Sato Kazuma has only recovered from his hard-hit state. Of course, he also knew that Yang Lei was joking with himself. When he was shot into the mud just now, he didn't get hurt at all. At the moment, Kazuma, who returned to normal, began to arrange Task.

"It's Kazuma Sato, Kazuma Sato."

Suddenly, without knowing what happened to Kazuma Sato, he raised his head sharply and shouted into the sky.

Hey, even if you shout like that, I'll pretend that I can't hear you, Kazuma Kazuma.

"Well, forget it."

As if giving up on himself, Kazuma Sato turned to look at Aqua and Darkness on the side, especially Aqua, who had an expression of resistance on his face.

"Hey, Aqua, don't forget that you are the ex-girl. If the opponent is the Lich King and the devil, isn't it your specialty? The ex-daughter is what."

Sato Kazuma deliberately stimulated Aqua, and he knew that she would definitely be fooled by her character.


"That's a bold statement."

Aqua instantly burst into tears around her eyes, and shouted at Kazuma Sato in a sad and angry voice: "I am also a goddess now, the current goddess, and what a girl, what can't she be a goddess? Did you say that?”?”

When they were on the task of crusade against the snow elves before, you should have not forgotten that they had met frankly, right?

Although everyone didn't believe it at the time, they were a little mentally prepared. At this time, when they heard the topic of Aqua's self-proclaimed goddess again, they were already immune.

It's not that I don't believe it, but what if I believe it?

Darkness is a follower of the goddess Eris, and Megumin is a member of the Crimson Demons, so they will definitely not bow down to Aqua.

As for Yang Lei and Kazuma Sato, they don't even feel it. In their eyes, even if Aqua is a goddess, she is a mentally retarded and neurotic goddess.

"Okay, don't make trouble."

Darkness suddenly became stable and reliable, but her blushing pretty face and her gradually hurried breathing were so unconvincing.

"You guy."

Before leaving, Kazuma Sato was about to collapse, and before approaching the dungeon, he did not forget to explain Darkness: "Hey, I said Darkness, don't take the initiative to rush to the monster like crazy. In the group, don't take the initiative to go to the center of the battle between Banir and the Lich King."

Darkness rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction and said, "Who do you take me for? I'm not a T-sharp or something, how could I do such a brainless thing."


Everyone present stared at Darkness with the same weird look.


Darkness herself knew what her attributes were, and hurriedly cupped her face with her hands. In other words, would she be embarrassed too?Obviously it is a variable T.

"lets go."

It is not serious to say that there has been a commotion for a while, and it is time to set off.

In the blessings of Yang Lei and Megumin, Sato Kazuma and Darkness took the lead, followed closely by Aqua, who looked suspicious. trace.

Because Yang Lei is related to the pupil technique, he can still easily see the situation in the dungeon. After all, white eyes can see through and see objects, and there is also a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye space eye, which can be folded and not seen. space and the like.

And even if the pupil technique doesn't work, it doesn't matter, he can also use voice positioning to keep an eye on the situation in the dungeon.

Speaking of which, this sound positioning is like the echo waves of a bat, except that Yang Lei's voice is much more powerful than that of a bat.

"Let's go sit there."

Because he could keep an eye on the situation in the dungeon at any time, Yang Lei seemed very calm and calm, turned around and pulled Huihui to an open space beside him and sat down.

As we said before, this dungeon of Kiel is a low-level dungeon open to junior adventurers, and there are many people who come to earn experience and make money.

As a result, a chain reaction has occurred. Under the influence of the years, some sensitive businessmen have brought their goods here, especially the consumables such as food and drink, and the business of mobile hotels that rent tents. most.

It was only because of the recent troubles that it made the surroundings a lot more empty.

But it doesn't matter, even if no one is doing business, there is still space and some seats left, right?

At this time, Yang Lei brought Hui Hui to a bench and let her sit down, then turned around and went to the surrounding woods to quickly get some firewood out.

It was originally the new wood he was cutting now. In order not to emit smoke when burning the fire, Yang Lei deliberately drained and evaporated all the water in it, which turned them into dry and qualified firewood.

Next, Yang Lei quickly built a small firewood pile in front of him and Huihui, and then found pieces of meat skewers that had been skewered in advance from his personal space, and placed them there, just fiddling around like this. Let him create a picnic atmosphere.

".ˇ Isn't that bad?"

Megumin said something a little embarrassed, thinking that the teammates were taking risks in the dungeon, and that they started kebabs. Isn't it too serious?

Yang Lei rolled his eyes, who was he doing this for?

And ah.

"Please swallow your saliva and talk about it." (Manuo Zhao)

Yang Lei pointed at the corner of Megumin's mouth, this girl was drooling immediately.

No way, Megumin is a foodie herself, but she was lucky enough to meet a super chef boyfriend. Not only did she fail to restrain her foodie attributes, but it was even more developed.

Just like now, before eating, just looking at those meat skewers and imagining their deliciousness, Megumin couldn't take it anymore.


At this moment, Yang Lei, who was still leisurely roasting meat just now, suddenly moved, and turned his head to look in the direction of the entrance of the dungeon.

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