
Yang Lei snorted coldly, was he actually underestimated? I saw that he slapped his hands lightly, and with the position where the five of them stood as the center, countless dense sharp soil thorns suddenly sprang from the surrounding ground.


The guards who rushed forward with a cold face were caught off guard, and the densely packed army formation was instantly sent to the ceiling, and they were tied into meat skewers by these soil thorns.

Seeing that Yang Lei killed so many people as soon as he shot, Edgerard couldn't help showing a sad expression. He was kind, otherwise he wouldn't have defected from the country and ran to Aislandon to stop the Anima who was constantly trying to open. .

But he also knows that the change of the country is inseparable from blood and force, especially the old king's control of the kingdom has reached a terrifying level. Unless he dies, Edgerard can't take power at all.

"Everything is for the kingdom."

Edgerard said to himself in his heart, forcing the woman's benevolence to look at Yang Lei through the 'meat skewers' to the old king.

However, when he saw the picture of the old king's head being smashed by Yang Lei's slap, he couldn't help but close his eyes. .

0406 Yang Lei's Guidance

"Is this what you call a riot?"

Gray complained in the back: "I might as well just stay outside and have a rest, because even if I come, I have nothing to do."

When he saw so many Janissaries ambushing here before, he was ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, Yang Lei solved all the enemies with just a slap, and all his preparations became useless.

Yang Lei shook his head with a smile, beckoned to a few people, and when they came over, he said to Edgerard, "I'll go out with your father's body in a moment, and then you can be your king with peace of mind. already."

"That's a little thing."

Although Edgerard was sad, after all, the old king was his father, but now is not the time to talk about this, he said: "I will turn off the Anima in a moment, and run the Anima in reverse to send all the magic. When you get to Eslandon, you will be able to go back to "Three Nine Three"."

"I will destroy all Anima devices and blueprints afterwards, and the two continents will be permanently separated."

"By the way, you said you wanted to help me change this country, so I want to ask, what can you do to help us?"

Yang Lei had indeed agreed to Edgerard's request before, so he nodded, opened his personal space, took out a pile of books from it, and threw it on the ground.

"These are books I got from other worlds. It is a world without magic power. They are taking the route of technology. You can refer to them."

This is when Yang Lei was in the world of death, when he was kicked out of the soul world and stationed in the world, he bought it from those bookstores. When he bought it, he bought not only story books and comic books, but even low-level to high-level science textbooks. Not less, let's put it this way, if he wanted to, he could have been admitted to the postdoctoral degree.

I've always heard people say a double degree or something, so what does this double degree mean?

In fact, double material means two kinds, and three materials means three kinds.

As for Yang Lei's full materials, what he said is that he can get all the degrees that can be taken, but he is too lazy to take the exam, and it is meaningless.

Yang Lei is not short of money, and he does not pay attention to the so-called reputation and status. It is better to practice more when he has time.

He has always understood why he can be so carefree, because he has a strong strength, so he doesn't need to look at anyone's face, and he doesn't need to worry about the strength of the enemy, as long as he is stronger than the enemy.

Therefore, reading is just one of his hobbies, and he never thought about what he could gain through reading. His real reliance is his own ability from beginning to end, which is unchanged from time to time.

But for the current Edgerard and Edras Continent, these books can point them to a new direction.

Yang Lei didn't talk big before, magic is really not important, for people, life is the most important.

In fact, for the people of this world, they themselves cannot use magic power like Aislandon Continent, but have to use magic items as a medium.

In this way, it is actually very similar to the type of modern technology.

It's just that this continent doesn't seem to have modern oil or anything, maybe there is, but no one has explored or paid attention to it.

But it doesn't matter, the most important thing is the use and development of electricity. As long as people in this continent can make achievements in the electrical department, I believe they will soon be able to find a substitute for magic.

Anyway, they just need magic to make life easier. After they have mastered a certain degree of electrical knowledge, I believe they will find that electricity is more convenient and easier to master than magic.

Yang Lei briefly explained the development and research of the electrical department in modern times to Edgerard, which gave him a refreshing feeling.

"This is just great."

Edgerard hugged Ed Erza excitedly, and shouted excitedly, "The kingdom is saved."

It's not that he is too rude, but that the world's dependence on magic is too great.

For example, in modern times, when human beings are familiar with modern technology, suddenly one day the earth returns to ancient times. Even if there is no threat of large predators, it is very uncomfortable to just lack those high-tech products.

This kind of psychology can only be realized by the parties involved, and others will not understand.

Aside, Erza saw Ed Erza and Edgerard, who looked exactly like her, hugging each other, her face blushed inexplicably, and she looked at Yang Lei expectantly.

At the end of the previous Six Demon Generals, Yang Lei said that he had to think about it, and showed that he had fallen in love with her, but he had to try again. If he couldn't forget it, they could finally come together. .

Erza is looking forward to that day. It's not that she doesn't know how to be reserved, but she knows how to cherish the present better than other girls and is more brave...  

After explaining to Edgerard some more about the direction of the electrical department and high-tech development, Yang Lei and the others were about to say goodbye.

It's just that because Erza and Gray both have counterparts in this world, they really don't want to get caught up in others' injustice, so they could only separate from Yang Lei in the end.

Don't forget that Yang Lei still has another task, that is, he has to show the old king's body to the people outside the palace to let them know that the king killed himself and has nothing to do with Edgerard.

As I said before, the old king's control of the country has reached a terrifying level, otherwise, he would not dare to easily attack the idea of ​​a transcender.

You must know that the transcendence in this world is a god-like existence, especially the Queen of Transcendence Shaggart.

However, in order to obtain eternal magic power and in order to avenge the transcendence's disdain for himself, the old king dared to fight the transcendence's idea. It can be seen that he is not afraid that the people will rebel or panic, and he is sure of that.

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