"And the girl on the other side who not only has abs, but also has a hard brain. Are you worried because you have never been able to find a monster to abuse yourself? Pfft, what are you thinking?"

Speaking of which, even Vanir was taken aback by Darkness's true attributes.

And looking at Sato Kazuma and Darkness, the two have lost their fighting spirit after being hit by Barnier's words.

In particular, Kazuma Sato was hit the hardest. He just misunderstood something before and thought that the succubus had transformed his dream into a dream that he was the heroine, and then the hero was Yang Lei.

It turned out that it was just a dream, which was a sigh of relief, and secretly decided to forget it as soon as possible, and never recall it again in the future.

But things backfired. The more I thought about forgetting it sooner, the more often I remembered it. No, Barnier could see through it at a glance.

There is also Darkness, although her attributes are no longer a secret, at least everyone in the team knows.

But it is still very shy to be told by outsiders like this, and she also said that she has been struggling with something, as if she is looking forward to it, which is too bad, it is really not what a good woman should do.

Fortunately, they came down with not two people, but three people.

"You careless, devil."

At this time, a handsome voice sounded from behind, accompanied by the mysterious BGM that sounded again, Aqua, who had been ignored for a long time, turned around and gave Vanir a ruthless blow after helping the Lich King escape. , and even beat him into a puddle of mud.

Of course, if you are a classmate who knows Barnier, you can definitely guess that, yes, Barnier did not die, because his body is not his body, but the mask he wears on his face.


Hearing the sound of the wind, the black and white mask flew up quickly and hung on Darkness's face accurately.

Because Darkness's physical quality was the best among those present, Banir chose to possess Darkness.

"Do you think you beat me?"

"it's a pity."

Just listen to Banir laughing and mocking Aqua: "It doesn't hurt at all."

"call out."

It was at this time that Yang Lei suddenly appeared here very abruptly.

That's right, the timeline is even connected here. . . .

0744 Collapsed Barnier


In the last room of the dungeon, only hearing Darkness open his mouth and let out a piercing cry of pain made his teammates very worried.

"Darkness." "Darkness." "Darkness."

Kazuma Sato, Aqua, and Yang Lei, who was chasing after him suddenly, called out Darkness's name in unison.

"What kind of breakup is this?"

Among them, Yang Lei couldn't help but secretly complained in his heart. With his strength, he could easily help Darkness out of the predicament. The reason why he came down was just to see the possessive ability of the demon duke named Banir. .

So, he also exclaimed and so on. Could it be a little too fake?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......."

Suddenly, Darkness, who was still standing still, let out a series of laughter, but the laughter and the way of laughing were already Banier-style.

"Adventurers, listen up, under my power."

"What to do everyone, my body is occupied."

As if she was playing a double reed, two different voices came out of Darkness's mouth, one was her own and the other belonged to Barnier.

"How is it? Adventurers, can you attack her?"

"Don't mind at all, or should I say, please do your best to attack me."

Just like before, two voices came from Darkness's mouth.

"It's noisy."

Barnier collapsed, and even the bone-like mask changed its expression, roaring: "What the hell is going on with you?"

Look at the other three around.


Yang Lei, Kazuma Sato, and Aqua were looking at Darkness and the collapsed Banier with a weird expression. In other words, where did the initial tension go?Why does it suddenly seem like some kind of comedian's performance is going on?

"How is it possible, what the hell is going on with this girl?"

Barnier had an unbelievable expression on his face. This may be the first time he has met someone with such tenacious mental strength.

"I'm a role model for the Crusader."

Darkness answered Vanir's question, sounding like she was very proud.

"It's boring, it's boring, it's boring."

Vanir was once again blown away by Darkness's chatter.

Having said that, he has always been a devil to tease others, especially since he can see through other people's hearts, so every word can make others feel at a loss. This is the first time that someone can use language to make him It's so annoying.

"Huh, huh."

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