Yang Lei nodded indifferently. Originally, he just wanted to learn this magic, and planned to open the second magic source for Ersha and others after he went back.

Now that he heard that Urrutia wanted to open up for himself, he did not refuse, and there was a faint expectation in his heart.

His strength is already strong to the level of defying the sky. If he can open another magic power container, it will be of great help to him as a whole.

Although Yang Lei's strength could not be multiplied by two instantly, it could at least be multiplied by one-and-a-half.


Urrutia nodded. When she heard Yang Lei mention the second magic source, she knew that the purpose of the other party to find her must be this. Several magic circles were condensed, and after letting Yang Lei take off his shirt, a magic pattern was engraved on his body.

"It may be painful, please bear with it."

Urrutia reminded Yang Lei, otherwise she was afraid that the other party would mistakenly think that she was attacking him.

"It doesn't matter."

Yang Lei shrugged nonchalantly, and continued to sit there without a trace of pain, his eyes quietly opened his pupils, staring closely at Urrutia as she quickly grasped the principles of her magic.

The duration of the magic will soon end.

"This is the end?"

Seeing that Uluti 4.6 Ya had put away the magic, Yang Lei looked down at himself in a puzzled way. When his eyes passed through the flesh and saw the inside of his body, especially when he could see the flow of magic and chakra under the action of the writing wheel. , and suddenly saw a different scene.

For example, the container used by magicians to store magic power is like a sealed bucket. At this time, there is another container in Yang Lei's body, and the two containers are connected to each other, so magic power or chakra can flow freely. Flows between the two containers without hindrance.

For example, at this time, Yang Lei's chakra, like the sea, was only half reduced in an instant, and half of the second container that was just opened was filled.

In this way, Yang Lei can refine chakra, also called magic power, and he can switch back and forth between chakra and magic power.

"Interesting, I just don't know if it is possible to open the third magic source and the fourth magic source based on this principle?".

0437 Six sources of magic

Yang Lei really didn't expect that such a strong self would be able to activate the second magic source.

The reason he came to Urrutia was to help Erza and the others.

But when he was really turned on by Urrutia's second source of magic, he couldn't help but think again, I am also a human being, of course I have what others have.

For example, the internal organs, others have, it is impossible for Yang Lei to be strong because he does not have it.

Unless he renounces the human body.

But that's impossible, he's always seen himself as human, and he'll never abandon his human identity.

So, in fact, he also has a second magic source, and now it was opened by Urrutia, and his strength has been greatly improved.

Although his attributes have not changed much, the total amount of chakra and magic power has doubled compared to before, just waiting for him to slowly refine and fill it up.

"Since the second magic source can be activated."

Suddenly, Yang Lei, who was watching his own situation carefully, murmured, "So, can we develop a third magic source, or even a fourth magic source, on this basis?"

16 Opposite, Urrutia was just about to raise her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, when she heard Yang Lei's voice, she couldn't help but move for a while. She didn't expect him to have such a terrifying thought.

For mages, magic is their source, as long as there is more magic, their strength will naturally rise.

In fact, ninja and death are also a routine.

For ninjas, if there is no chakra, they are just ordinary people, and even if they consume too much, they will not be as good as ordinary people.

The same is true of death gods, they are nothing without Reiatsu.

And if Yang Lei's idea can become a reality, the magician can open one or two magic sources after opening the second magic source, which will instantly help the magician to double his strength.


"No one has yet discovered that there is a third source of magic in the body of the sorcerer, and the existence of two sources of magic is already the limit."

Urrutia shook her head and sighed.

After discovering the existence of the second magic source, those researchers must also think of the third magic source.

It's just a pity that, after some research, they found that there are only two containers of magic in the human body.

"is it?"

Yang Lei smiled. He already understood what the magic container was all about. It was like the dantian in fantasy novels. To put it bluntly, it was actually a human body, but it was very mysterious.

In this way, Yang Lei has a way to achieve his idea, that is, he can use Yin Escape Chakra to help him make another Dantian.

Yang Lei has always been so decisive.

It's just that even he didn't dare to make jokes about his body, but he called out a shadow clone with a thought, intending to test it on the shadow clone.

Urrutia and Melti were taken aback by Yang Lei's shadow clone, and then they understood that Yang Lei was really going to experiment, and wanted to see if he could open up a third source of magic for himself.

"Is this really possible?"

Urrutia exclaimed in her heart, her eyes staring at Yang Lei's movements, only to find that Yang Lei was not doing anything, just staring at his shadow avatar.

It's not that Yang Lei doesn't do it, but that the shadow clone can carry out the experiment himself. He only needs to watch the process from a third perspective. After the shadow clone dissipates, he can get the experience of the first perspective, and then he can get the conclusion he wants.

Under the attention of Urrutia and Melti, the shadow clone began to act.

I saw that he closed his eyes and mobilized a large amount of chakra to flow back and forth in the original two dantians. This is the formation principle of the induction dantian, as well as the role of dantian.

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