"Can you possess the ability?"

Subconsciously, Yang Lei frowned, making Huihui look worried.

"I'll take a look."

Hearing what Yang Lei said, before Megumin could speak again, Yang Lei had disappeared.

Seeing him leave in such a hurry, could it be that something happened that even he could not predict?Megumin couldn't help but think with some worry. .

0743 The wicked Barnier

Before the main text begins, let's go back a little bit of time.

This time, it is from the perspective of the trio of Sato Kazuma as the first point of view.

"Crack, click."

Walking on the dark steps, every time Darkness's steel boots landed on the ground, they would make a crisp sound, which made Aqua very worried that she would attract many people to live underground. Monsters in the city.

Hearing Aqua's worries, Darkness not only did not restrain, but the footsteps tended to get louder.

"Stop it."

Kazuma Sato hurriedly stopped Darkness, who was looking forward to it, and said, "I don't know why, there seems to be no monsters in this dungeon, should I be scared away by the two guys in the innermost? "

Indeed, if the Lich King, the king of the undead, competes with the superior demons of the Duke of Hell level, the aftermath of the battle will be enough to frighten those low-level monsters.

Think about it, Beldia just moved to a nearby castle to live in, and before she came out to wander around, the surrounding low-level monsters had already escaped, not to mention the more powerful Lich King and Vanir. .

"Cut, what a boring dungeon."

Darkness fell down in an instant, put his head on his head weakly and continued to walk with Sato Kazuma.

Sato Kazuma was speechless, he knew that this guy was unreliable, but why didn't he have to find monsters to attack him?This is too changeable, isn't it?

It can only be said that Darkness is not only broken on the outside, but also hopeless on the inside.


Because they didn't encounter monsters along the way, the three of them quickly came to the depths of the dungeon.

At this point, they can clearly feel the two huge breaths.

"Sure enough, it's disgusting, the stench that belongs to the devil, and the rotten smell that belongs to the undead."

Suddenly, Aqua, who had been wearing a frightened expression on her face before, suddenly came back to life perfectly, and regardless of Sato Kazuma's obstruction, she quickly overtook the car and rushed out.

Don't look at Aqua like this and that, but this guy is indeed a goddess. After feeling the breath of demons and lich, how can she stand still, and she came to the last room of the dungeon after a turn. , which is the room where the Lich King slept before.

"Sure enough, it's a demon and a lich."

Aqua stared at the Lich King and Vanir who were standing there face to face with gleaming eyes. She was rude, and her hands radiated brilliant light as soon as they came up, which would purify them both together.

So it's no wonder that her Axis order is so criticized. One is that everyone in the Axis order has a sick head, and the other is that they do what they say. You have to have a reason or an opening statement right?Really speechless.

"please wait."

The Lich King standing opposite quickly opened his mouth to beg for mercy: "My High Priest, I will not resist, because I really want to get redemption and go to heaven to reunite with my lover, that (bgcc), please be sure to redeem me what."

The Lich King is afraid that Aqua wants to destroy it rather than save it. The reason it wants to get redemption is to reunite with the lover in the heaven, not to get free, otherwise, wouldn't it be the same for Banir to send it to hell? ?

After all, Aqua also said at the beginning that the so-called heaven is the kind of place where there is no need to eat and drink, and there is no hunger. At the same time, there are no entertainment activities and no body, so you can't do H things. Speaking of it, it may be better than hell. Heaven is fun.

At least Sato Kazuma said when he died the first time, isn't that hell?

So, the Lich King is really brave. If Yang Lei is replaced, I think his choice must be hell instead of heaven.

Although going to heaven can lead to a peaceful life, he will go mad if he is so boring day after day.

Off topic, back to the topic. . .

Facing the Lich King's request, Aqua couldn't help but be stunned. Even if she was as gentle as Wiz, she didn't want to disappear, but wanted to continue to exist as a human and live leisurely. As a result, the Lich King didn't want to live anymore?This is the first time I've seen it.

And looking at the furnishings in the room, there is indeed a chuang next to it, and there is a female corpse on it. It seems that that is the so-called lover of the Lich King.

"Aqua, you go to solve the problem of Mr. Lich first, and this demon will be handed over to us."

At this moment, Sato Kazuma and Darkness, who were one step behind, also followed. After assigning jobs to Aqua, the two rushed forward.

"Oh hahahaha."

He heard a series of weird smiles from Banir: "Do you want to challenge me, who is a high-ranking demon, in a human form? This is really an interesting idea."

As he spoke, it wasn't like Barnier didn't do anything, and saw that he sometimes took a step to the left and then bent down, as if strolling in the courtyard, he easily gave all the attacks of Sato Kazuma and Darkness. escaped.

"It's so slippery."

Sato Kazuma couldn't help complaining, this guy was so fast that they couldn't even catch the corners of his clothes.

"Oh hahahaha."

The Banier-style laughter sounded again, and the more unhappy the two of them were, the happier he was. After all, it was the devil who came and the negative emotions of human beings were eaten, so his character would definitely be a little more funny.

Besides, Barnier suddenly found the idea of ​​the two of them interesting.

"Hey, that little brother over there, have you been worrying about whether to choose a woman or a man recently?"

(Note: Although Barnier has the ability to see through the minds of others, he can't see through if he is too different from the opponent's strength. For example, because of Yang Lei's relationship, he doesn't even know that Kazuma Sato is because of that succubus. This idea came from the misunderstanding of the dream, that's why I say that.)

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