Barnier forced a smile. Before, he was dissatisfied with seven and eight. He felt that Yang Lei was too arrogant and arrogant.

But now he already knows that people are not arrogant, just telling the truth, as natural as saying 'the weather is fine today'.


Taking a deep breath, Barnier forced himself to calm down.

He is the devil of the superior, and it is impossible to surrender without a fight.

Especially since he's also a so-called Destroyer, someone whose desire is to achieve some kind of death.

So, even if Yang Lei made him invincible, he was still full of fighting spirit...  

Or it should be said that it is precisely because Yang Lei is too strong that he is even more fighting spirit.

"It's been a long time since I've encountered such a fight that makes me feel scared."

Barnier laughed wildly, and also held the sword in both hands, shouting: "Even if I die here, if I die here, it might really be a perfect destination. Whoosh."


I saw that Barnier bravely rushed up again, and this time she no longer used the aristocratic style of Western swordsmanship, but slashed from top to bottom with mighty and decisiveness.

"Yang Lei, be careful."

Sato Kazuma and Aqua, who were still arguing just now, were startled and quickly sounded a warning.

"do not worry."

Yang Lei was very indifferent, took a step back and avoided Barnier's attack, while still saying: "Hezhen, for me, the so-called swordsmanship has no entry-level or master-level distinction at all. The real kendo is not divided into grades, it only depends on the awareness and understanding of kendo."

"Well, maybe you won't be able to comprehend this, so I'll send you three sentences."

"One: Think [I won't let you cut] when you dodge!"

"Two: think [I won't let you die] when protecting others!"

"Third: When attacking, you should [slash hard]!"


As soon as the last word fell, a crisp sound was heard from Darkness's face, and Yang Lei came behind her at an unknown time.


A burst of white fragments 2.6 fell from Darkness's face, and the mask was chopped into pieces by Yang Lei.

In other words, this guy didn't hesitate at all, and he shot when it was time to shoot. Even if Barnir's body was attached to Darkness's face, he still decisively hacked Barnir to death when he took out the knife.

The main reason is that he has absolute confidence and certainty. If it is someone else, he should not be able to be so decisive. After all, Darkness is a girl, and she is quite a beautiful girl. If she accidentally hurt her beauty. Yan will still feel guilty.

"Say it."

Facing the handsome and cool Yang Lei, Sato Kazuma swallowed and glanced at Darkness, who was sitting on the ground reminiscing about the experience just now. He felt relieved when she saw that she had nothing to do, and turned to Yang Lei's back. , silently complained: "Brother, if I remember correctly, we are here for a joke, right? I can't understand some of your hot-blooded secrets...".

0746 Barnier II

With Yang Lei's shot, Barnier, which took four or five chapters, was finally expelled.

Although only Yang Lei and the others were present, there were no outsiders as witnesses.

But it doesn't matter, because the adventurer card also has a recording function, which can record what monsters the adventurer has defeated, so there is no need to worry that the guild will not recognize the account, and they can't fake it~.

In other words, they not only completed the task of solving the dungeon of Kiel entrusted by the guild, but also once again defeated a demon king army officer by the way.

There were only eight cadres in the Demon King's army, but only Yang Lei and the others killed two of them. This strength has already emerged in Axel Town.

No way, this is a novice village after all.

And even on the frontline battlefield against the Demon King's Army, there are not many strong men who can kill the Demon King's army cadres.

Therefore, this time, even the kingdom sent messengers to personally award Yang Lei and the others a medal of honorary knighthood.

Maybe it's because of Darkness's face, otherwise, it's just a verbal praise, and there will never be any medals.

As I mentioned before, Banir's strength is stronger than Beldia, which led to his bounty reaching a full [-] million Eris. In addition, there is a Lich King in Kiel's dungeon. Together, there are [-] million Eris.

As for Yang Lei and his team, there were only five people. When they finally split the money, one person got [-] million Eris, which was a huge sum of money.

That night, Kazuma Sato and the others treated the guests very generously, and the entire Adventurer's Guild was boiling, celebrating their achievements lively.

Then, when they woke up the next morning, Yang Lei and the others regained their calm from the excitement, and seemed to be lower.

"Barnir and Wiz should know each other, right?"

Sato Kazuma said in an uncertain tone.

"After all, Wiz has a good relationship with us."

Megumin seemed rather disturbed and murmured with guilt: "If we let her know that we have attacked another Demon King's army cadre, will she break up with us?"

Aqua curled her lips when she heard the words, but although she still can't communicate with the undead, only Wiz is an exception. After all, Wiz is a good person, very gentle, and has never hurt humans, and the most important thing is that she has many times to help them.

So, Aqua didn't say anything and it was already the biggest improvement.

Otherwise, for her, crusade against demons and slaughter the undead is her responsibility, why would she feel guilty?It would be very generous not to kill Wiz together.

It can only be said that Aqua is actually being changed by everyone. Slowly, she no longer has a twitching head, but has become somewhat flexible, and she doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

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