Yang Lei shook his head amusedly and angrily, and then nodded again: "Then go have a look."

0748 Dustinis Mansion

This morning, the five members of the team gathered together and acted together without a mission.

The current situation is that when they are not doing tasks, the five people usually play their own way, except to eat together every night.

No way, first of all, the CP group Yang Lei and Huihui couldn't let others join, not to mention they recently brought a child.

Then Aqua is the most despised one, even Sato Kazuma is reluctant to take her, which shows how bad her popularity is.

It's not that the popularity is bad, but Aqua's mental retardation attribute is too helpless.

As for Darkness's attributes, she was destined to not settle down.

And this time, it was Darkness who brought everyone together again and wanted to ask them to help him solve the problems he encountered.

It's just that Darkness definitely didn't expect that there was someone who not only didn't plan to help her, but was thinking about how to recommend her smoothly.

That person was Kazuma Sato.

According to Sato Kazuma's thoughts, this attack is all MISS, only when pure MT is relatively good, and the Crusader who always likes to rush into the monster pile with a sick head, if this method can be used to get rid of it, it would be great But the thing is.

Of course, if you think about it this way, you don't feel sorry for Darkness.

After all, it's safer to be a husband and teach a child than to be an adventurer, right?

And it is said that the other party is still a noble boy with a perfect personality, isn't that better?

It's just that Darkness obviously doesn't think so, and Yang Lei, Huihui, and Aqua are all here to help her sincerely.

Then there is no way, Sato Kazuma is doomed to have a miscarriage from the beginning.

It's just that he doesn't know it yet, and now he's still thinking about how to recommend Darkness, but he didn't notice the malicious look in Yang Lei's eyes when he looked at him.

. . . . . .

Darkness's house is really not very far from Axel Town. There is a very large manor not far from the town. This is Darkness's home.

The manor Yang Lei bought was big enough, and the villa was not too small. It was as high as a three-story building, and there were a lot of rooms.

But compared with others, it is one in the sky and one in the ground.

Speaking of which, the Darkness family is about to rise to the level of a palace.

In addition, there are swimming pool pavilions in the yard, and specially built flowers, gardens and fish ponds, which only look very expensive.

There are also decorations in the villa and so on. It really deserves to be a big noble.

Well, for Yang Lei, these are all irrelevant. He doesn't bother to care about money and other external things, because he is too rich, after all, he is the creator of Dragon Ball. . .

Because of Darkness's personal leadership, the group did not encounter any obstacles, and went through the gate smoothly and came inside.

In the large villa whose scale was comparable to that of a royal palace, in the reception room, the group saw Darkness's father.

When Darkness followed Sato Kazuma's instructions to show her father that she was willing to accept the blind date arrangement, her old father was moved to tears.

Dustinis Ford Ignis, this is the name of Darkness's father. Let's call it Ignis for short. After all, this is indeed his name. The previous string is just a surname. .

Ignis is really optimistic about Aldap's adopted son.

Don't look at Aldap himself, he is not only greedy and greedy, but also very good and lustful.

But I don't know how his adopted son grew up, his character is perfect to the limit, he is an aristocrat among aristocrats.

Of course, this is definitely a bit exaggerated, after all, the more the 'mother-in-law' looks at the son-in-law, the more pleasing to the eye.

That's why Ignis asked Darkness to participate in the blind date, mainly to make her happy, thinking that the noble brother could bring her happiness.

"Really? Lalatina."

With tears in his eyes, Ignis asked Darkness in a moving tone.

Darkness's real name is not this, but Dustinis Ford Lalatina.

It's just that Darkness felt that a name like Lalatina sounded like a lady's name was too inappropriate for her. After all, everyone knew her attributes, so she changed her name when she was outside.

"Hi, my lord, Lalatina really wants to accept the arrangement of this blind date."

After returning home, Darkness was like a different person. Not only was the nobleman's demeanor not impeccable, but his tone was gentle like that of a noble lady.

Having said that, she is indeed a noble lady herself.

It's just that her friends are attracted by the name Lalatina. I think this contrast is really funny when put together with Darkness's attributes.

Fortunately, they also know that making fun of a child's name in front of other people's fathers is a bit inappropriate, even a very rude thing, so they just hold back their laughter instead of being presumptuous.

"they are?"

Ignis still discovered the existence of Yang Lei and his party.

Isn't this nonsense, four big living people plus Xiaomi this cute doll are standing there, how can they not see it.

It's just that he hadn't had time to talk to them before, because it was more important for Darkness to agree to a blind date, so he didn't have time to ask them about their origins until now.

"Father, they are my fellow adventurers."

Darkness quickly introduced: "In this blind date, I want them to accompany the maid as a temporary deacon, and help me make a reference or something."

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