Then again, Balta had already left, otherwise, Megumin and Darkness wouldn't be able to keep talking like this.

Before leaving, Balta asked Yang Lei to tell Darkness that he was deeply sorry for the blind date arrangement, and promised that when he went back, he would say that he canceled the blind date and try not to let Darkness meet at all. trouble.

This result is actually very exciting to Yang Lei and the others. If there is no such thing as Darkness, Yang Lei would even want to cook a big banquet for Darkness to celebrate.

As for now.

Although Yang Lei knew it was bad, he couldn't help but turn on his super hearing. While listening carefully to the conversation on the other side, he also continued to struggle.

And when Huihui, without reservation, suddenly revealed Yang Lei's true origin, and even that he would definitely leave this world in the future, and had a showdown with Darkness about other worlds and his wife, Yang Lei was deeply moved. Feeling helpless, he raised his hand, pinched his forehead, and rubbed his temples on both sides.

"Are you crazy~'?"

Yang Lei thought to himself, what are you doing, Sister Huihui?

. . . . . .

Huihui didn't plan to do anything, just thought, anyway, Yang Lei has other women in other worlds. Now that even Darkness is in love with Yang Lei, let's come together. She is not alone.

And she will definitely follow Yang Lei in the future and will not stay in this world.

In this way, if you can have a company with you, you won't be too lonely, right?

Otherwise, when she misses this world, she doesn't even have a person to talk to, it's too lonely and lonely, right?

Therefore, after Huihui calmed down from the shock and grief that 'Darkness fell in love with Yang Lei', the girl was chatting with Darkness, and she actually started a idea.

"Why don't you pull Darkness in and help me?"

Huihui was very far-sighted and planned to find a helper for herself, in case she would be bullied by Yang Lei's other women in the future.

Should I say that this girl has persecution delusions?

Everyone is Yang Lei's woman, how could he let them fight in their nests?

No way, I can only say that Huihui is still too young, she is only thirteen years old today, how much courage do you think she can have not only to follow Yang Lei to a strange world, but also to live with her rivals.

To be honest, although I have never experienced Gongdou drama, I have never eaten pork and have never seen a pig run?

Although this is a Western background, the meaning is the same, the battle between those princesses is not easy.


. . . . . .


Still in that side passage, Darkness and Megumin might have really gotten carried away talking, completely forgetting that more than an hour had passed and they were still chatting.

At this moment, Darkness suddenly let out an exclamation and asked Huihui who was opposite with an unbelievable expression: "Are you serious? You want to be with Yang Lei with me? Threesome?"

When it came to the threesome, Darkness suddenly blushed. What did he think of?

Although Megumin was unwilling, at this time, she not only rationally favored Darkness, but even her rationality made it better for her to accept Darkness. After all, they were not only from the same world, but also had a relationship. It's good, even if you really go to a strange world in the future, you can still take care of it.

"I just promised you to join in (Wang Wang Zhao)."

It's just that Huihui is still insisting when she comes to her: "But if Yang Lei doesn't accept you, I don't care."

That's right, this girl couldn't bear to see Darkness's expression of despair, and she couldn't bear to watch her quit the adventurer because of this incident, so she left this problem to Yang Lei.

But, girl, are you a little too high on the willpower and consciousness of your male ticket?

Let me remind you in advance that the reason why Yang Lei has always been more 'honest' in the first few worlds is because he has self-knowledge and did not dare to provoke other women from the beginning.

But in the end, even if it was like this, he also took in Rukia, Erza, Bulma, and Fubuki.

It is conceivable that once he is really told to meet more women who like him, maybe things will be out of control.

To sum it up in one sentence, I'm not a scumbag, I just don't know how to refuse because I'm too gentle. . .

It can only be said that Megumin is still too naive. .

0755 Darkness in action

After some friendly negotiation, Darkness and Megumin reached the following agreement.

First, Huihui accepted the fact that Darkness liked Yang Lei, and said that she would not mind her chasing Yang Lei and would not interfere, and if Yang Lei was really attacked by her, then the three of them would be fine. .

Second, Huihui told Yang Lei's origin and the fact that he and she would definitely leave this world, and made an agreement with Darkness that if they really had a threesome and went to the new world together in the future, she would. The two will become the most reliable allies.

That is to say, if after meeting with Yang Lei's women in other worlds, once there is a competition for favor, they can't fight in their nests, but continue to be each other's most solid backing and help each other.

"Then it's settled."

Darkness, who had been extremely depressed before, was instantly revived with blood on the spot. She stood up and shook hands with Megumin, who also stood up from the ground, and said seriously, "Please take care of me in the future, eldest sister."

After all, she is a latecomer, even though Darkness is now eighteen years old and Megumin is only thirteen years old, she still shouted out the eldest sister without any obstacle.

"Big sister?"

Megumin's eyes lit up, and she was stunned by this title, and now she feels that she has to help her just for this title.

In other words, the two of you have discussed everything privately here, but Yang Lei is still in a tangled face, and he doesn't take him seriously, right?

. . . . . .

After talking about everything, Megumin and Darkness quickly returned to normal.

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