Yang Lei will use these seven years to verify his intentions. If he still can't forget Erza, he will not run away, just like Rukia, even if he doesn't know how to explain to Hinata and the others later, he I would still marry Erza first.

For everyone, if they can successfully defeat the demon heart and escape from the hands of Akunorokia, their strength and willpower will definitely be sublimated.

"Hope you can get through this difficult time."

Yang Lei watched the ship finally arrive at Tianlang Island, and then turned around and left with the other guild members who came to see him off.

Yang Lei is not worried about everyone. If everyone is really destroyed by Akunorokia, he can completely change the past with the power of time and the ability of Tsukishima.

That's why he dared to turn around and leave, because he was afraid that if he continued to stand here, he would definitely be unable to help himself, and it would be completely ruined.

Returning to Magnolia Town from Harrugion City, and after returning to the guild, Yang Lei was no longer in a hurry to take on the task. He was asked by Makarov to watch the house, at least before Makarov returned, he Will never leave this town again.

Today's Yang Lei is not an ordinary person, but has taken up the position of acting president, that is to say, before Makarov came back, he was the president of the guild.

"Is it interesting?"

Yang Lei felt a little fresh.

. . . . . .

The next morning, some newspapers urgently published a major incident. Sirius Island was attacked by a black dragon, and the entire island was sunk.

Everyone knows that Heavenly Wolf Island is the holy place of the Fairy Tail Guild, and according to the reliable news and rumors, it was the S-level mages promotion assessment of the Fairy Tail Guild at that time, that is to say, the main force of the Fairy Tail Guild has been fully The army was wiped out.

With the publication of this newspaper, the entire kingdom of Fiore felt like an earthquake broke out.

The many guilds in the original Fiore Kingdom were led by Ghost Dominator and Fairy Tail. They were the two strongest guilds and the main force against the Balam Alliance.

But now, after the ghost master was dispersed by the demon tail, even the main force of the demon tail was wiped out, which is difficult for many people to accept.

Of course, there are also some small guilds who were not well-known and very happy, this is a good opportunity for them to rise.

Fairy Tail Guild, the usually bustling hall looks very low and sad. Although the people who stayed do not want to believe this result, but if even Sirius Island was bombed into pieces, then I ask, what will the people above be? end?

At this moment, Yang Lei pushed in the door from the outside. Seeing that everyone's mood was very low, he shook his head and didn't say much. He walked to the bar and sat down by himself. A cup of self-drinking up.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

It's not that he doesn't want to boost everyone's morale, it's mainly that he really hasn't done this before.

Another, in fact, this Yang Lei is not the body, but a clone of Lunhua's detachment.

The real body had already arrived at Harrugion City at this time, and walked on the surface and quickly rushed to Sirius Island.

After arriving at the original location of Sirius Island, Yang Lei saw the truth with just a glance. He saw a spherical space the size of a water drop protecting the entire Sirius Island. Among them, Sirius Island and his party Although the person was seriously injured, it was not life-threatening.

And the time inside has also been stopped. Unless the magic is lifted, the time inside will always stop at this moment.


"I'm relieved of that."

Yang Lei breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't slept all night last night because he was worried that Elsa and the others were really in crisis.

Fortunately, they still came over, although the injuries seemed to be heavier than those in the original book.

Not only that, but Laxus also rushed over just like in the original book, which made Yang Lei feel relieved. For his previous mercy, Laxus did not lose the chain.

"Let's go back."

After he was relieved, Yang Lei turned around, put away the kaleidoscope he used to see through the space just now, got up and hurried in the direction he came from.

"I haven't practiced since I came to Fairy Tail, and I've been bothered by many things. I just took advantage of these seven years to practice hard."

On the way, Yang Lei muttered to himself, he has not practiced for a long time, it is time to pick up the practice that has fallen.

Anyway, nothing will happen in these seven blank years, so why waste this great time.

Yang Lei planned to be beautiful, and felt that he would be able to live the life he wanted in the future. After getting up in the morning, he would practice hard for a day wearing a weight, and then wait until [-] o'clock in the evening to read a book for two hours, and then wait until [-] o'clock in the evening. Sleep, how beautiful.

However, one morning a few days later, the arrival of an invitation letter disturbed Yang Lei again.

"Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Conference?"

(PS: Geely was taken to Sirius Island by Erusa, and Lili followed him alone because he was worried about Geely, because he could write a lot of words, and I deleted it later, so I’ll just mention it here.. .) .

0411 Crocus, Snowy

"President, are you planning to participate in that big devil fight?"

On this day, in the hall of the Fairy Tail Guild, a group of people left behind looked at Yang Lei with an unbelievable expression on his face.


Yang Lei nodded, and there was an invitation letter on the table in front of him. This was an invitation to Fairy Tail for the first Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Conference.

Yang Lei also didn't expect that the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Meeting would be held a few days after the incident on Sirius Island. Fortunately, he had a clone to do it for him, otherwise he would be disturbed in his practice.

In other words, in fact, his main body is still practicing at home, so he is too lazy to pay attention to this conference. At this time, it is only his clone who announced this in the guild.

In Yang Lei's big villa, he used his imagination to remodel the living room upstairs, and then used his imagination to make a load for himself, and began to practice the day after returning from Sirius Island.

Imagination is really an ability that goes against the sky, and it is also very helpful to "[-]".

For example, now, he has turned the living room into a sports room, and there are all kinds of sturdy equipment in it, which is much better than the effect of practicing alone in the open space.

The weight-bearing equipment is also better than before. The suit he wears weighs more than [-] tons, and it is evenly distributed throughout the body, which allows him to get the maximum effect of his cultivation.

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