After leaving Rune City, everyone could only choose to spend the night on the road. Fortunately, they were not pampered people, so it didn't matter.

After three days, they finally came to the front of the capital.

"Since you are here, I will go back."

Ed Lucy really did what she said. She personally sent Yang Lei and the others outside the capital city before saying goodbye to them. She turned around and walked back on the same road alone.

"Next, let's make a scene."

Natsu shouted without hesitation. He has regained his strength and has a lot of confidence, or should I say, he has always been such a neurotic person.

"Then kill it."

Yang Lei didn't stop Natsu. He looked up at a floating island hanging high above the capital, especially the huge magic crystal on it. The corners of his mouth outlined a cold arc, and he opened his personal space and took out two shallow ones. beat.

"As I said, since I dare to attack our guild, I will destroy your kingdom."

"Swastika, the residual fire sword." "Swastika, the big red lotus ice wheel pill."

Yang Lei didn't have the slightest intention to show mercy, and he came up with a double-knife solution, and the power of the two knives he chose was terrifying.

Natsu was taken aback by Yang Lei's movement here, especially the residual fire sword in his hand. Although he smelled the flames, it was very sweet and delicious, but he didn't dare to taste it easily. He felt it from the flame of the blade. crisis.

"Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Xia Lulu, Hubby, and Geely, I'm going to act alone next."

Yang Lei explained to Natsu and the others: "Be careful yourself, I will attract most of the enemies, try your best to find a way to rescue your companions."

Why didn't Yang Lei stop Natsu's shouting?Because he wants to make a bigger noise than him.

In fact, he wanted to start killing people as early as in Rune City before, but the real culprit was in the capital. He was not used to hitting dogs, but more accustomed to hitting masters.

Now that he has come to the capital, 077 will naturally not be polite any more. He directly draws his sword and ignores the guards in front of the city gate. After explaining to Natsu and the others, he walks in the direction of the city gate.


Yang Lei's posture of drawing his sword will definitely cause trouble. Unless the guards in front of the city gate are blind, they will definitely stop him and ask a question or two.



Yang Lei didn't hesitate or couldn't bear it at all, he just slashed out with one knife. A huge sword pressure not only cut off the bodies of the guards in front of him, but also smashed the entire gate behind him into pieces.

Seeing that Yang Lei was so mighty and domineering, Natsu and the others looked at each other in dismay, and even Geely didn't follow, because she knew that she would only become a burden to follow now.

If it was okay before, she could hide in Yang Lei's arms, or stand on his shoulders while holding his ears tightly.

But now, can't let Yang Lei kill the enemy while holding a [-] meter big black cat?

"What shall we do?"

Lucy and Wendy all turned their attention to Natsu. Natsu was the strongest right now, so he wanted to hear his opinion.

"Wait a moment."

Natsu raised his hand and made a gesture of waiting, turned his head to look in the other direction, and muttered: "I seem to smell Gajiru."

Just as he was talking, he saw a familiar figure turn from a street corner not far away, who else could it be if it wasn't Gajiru. .

0403 Open the killing ring!

Gajiru obviously knows more, at least he knows that he can use dragon slayer magic to restore his comrade who has been turned into a magic crystal, because he has already tested it.

"Who did you restore?"

Natsu asked Gajiru curiously.

"It's Erza and Gray."

Gajilu replied, raised his hand and pointed in the direction Yang Lei was heading, and continued: "They were in the square over there before. The two are one by one, should it be said that they are too strong?"

"I see."

Natsu breathed a sigh of relief, since even Erza had recovered, and together with Gray and Yang Lei, these three people could definitely turn the entire capital into chaos.

"Where are we going next?"

Natsu threw the question that Lucy and the others threw to him just now to Gajiru.

Gajiru scratched his hair in confusion, thinking that I would know where you are going, and said, "I don't know where you are going, anyway, I have to find a way to get to that floating island in the sky, there. There is a larger magic crystal waiting for me to rescue."

"Then let's go together."

Natsu thought to himself that we didn't know what to do anyway, and Yang Lei asked us to rescue our companions, so let's act together.

Immediately, the four people flew under the three cats and flew to the floating island in the sky.

Look at Yang Lei again.

After slashing several city gate guards and the huge city gate with one knife, all the pedestrians around fled, knowing that Yang Lei was definitely going to make trouble, so he didn't dare to provoke him.

Stepping on the broken city gate that fell to the ground and came to the royal capital, Yang Lei naturally wouldn't go to trouble the residents of the royal capital. He hung his knives at both sides of his body and walked towards the palace.

If he can, he doesn't want to make too much murder, after all, he has to look at the face of Mistgun.

So his primary goal is the palace. As long as he kills the king, this farce should be over. At least the kingdom will definitely be in chaos for a while, or even disintegrate.

Of course, if he encounters someone who can't open his eyes on the road, he will be rude.

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