In the guild, his clone will not be affected at all, just like his incarnation outside the body, with all the strength and ability of Yang Lei.

"But the president."

Facing the situation announced by Yang Lei, Makao and others seemed a little worried. Although they knew that his strength was very strong, they were very weak.

In other words.

"If you really insist on participating in the Great Demon Fight, we can't help you."

Because the Heavenly Wolf Island was destroyed, the people above were rumored to be dead, and Yang Lei's acting president was able to become a regular, and everyone recognized him very much.

"It's ok."

Yang Lei waved his hand, and seemed indifferent to everyone's concerns, and said, "It's enough for me to participate alone, and I want everyone to know that Fairy Tail will not fall or decline, it is still the strongest guild. "

Hearing Yang Lei's words, everyone looked at each other, looking a little excited and moved.

Yang Lei is definitely not doing this for himself. His strength has already been affirmed. As long as he has time to go to the council to take the magic test, he can become one of the ten magicians at any time, but he is too lazy to go.

And who did the decline of the Fairy Tail affect the most?

Needless to say, it must have had the greatest impact on the wizards below.

If the guild is not good, they will be looked down upon by others when they go out to do tasks. Only when the guild is strong will others dare not provoke them.

"It's decided."

Yang Lei spoke again, and said with a firm voice, "I will participate in the Great Demon Fight and Martial Arts this time. You just need to stay at home and wait for the good news."

In the face of Yang Lei's insistence, everyone no longer persuaded him, but asked him to pay attention to safety.

In today's Fairy Tail Guild, Yang Lei is the only one whose strength is above the S rank, unless Mistgang can come back from Edras.

If Yang Lei encounters another accident, it is conceivable that the guild will definitely decline.

Yang Lei just laughed without saying a word, thinking that you are worried, I am not the main body, and the main body can summon another clone at any time when I die.

Besides, my strength is already invincible in the world. At least in the current Fairy Tail world, no one is my opponent, so what will happen?

It's just that everyone is well-intentioned after all, and he nodded in appreciation.

In the afternoon of that day, Yang Lei said goodbye to everyone and was about to set off on the road.

Before leaving, he entrusted the guild to Makao as the acting president, and warned everyone, if possible, not to rush to take on the task in a short time, but to wait for him to bring back the good news before going out.

As everyone thought, only when the guild is strong will they be respected when they go out, otherwise, they will be looked down upon when they do tasks.

In this way, Yang Lei sat on the road leading to Krokas by himself and was going to participate in the first Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Conference.

. . . . . .

Krokas, this is the name of a city that is also the capital of the kingdom of Fiore.

The news of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Conference has been widely spread through the newspapers and magazines, which has brought a large number of tourists to Krokas, and it is almost overcrowded.

Fortunately, some really expensive high-end hotels still have many rooms, which prevents Yang Lei from sleeping on the street.

After booking a room at a high-end hotel called Crocus Garden Hotel, Yang Lei did not stay in the room to rest, but walked on the street.

Originally, Lun Hua's detached clone would not transmit memory back to the main body, and similarly, the damage to the clone would not affect the main body.

But later, Yang Lei improved Lunhua's detachment. Except for the damage, all the insights of the clone will be received by the main body, which makes the clone have one more task, which is to taste more food in Krokas. . . .....

The main body is cultivating hard at home, but I don't have time to go out, but Yang Lei is also a foodie, so he will ask his clone to eat more food, which is also speechless.

Walking on the street, the clone really wandered, mainly browsing various snacks and so on.

He is Yang Lei's avatar, and if the main body is a foodie, then he will naturally not be exempt.

"smell good."

Walking on, suddenly, a little girl with white hair caught his attention.

The little girl was wearing shabby clothes. She was lying outside the window of a small shop, staring at the food with saliva hanging from the corners of her mouth, but she could not smell the aroma, but she couldn't help but give out a good-smelling compliment, as if It was as if she had eaten it.


Yang Lei raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect to meet Xuenai here, and she was so young that she looked like she was only ten years old.

In fact, Xuenai is already eleven years old, and after seven blank years, she will be eighteen years old. It is only because of perennial malnutrition that she is so young.

"Want to taste it?"

Yang Lei stepped behind Xuenai, ignoring her shabby clothes and messy body, squatted beside her and pointed to one of the cakes and asked.

Xuenai's eyes lit up at first, then she looked at Yang Lei vigilantly, pouting and not speaking.

Yang Lei laughed, but he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart. He didn't know what happened to Xuenai, and he didn't know how she wandered here, let alone what she and Kong Nai encountered, why they grew up Lost and homeless.

But it doesn't matter, since Sora can't save him, let's try to see if he can help Yukino, even though Sora killed him.

Xue is a pitiful child, why did Yang Lei show mercy to Kong Nai before?It's because he understands Yukino too well and wants her sister to warm her heart.

After all, before crossing, he was an orphan.

Xue Nai is luckier than him, at least she still has a sister, but it is a pity that they have been separated forever.

(PS: From Yukino's 'I have never been needed', and facing the invitation of the public guild to say 'I am happy even if it is a fake', I designed Yukino to be a wandering orphan, because she Was indeed homeless at the time of being kicked out of the Sword-Bite Tiger...).

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