Ed Elsa was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned blue and white. She is not a real fool, and she may have never noticed it, but she felt that the duty of a soldier is to obey orders and defend the family and the country to eradicate the enemy.

But now even the prince is an enemy, which makes her a little confused.

"Stop it, Ed Erza."

Edgerard is now learning how to use Yang Lei to use the prefix Ed to distinguish two Erzas, and asked Ed Ersha: "This country has gone astray, and I need your help."

The spear in Ed Erza's hand has been lowered unconsciously, but she didn't realize it, with a blank look in her eyes, she asked Edgerard: "But, if you don't do this, the kingdom Where is the way out?"

"Magic is not necessary."

Edgerard used what Yang Lei had just said to persuade Ed Erza, and promised in a loud voice: "I am willing to lead the kingdom to find a new way out, even if there is no magic power, this world will not If we die, we can still live happily."

"Can it really be done?"

Ed Erza finally completely lost her will to fight.


Edgerard nodded.

Seeing that Ed Elsa had lost her fighting spirit, Elsa took a breath of relief and removed her armor while walking towards Yang Lei.

Said to be armor is just a reputation, in fact, it is just a piece of rags, barely able to block the light, let Yang Lei look straight at the flower.

"Why did you get sucked into Edras too?"

Erza ignored the communication between Ed Erza and Edgerard, and stood in front of Yang Lei and looked at Yang Lei curiously.

Yang Lei shrugged, used the excuse he had told Natsu and Wendy before and used it again, and then asked a little resentfully, "By the way, is that Ed Erza that strong?"

Elsa was stunned for a moment, she didn't react a little, if someone who had experience in love could hear it, Yang Lei's words had a sour taste, like a jar of old vinegar was knocked over.

It's a pity that Elsa is just a blank piece of paper. Although she likes Yang Lei and even confessed it, she can't hear Yang Lei's strangeness.

"She's strong."

Erza said something, she still recognized Edras's own strength, and subconsciously boasted: "As expected, it's me."


Yang Lei, who had a face full of resentment before, even before walking with Edgerard, suddenly burst into laughter.

The main reason is that Erza said this kind of boastful words with a serious look on her face, which is really too happy.

Elsa blushed, and quickly wanted to explain that she was not bragging, but praising Ed Elsa.

While the two were laughing, Edgerard finally convinced Ed Erza.

"Let's go."

Edgerard came to Yang Lei's side with no hesitation or unbearable expression on his face, and said firmly, "Let's go to the 'General', this farce should end here."


Yang Lei put away his joke with Erza, looked up at the sky, and saw that the battle on the floating island in the sky was over. Although Magnolia Town had not returned to its original state, those magic guides who belonged to Fairy Tail The soldiers have recovered more than half.

"It's time to end."

Yang Lei muttered, this is the capital of the king after all, since he has the means to capture the thief first, then don't let his companions take risks and start a war with a large number of the kingdom's army.

"I seem to have seen auspiciousness."

Elsa retracted her look-up posture, and said to Yang Lei with some puzzlement: "It's just that she looks like she's getting fat."

"That's not getting fat."

Yang Lei smiled wryly, sometimes Elsa is really cute off-line.

A group of four came together, with Yang Lei and Edgerard walking in the middle, and the two of them followed an Elsa. It looked a little weird, but it was surprisingly harmonious.

On the way to the king, Yang Lei and the others also met Gray who had already defeated their opponents.


Gray wasn't in a good state, but he wasn't seriously injured, unlike his opponent who couldn't stand up.

"Let's make a big fuss with us."

Yang Lei took Gray with him, and the group of five continued to rush forward. After not far, they finally came to the deepest part of the palace.


In front of a tall and heavy palace gate, Yang Lei and the five worked together to open the gate. When they entered the palace and looked again, they saw that the huge palace was actually covered with guards.

No wonder they encountered interception before, but after encountering Shuang Erza, no enemy has appeared again. It turned out that they were called here.


"It's useless to gather people together."

Yang Lei walked to the front of the five people, looked up through the guards in the middle, looked at the old king at the innermost, and shouted loudly: "Old man, if you are willing to come over and die, these people will still have a small life. , otherwise, I will send them to your funeral."


The Praetorian Guard is the Praetorian Guard, and it must be the elite of the elite who can stand by the emperor's side. They were not shaken by Yang Lei's words, but rushed up because of his words.

It seems that the old king has already arranged the task, as long as Yang Lei and the others come in, they will kill them, otherwise they will not be so straightforward.

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