"That's it."

Ignis suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

But he really couldn't refuse his daughter's request, so in the end he could only agree: "Then do as you said."

. . . . . .

Maid's changing room.

After a brief exchange with Ignis, at this time, Yang Lei and the others were brought here.

After all, it was agreed that I was going to be a temporary servant, so I would definitely have to change the corresponding equipment, that is, the clothes of the deacon and the maid.

The Darkness family really deserves to be a big noble. The servants' changing room not only has two separate rooms for men and women, but also the room is very large, and there are dozens of wardrobes.

how to say.

Sato Kazuma even expressed emotion, but fortunately they already have a stronghold, otherwise, he would rather come here as a servant than go back to the stable to sleep.

Yang Lei also nodded, right? His room in the hotel is not as big as this one, and the decoration of the wardrobe is also extravagant. Although he doesn't know the scientific name of the wood he uses, he can see that it should be a very expensive wood. right.

In other words, is he still too low-key?Or maybe it's because the class that claims to be the best hotel in Axel is too low?

But think about it, after all, it is a hotel, and it is impossible to decorate it according to the specifications of the nobles. Otherwise, it will be patronized by some thief. They will steal everything for you in the middle of the night. Too big. .

0749 Who turned against whom?

"Mr. Sato Kazuma, and Mr. Yang Lei, have you two changed your clothes?"

Just as Yang Lei and Kazuma Sato had just changed into their deacon clothes, a black suit or something, suddenly, a male deacon knocked on the door and walked in.

"what happened?"

Yang Lei tilted his head and glanced at the deacon, and slightly adjusted the bow tie around his neck in his hand. He didn't look like a deacon at all in a suit, but looked like the owner of the house.

No way, as a strong man, he has a strong aura, coupled with his excellent appearance and his casual attitude, no one will think that he is a deacon.

Even the deacon almost mistakenly thought it was the master of his own family.

In other words, as the real servant of this house, you shouldn't misunderstand.

"Is such that."

The male deacon quickly explained: "Our master has a few words that he would like to talk to you alone. Now that the young lady and your companions have not changed their clothes, let's talk alone."

The male deacon said two separate talks, and the meaning was very clear.

"That's it."

Yang Lei and Sato and the truth glanced at each other and nodded, they had already guessed what it was.

"Then go have a look."

The two followed the male deacon and walked out of the men's locker room one after the other. After turning around, they were taken to a room next to them, and Ignis was already waiting there.

"Yang Lei and Hezhen, I have one thing I want to ask you two no matter what."

Ignis did not procrastinate like other noble masters, but said to the two of them as soon as they came up: "This time, the blind date for the little girl is Ardap's adopted son Balta, who I am very optimistic about and has a personality. Impeccably excellent nobleman."

"I think if it was him, the little girl would definitely be happy."

"So, since you are her companions, I wonder if you can help me so that this blind date can be successfully completed."

"Of course, since it's an entrustment, I'll offer some remuneration as a reward afterwards."

It seems that Ignis really does not trust his daughter.

Well, after all, does he know his daughter Moruofu? Even if he doesn't know all the attributes of Darkness, he should at least know that she doesn't want to accept this blind date arrangement.

Moreover, as an old-fashioned aristocrat, he saw from the beginning that Darkness definitely meant to bring her companions not to help her complete the blind date, but to destroy this blind date.

Therefore, he secretly found Yang Lei and Sato Kazuma in Chen Cang, and wanted to secretly turn against them.

"This thing is...々¨."

Sato Kazuma was about to speak to Ignis' request.

But Yang Lei on the side couldn't let him speak first. He swiped his right hand on the side of his waist, and I don't know where he took out a sterling silver knife and pinned it on Sato Kazuma's shoulder. As for weapons, it's as if he clings to Sato Kazuma as if they have a good relationship.


Sato Kazuma blinked and dared not speak again.

"Mr. Ignis."

Yang Lei opened his mouth and looked at the startled Ignis' eyes, and asked, "You keep saying that you want Darkness to be happy, so I want to ask, what do you think? What is the so-called happiness? Is it the so-called happiness when you get psychological comfort, or is it happiness when she gets the life she wants?"

Ignis was taken aback.

After all, this is in the background of the Middle Ages, and the so-called freedom of marriage and other concepts have not yet emerged.

So Ignis was stopped by Yang Lei.

And Sato Kazuma has already covered his face with his hands.

Well, he has already guessed what Yang Lei will say next, and he knows that his idea of ​​sending Darkness away is going to go bankrupt.

"Mr. Ignis."

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