
Aqua continued to ask confused: "What are you talking about? Darkness, why are you apologizing? What's going on?"

Megumin frowned. She was no longer a simple child. As a 'come here', she faintly felt something.


I saw that Megumin's expression suddenly became cold, but she didn't rush to attack, but handed Xiaomi's hand and Dounosuke to Aqua, and said in a cold tone that I don't know how much: "Please take Xiaomi and Maunosuke out first, I have something to talk to Darkness alone."

When she heard Megumin's words, Darkness's body suddenly froze, which further confirmed Megumin's guess, and the expression on her face became even more gloomy, but she still didn't rush to attack with a sneer at the corner of her mouth. .


Aqua scratched her hair suspiciously, she definitely couldn't see the change in the atmosphere with her IQ, but intuitively she felt that she was not suitable to stay here anymore, so she quickly pulled Xiaomi and hugged Dounosuke obediently. gone.

After Aqua and the others have left, look at Megumin.


Gritting her teeth, she couldn't bear it any longer, she lowered her voice and screamed: "Tell me, do you like Yang Lei?"

Although I already had some guesses in my heart, but there is no evidence of its benefits, can it be used as evidence just because Darkness just looked up at Yang Lei in a daze?Isn't that cheesy egg?

As for the third of the three plans Darkness personally designed, that is, the nonsense that she and Yang Lei have an affair, and even have children, this can't be evidence.

After all, it was Sato Kazuma who was asked by Darkness at the beginning, and finally Sato Kazuma begged for mercy, and then they turned the target into Yang Lei's. She even voted at that time.

So Megumin only questioned Darkness at this time, but couldn't come up with any substantive evidence. If Darkness had the cheek to deny it, there would be no way for him to benefit.

But if Darkness really did this shamelessly, their friendship would only end here, and even Darkness's role would end there.

Fortunately, although Darkness is a super-shaking M-turned-T, she still won't escape in this regard, after all, she is a knight.


Darkness raised her head again, her face was full of tears, she summoned the courage to look at Megumin with empty eyes, and after admitting Megumin's questioning, she asked with a miserable smile: "Meihui, what do you say? Am I a hopelessly bad woman? I'm really bad enough to fall in love with a friend's boyfriend or something, even I can't stand it anymore."

Megumin opened her mouth, obviously wanting to continue blaming or scolding the other party, but she couldn't bear to speak again, because she found that although she was angry and shocked, when she saw Darkness's eyes, there was nothing left in her heart. Heartache is sore.

This empty look represents despair.

In other words, Darkness didn't want to snatch Yang Lei from her, nor did she want to pretend that nothing happened but she wanted to hide Chen Cang in the dark, and she didn't even want to kill pigs without fear of boiling water.

Although Darkness fell in love with Yang Lei, she had decided to give up before the relationship started.

This is also true. After all, Darkness kept Balta when she said she wanted to turn down the blind date. Doesn't this prove anything?

For a while, Megumin didn't know what else to say.

(PS: Uh, the single heroine in each volume?... In other words, I think it is not necessary to be obsessed with the single heroine all the time. If the plot is written there but it is not accepted, let alone you, I will also Very unpleasant, the most important thing is that Darkness's figure is really good... (Brackets in parentheses, please don't slap in the face))

(PS: One more word of nonsense, the concept of this book is that the protagonist will not be in the harem because of the harem.).

0754 Huihui's choice

"Hey, Darkness, how long have you liked Yang Lei? And why do you like him?"

In the passage behind the side door, Megumin and Darkness both sat on the ground, facing each other against the wall, when Megumin suddenly asked such a question.

Darkness was stunned, as if she didn't know why Megumin would be interested in this matter.

Two seconds later, Darkness came back to her senses, her empty eyes became a little brighter, and even the corners of her mouth rose slightly, she heard her mutter: "It didn't take long, in fact, it was When I went to find him and Hezhen just now, I was only touched by his words when I overheard his conversation with my father."

"Isn't it weird? It's too weird to fall in love with someone just because they said a few words?"

Even though he said so, Daconis did not wait for Megumin to ask again, and he opened his mouth to narrate what Yang Lei said for himself.

It's actually really simple, Yang Lei just said a few words to Darkness as a friend.

Because her upbringing environment is different from others, Dakenis was quietly moved by Yang Lei forcibly opened her heart.

"Ah, I understand I understand."

After listening to Darkness's narration, Huihui did not laugh or disbelieve, but nodded and said, "After all, I fell in love with Yang Lei for similar reasons."

That's right, don't forget that Huihui was also moved by Yang Lei's willingness to stand up for her when she was in danger.

Of course, in the previous days, the daily activities that accompany her on a daily basis also boosted her favorability.

But in the same way, Darkness was not less favored by Yang Lei.

Although Yang Lei is not shaking S, what even Darkness herself didn't know was that in the previous Kiel's dungeon, when Banir attached to her and communicated and confronted with Yang Lei, in fact, She has already expressed her affection for Yang Lei several times.

Especially in the final blow, Yang Lei had some murderous aura because he was determined to kill Barnier with one blow, which made Darkness captured instantly.

After all, is it shaking M...?

So, in fact, Darkness had a good impression of Yang Lei for a long time, and then he was attacked in one fell swoop in the previous eavesdropping incident.

In other words, I was actually laying the groundwork when I played Barnier before. . .

. . . . . .

I don't know how the plot developed. Megumin and Darkness, who should have been tearing B apart, had absolutely no awareness of rivals in love. They were like old friends who had not seen each other for many years. They sat on the ground and chatted happily.

The only thing that made Yang Lei outside feel entangled was that his name was in every word of the two of them. Hey, he was not a cold-blooded and ruthless person. How could he refuse Darkness if it went on like this?

Megumin is also true, what about the promised battle?Now, your boyfriend is being missed by others, so why don't you go up and bite?

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