"Go to Wiz and make it clear to her."

In the end, Darkness made a decision. After all, Banir was killed when he possessed her, and she felt that it was her responsibility to go to the door and explain it to Wiz in person.

"You go."

Yang Lei seemed very indifferent, because he had seen through the essence of Barnir long ago, and knew that Barnir's body was actually in the depths of hell, and that mask was just his body that descended into the world.

Just like the relationship between Eris and Chris, Eris cannot come down like Aqua, so he can only come to the world as Chris.

The same is true for Barnier. He can't come to the world on his own, so he can only use that mask to carry his spirit.

Of course, even so, Yang Lei still has a way to deal with Barnier completely.

It's just that everyone knows about Barnir's character. Apart from being a little bit nasty, this guy has no ill will towards humans, and his code of conduct is not to kill humans.

So, Yang Lei really didn't need to kill him.

In this way, he doesn't have to go to Wiz himself to say anything, anyway, Banier is not dead, it seems that he is still helping in Wiz's shop now, he should not go looking for trouble.

In this way, the team was divided into two teams. Yang Lei and Megumin stayed at home with Dounosuke, while Darkness went to find Wiz with Kazuma Sato. As for Aqua, who knows. Now that she has more money, what is she going to do, maybe she will secretly donate money to her cult?

In other words, compared to Eris, Aqua is really hard as a goddess.

No way, no one called her so unreliable, so her followers were also a group of mentally retarded, and there were even a lot of changes, so she had to worry more about it.

. . . . . .

We don't care about Yang Lei and Huihui's decadence at home. Speaking of which, their usual activities are just like that, either reading a book or accompany Huihui every day, etc. There is really nothing new.

Today I mainly watch the plot of Sato Kazuma and Darkness.

After coming to Wiz's shop, Darkness stood at the door and hesitated for a while, thinking about the words to be said next, and the joy of the time she had been in contact with Vanir.

Like I said before, Darkness and Vanir are really good partners.

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No way, who called Darkness is a super-shaking M. When the mask of Banier dominated her body, the severe and intense pain could only make Darkness happy and excited, but it didn't. It will make her suffer, which is an attribute that even Barnier is shocked by.

Only when she finally summoned up the courage to push open the door of the small shop, Darkness collapsed when she saw that it was Banir whose mask had been chopped up by Yang Lei before.

In particular, Barnier pursued Darkness's shyness and shyness in a nasty manner, causing Darkness to squat on the ground with her face covered.

In other words, Darkness is just shaking M, but in other respects, she is still an ordinary girl, and she is also shy and shy.

In particular, Barnier was able to see through the hearts of others, which made Darkness even more invisible.

... .......

It can only be said that Barnier is really difficult to deal with, so Yang Lei is too lazy to come over, otherwise he is afraid that he will not be able to bear and send this evil demon back to hell again.

Having said that, Yang Lei had already analyzed all of his abilities when he faced off against Barnier before, and it turned out that Barnier's ability to see through other people's hearts was not very good.

What to say.

This turned out to be an ability with side effects. Once used too many times, Banier will be plagued with bad luck. Otherwise, do you think that the reason why the turnover of Wiz's shop has been in deficit all the year round is because she is an idiot? ?

Well, of course, it has a lot to do with Wiz being an idiot, but it also has a lot to do with Vanir.

So Yang Lei thinks that this ability to see through other people's minds by consuming luck is simply useless. After all, he already has the mind-reading skills of Turtle Immortals, so he is too lazy to copy it.

There is also Barnir's possessive ability.

This is more of a tasteless rib, but Yang Lei did not completely reject it. He thought that it might be useful in the future, so he copied it and saved it.

And the rest are like Barnir's killer rays, which are lasers in the eyes or something.

Yang Lei thinks that his pupil technique can also emit lasers, and it is still an advanced pupil technique, especially with the blessing of qi, it is more powerful, so there is no need to make any further improvements.

Just like that, in the end, only one of the legendary Hell Duke Barnier's abilities could be seen by Yang Lei, and he had left it behind, and he couldn't think of when he would be able to use it.

In other words, this Duke of Hell is too pitiful, isn't it? .

0747 Darkness is going on a blind date?

The old rule, after getting another large sum of money, the team was not forced to ask anyone to solve any trouble, no accident, decadence and Zhen once again suspended all the team's activities.

Well, everyone is used to it, so they didn't say anything, they just went their separate ways.

For example, Yang Lei and Huihui, in addition to the daily essential one-shot activities, Yang Lei once again took over his sister-in-law, Xiaomi, and the family of three wandered around every day, not only quickly visiting the small town of Axel , and let the town residents familiar with Xiaomi, a rare child.

In other words, if you only look at the surface and the first contact, Xiaomi is indeed a very interesting and painful child.

But the premise is that she doesn't make a fuss, otherwise she will be a very troublesome master.

Aqua also doesn't know what she is busy with every day, and she seems to have a hangover recently.

In other words, this lady goddess is too that, she actually likes to drink, "Twenty Zero" is also a big drinker, and the wine is not very good, it is really speechless.

As for Darkness, she said goodbye to everyone and went home again.

Her house is not far from here, but recently, because she shared a dormitory with everyone, she hasn't gone back for a while. Taking advantage of the fact that she has nothing to do now, she thought that maybe she should go home and exercise her muscles.

In other words, she was obviously not reconciled when Barnier pointed out that she has strong abdominal muscles, but why does she still want to exercise muscles?

What an incomprehensible person.

By the way, it seems that I forgot to mention decadence and truth.

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