and really opened the door of the protoss carving pedestal and took out a gun-type weapon that could shoot and shoot lasers to kill those who were defeated.

The people who fell to the ground were the coalition forces assembled to deal with the Six Demon Generals, namely Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Harpy from the Fairy Tail Guild.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

One Night of the Blue Pegasus, Hibiki Laitis, Ivan, Lian.

Jura, Leon, Shirley of the Scales of the Snake Princess.

And Wendy and Xia Lulu from the Demon Cat's Nest.

At this moment, even the cute little girl Wendy and the kitten Xia Lulu were injured and fell to the ground.

"How could this be?"

Jula's injuries were even more severe than others. According to him, he was secretly slapped by Angel's Protoss who pretended to be Angel's overnight when he was in the villa, and he heard him muttering in disbelief: "The gap How can it be so big?"

There is no such thing as a fair fight between mages, either the winner lives or the loser dies.


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