The tragedy at the city gate was soon known to senior officials.

At this time, in the palace, on two separate battlefields, four people were fighting fiercely against each other. One of them was two identical Elsa, while the other two were Gray and Sugarboy.

"Has another enemy appeared 々〃?"

Seeing that the battle here is not over yet, Hughes, who is also a senior general, shrugged and muttered unhappily: "If this is the case, then I have to deal with it, really, I would like to see more Ailu. What about Sha and Sugarboy's performance?"

While complaining indignantly, Hughes left here slowly, and a large number of the Kingdom's army came to greet him in the direction of Yang Lei.

Soon, the troops led by Hughes met Yang Lei.

"Just one person?"

Hughes grinned straight, waved his hands and seemed to be unmotivated, and his opponent ordered: "Let him solve it for me."


Since a team of soldiers rushed out, they were about to besiege Yang Lei.

"Just so many people?"

Yang Lei snorted softly, and there was no mercy in his hands. A team of soldiers who stepped and attacked passed by by mistake. When he came to Xius, he only heard the sound of falling to the ground. ringing around.

Not only the soldiers who attacked, but also the soldiers standing by behind Seuss died.

In other words, it was just a breathless scene, and Hughes who came with a large group of troops was the only bare commander left.

"how can that be?"

Hughes exclaimed, he is not someone who has no ability, otherwise he would not be able to become a senior general.

At the same time, his psychological quality is also very high, and he will not lose his temper like this because all his subordinates are dead.

In fact, Yang Lei had opened a hole in his body, and his heart had been pierced, so he was shocked, and he didn't even know how he died.

"Remember how I look."

Yang Lei said softly to Hughes: "If you feel wronged, you can come back to me when you become a Specter, and then I will kill you again."

After finishing speaking, Yang Lei chopped off Hughes' head with a knife. He never gave the enemy a chance, so beheading is the safest way. Did you leave yourself a hidden danger?

After killing Hughes, Yang Lei continued to step on the corpse and walked towards the direction of the palace.

There were originally some people watching from a distance on the street, but at this time they turned into birds and beasts and disappeared.

Yang Lei is too terrifying, and his actions are as unpredictable as ghosts, and no one can guarantee that the other party will not give him a knife before he realizes it.

Going forward, after Yang Lei killed Hughes and his troops, there were still enemies who dared to come and kill him, but this time there were no senior generals leading the team.

There were only a few high-ranking generals in the capital, first Ed Erza was one, then Hughes and Hugeboy.

By the way, there is also one of the transcenders who is also one of the high-ranking generals, named Lili, but he doesn't seem to be in the palace now, but has received an order to guard the huge magic crystal in the sky.

In other words, Riley is destined to meet Gajiru, which is inevitable.

But now, Lili is gone, Hughes is dead, the battle between Ed Erza and Erza is not over yet, and the battle between Hugboy and Gray is even worse. Admiral' ah.

In fact, there are two senior officials in the palace, one is Chief of Staff Bai Luo, and the other is Chief of Staff Assistant Coco.

It's just that they are both civil servants. Leading troops to fight is not their job, and they are not good at it. In the end, they can only continue to send troops to encircle and suppress Yang Lei.

Good guy, this is really constantly delivering food. Yang Lei is constantly withdrawing troops wave after wave, and he is about to become a big devil.

In fact, he has been defined as a big devil, at least the current kingdom and king have not lost popular support, so Yang Lei, who is against the kingdom, is obviously the enemy of the kingdom (of Zhao).

Don't look at the people who hide and hide, because they are afraid of being destroyed by him. At this time, they are not sure how to curse.

But they don't think about it, why don't you allow others to resist when you hurt others for your own sake?

Yang Lei doesn't care, as long as someone dares to stand in front of him, there is nothing else, there is only one end, and that is certain death.

It wasn't until there was no King's Army in front of him that dared to appear, and when Myster Hill blocked his way, Yang Lei paused.

"."Mistgaon, which is your position?"

Yang Lei looked at Mistgang, he was the one who showed his favor to him before, so Yang Lei was willing to read his old love.

It's just that the relationship is the same, and he doesn't owe Mistakes anything. If he really is on the wrong team, he doesn't mind sending him on the road.

Mistgun sighed lightly and said, "I apologize for what the kingdom and my father have done, but I am still willing to stand on Edras's side."

0404 Break into the palace!

"In that case."

Faced with Mistake's choice, Yang Lei was not surprised. He lifted the knife in his hand and asked, "Are you choosing to be my enemy? Or what do you want to do?"

Misgaon said that his position was on the side of Edras, not the kingdom, so Yang Lei did not rush to take action, but asked his plan.

"I want to change this country, but I just can't think of any way, and I don't have the slightest power to do that."

Misgun smiled bitterly. He really didn't want the kingdom to hurt other people for the so-called magic power, otherwise he wouldn't have been blocking the appearance of Anima.

However, he couldn't do it. After all, the king of the kingdom was his father, not him. He was just a prince of the kingdom.

At the same time, he can't think of a way to save the country. What can he do?He is also desperate.


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