Well, of course Yang Lei didn't want to mock Wiz, don't get me wrong. . .

Having said that, Barnir is a demon, but he himself does not kill humans, because his rations are not humans or souls, but just the negative emotions of humans.

Therefore, Barnier's attitude towards human beings is that 'Because human beings will have negative emotions that become our food, it is absolutely not good for us to harm the human beings who produce our food.On the contrary, every time a new life is born, our generation will cheer for joy. '

That's right, to be honest, he's actually close to the human side.

It's just that he is a demon after all, and he eats all the negative emotions of human beings. If it is positive emotions, maybe he is not a demon, but an angel.

As a demon, Banir is playful by nature, especially likes to make fun of others, but he doesn't kill easily. The rule is "don't kill human beings".

As a result, Barnier suddenly had a magical idea one day, planning to build a gorgeous underground palace, let the adventurers who worked hard all the way to enter, and at the same time prepare a treasure chest with only an "empty" note at the end.

This kind of prank is sure to be great, and it will make those hard-working adventurers have the greatest negative emotions. Just thinking about it makes him want to fight a cold war.

It's just that the construction of the underground palace requires a lot of money, so Banir cooperated with Wiz, coercing her with the kindness that helped Wiz become the Lich King, and asked her to work for him to make money.

That's not it, he came to see how Wiz's work was going on this day, how much money she had earned in such a long time.

Of course, by the way, he was also asked by the Demon King to help investigate the cause of Beldia's death. Note that it was 'by the way', and at the same time, he was asked to 'please' and 'help' to investigate.

It can only be said that the Demon King is also working very hard.

Speaking of which, this chapter is seriously crooked, ahem. . .

Back to the topic, then, why did Vanir fight the Lich King in Kiel's dungeon?

I think everyone should be able to guess the reason.

That's right, it was Barnir, who was passing by, who took a fancy to this dungeon, thinking it was an unowned thing, and turned around and entered.

As a result, the Lich King was found at the end of the dungeon, and the two of them fought after a few words.

Excuse me, do I need to introduce the background of the Lich King in detail again?Shouldn't it be?

In a word, the Lich King originally had a lover, but she died later, and he became the Lich King under forced circumstances, and because the Lich King could not commit suicide, he had been waiting until today.

As a result, just after he woke up because he felt a huge sacred breath, he found that it was not a high priest who could save him, but a high-level demon from hell.

My God, he wants to go to heaven to be reunited with his lover, he doesn't want to go to hell, damn the devil, get out of here.

Of course, Barnier couldn't get out of the way. After finally picking up a ready-made dungeon, he could open the business with a little arrangement. How could he give up.

In this way, the two started fighting for a while, and even the nearby town of Axel was accidentally affected by the fish pond, at least they were startled.

That's how and why everything happened here.

. . . . . .

Ahem, the text of this chapter starts here.

In other words, the strength of Barnir and the Lich King in that dungeon are basically the same. After all, the Lich King's identity is not weaker than that of Barnir's Hell Duke, and it may even be nobler. He is the king of the undead.

Think about it, compared to a duke or a king, which is more noble?

It's just that the superior demons are formed naturally, and the Lich King is man-made, so there are still some gaps.

Therefore, it is simply impossible for two evenly matched people to decide the winner early.

In this way, until Yang Lei brought the team to the entrance of Kiel's dungeon, he could still hear loud noises and the two people's scolding from time to time.

"By the way, is it already Mr. Yang Lei's team?"

In other words, Sato Kazuma seems to be very concerned about this matter. He has always been very depressed along the way, as if he has lost something very valuable. Yang Lei can't help shaking his head speechlessly, and finally he can only persuade him like this.


Yang Lei raised his hand and patted on Sato Kazuma's shoulder, and he used a little strength, exaggerating to the point that Sato Kazuma's feet would sink to the ground every time he patted. When he stopped patting his shoulders, Sato Kazuma's head sank to about Yang Lei's waist.

Yang Lei was already tall, and he was [-] meters tall when he didn't wear shoes.

And Sato Kazuma wasn't taller than Darkness, who was [-] meters tall, so he had to look up at Yang Lei even more.

Looking at Yang Lei again, he deliberately showed a look of looking down on others on his face, and mocked: "Just you want to grab the captain's status with me? If you continue to be so decadent, I guess you will even qualify as an active player soon. It's all gone."

This is a bit too irritating. You have a total of five people in a team. What's the matter?Do you still want a replacement?What about trouble? .

0742 Enter Kiel's Dungeon

Of course Yang Lei was joking. If he really kicked Sato Kazuma out of the team, is there any need for this team to exist?

"Okay, don't make trouble."

Seeing that they had come to the entrance of Kiel's dungeon, Yang Lei pointed his finger at Sato Kazuma, who had fallen into the ground, and pulled him out with his mind power, just like pulling a carrot.

"Tell me about the team configuration."

Because the battle between Banir and the Lich King took place in the dungeon, Yang Lei decided to go in and deal with them.

In this case, the team will definitely have to go deep into the dungeon.

Originally, they could go down together. After all, there were not many members in the team, only five people.

However, because there is still a Megumin in the team, but this is a dungeon type dungeon. If Megumin couldn't hold back the outbreak, wouldn't they be buried alive together?

It's better not to. Burying it alive sounds terrible.

"Then Yang Lei will stay with Huihui, the three of us will go down."

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