After a while, he finally moved, raised his right hand and pressed it on his lower abdomen, urging Yin Dun Chakra to instantly give birth to another dantian in the middle of the two dantians.

I saw that the three Dantians were overlapped with each other, but their capacity was the same, and the weight of the container would not be affected by the overlap.

"Is three the limit?"

The main body has been staring at the movements of the shadow clone, and at this time, he can't help but let out a sigh. The human body is completely natural, and every change is a kind of destruction.

Just like now, after repeated research, Yang Lei can only overlap three dantians in the end. Only in this way will he not damage his body and affect the function of his dantians.

If he is casually transformed, he is afraid that his body will undergo unpredictable changes, whether it is good or bad, he does not want it.

Moreover, if the opened dantian is unstable, once there is an elemental runaway, I am afraid that he will not be able to bear the consequences, and may be blown to pieces.

Therefore, Yang Lei did not dare to try again. After deduction, he concluded that there can only be three dantians, and this is the limit.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that a person can only have two dantians, and the third one is created by himself using the yin chakra, which is already a big gain.


Yang Lei was not satisfied, he and the shadow clone looked at each other, without him speaking, the shadow clone already understood the idea of ​​the main body.

"The only thing that was transformed just now was the lower dantian."

The shadow clone murmured to himself what the main body was thinking, and raised his hand to press his Tanzhong point, which is in the middle of the two ruts, where the middle dantian is also located.

"Like the second magic source in the lower dantian, in fact, the middle dantian has been abandoned. Not only that, but there is also a second magic source in the middle dantian."

The main body continued the words of the shadow clone, and then nodded at the shadow clone.


He heard a light drink from the shadow clone's mouth, and used the magic that Urrutia had just used to open up his middle dantian and the 253rd second magic source here.

Not only that, but he is very familiar with it. He also used Yin Escape Chakra to create another magic source in the middle of the two magic sources in the middle dantian.

"Six magic sources?"

The shadow clone looked at the main body, and even he couldn't help sighing: "It's too strong, the main body, if we keep going like this, we won't really find the enemy."

"Isn't that our goal?"

Yang Lei laughed, what he wanted was invincibility, otherwise he would have to cultivate his invincible will.

As for the invincible will be empty, empty, lonely, lonely, cold.

Why?Is there no other purpose or pastime in life?Is life all about fighting?

In fact, Yang Lei doesn't like fighting, otherwise he wouldn't want to be invincible, because after being invincible, he won't be able to find an opponent who can fight.

The reason why he wants to be invincible is that he doesn't want to encounter enemies again. Only then can he live the life he wants with his beloved.

Now, as he has successfully opened up five new sources of magic for himself, his ideal will gradually come true, at least a little easier than before.

As long as he fills all the six dantians that have become empty, I believe that his strength will definitely be two to three times stronger than before.

And as his strength continues to improve, the role of the six magic sources will continue to grow.

In other words, he will only get stronger and stronger, and he was much more terrifying before. .

0438 Winning Urrutia's Mother and Daughter


Still in the woods, Yang Lei, who was sitting on the ground, slowly opened his eyes. This is the main body, and the shadow clone has already been put away by him.

"It's done."

The corner of Yang Lei's mouth curled into a satisfied smile. The previous experiment was only a clone, and it was natural to be more cautious when changing to the main body.

Fortunately, there were no accidents during the period, allowing him to successfully open up five major sources of magic for himself.

Opposite, Urrutia and Melti looked at each other, they had already opened the second source of magic, otherwise Urrutia would not be able to do this kind of magic.

It's just that they saw a difference in Yang Lei's body, and vaguely heard some terrifying whispers.

"In addition to the second magic source, he also opened the third, fourth, fifth, and even sixth magic source?"

Melti's voice was full of fear and surprise, and she wanted to ask Urrutia, is this true?

Urrutia swallowed, wanting to believe it or not, but Yang Lei really didn't need to lie to them.


Standing up from the ground, Yang Lei stretched out his hands and stretched his waist. This time he came to find Urrutia, which gave him an unexpected harvest. He couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Fortunately, he didn't kill Urrutia before, otherwise he would not be able to today. won't get that kind of return.

If it wasn't for Urrutia, Yang Lei would never have thought about the second source of magic, and even if he did, he would have to spend a lot of time on his own research.

Now this saves him a lot of time.

"Urutia, Melti."

Because of his gratitude to Urrutia, Yang Lei threw an olive branch to the two women and asked, "Are you free now? Are you interested in coming to our Fairy Tail?"


The two women were startled, not because they didn't hear Yang Lei's words clearly, but because they couldn't believe that he would send an invitation to them.

You know, they were once a member of the Balam Alliance, the Dark Guild, and the enemy of the Magic Council.

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