"The future is bleak."

Yang Lei couldn't help sighing to himself, thinking that if he really wanted to live with Darkness, maybe he would go down a road of no return.

But it doesn't matter, after all, his wives are still more normal people, and he has always been a decent person, I believe it will not evolve to that level.

"Speaking back."

At this time, Megumin changed the subject and asked Sato Kazuma and Aqua, "What mission did you take on this time?"

When they sent Xiaomi home before, Yang Lei and Huihui took her back to the hometown of the Red Devils together.

And when they came back, Sato Kazuma and the others had already completed the task and came directly here.

"Is such that."

Aqua finally found an opportunity to gain a sense of presence, where would she let it go, and quickly explained to everyone.

It turned out that the mission that Sato Kazuma and the others received this time was a mission to crusade the army of lizard runners.

Lizard runner, this is a kind of monster in this world. Since the name is lizard, it can be imagined that it must be a type of lizard.


Well, this lizard is so capable of running, especially once it reaches the breeding season, it will engage in a duel, with the purpose of selecting the best of them to become the king of lizard runners to mate with the queen.

Since it is called Lizard Runner, it is conceivable that the way of fighting must be related to running.

According to Luna, the receptionist of the Adventurers Guild, once in this period in previous years, they would often encounter armies of lizard runners to compete for kings. No matter what they encountered, they would be trampled and destroyed or simply killed. Take them away together.

And just recently, it was detected that a lizard runner group was active near Axel Town, which seriously threatened the safety of the nearby villages, so the Adventurers Guild issued such a quest.

"Hey, I clearly agreed to let me appear. If this goes on like this, my sense of existence will really disappear."

Suddenly, Aqua burst into tears, feeling that her role in the scene was getting less and less, which is the treatment that the heroine should have.

"The heroine?"

The other four looked at Aqua with astonished eyes, wondering why your old man would think so?How can you be the heroine.

"Just come here for a joke."

After understanding the details of the mission, Yang Lei asked Kazuma Sato: "How is it? Are there any good plans or something?"

"certainly. ......"

Sato Kazuma nodded: "Since their purpose is to select the king, I think this crisis can be solved by sniping their leader."

"It happens that I have recently mastered the use of bows and arrows, and I have also learned some archer skills, such as sniping is one of them. As long as you can contain the army of lizard runners, I can secretly kill their king."

Sato Kazuma spoke his plan with confidence.

"and many more."

Yang Lei hurriedly stopped and asked in a puzzled tone: "Kill the king? Hey, are you mistaken? The lizard runner's purpose in choosing the king is to mate with the queen. If you kill the king, don't you let other lizards. more chance?"


Sato Kazuma was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that, yes, if the king is killed, the army of lizard runners will only be more fighting spirit.

"Should kill the queen."

Megumin gave advice: "As long as the queen dies, the army of lizard runners should have no reason to continue running."


As soon as she changed her voice, she said: "Actually, these are just small problems. As long as I use a burst of magic, no matter how many lizards there are, I can kill them in one shot. How about it, Yang Lei? Want me? Start?"

After more than ten or twenty chapters were violated, Megumin's second illness broke out again.

It seems that it may have been because of Xiaomi's existence that she was a little unable to perform, or maybe Xiaomi had distracted her? 4.9

All in all, she watched Huihui swipe the corner of her cloak with her hand, made a random gesture with her left hand on the eye that was wearing the blindfold, waved her staff with her right hand, and looked at Yang Lei and her companions with confidence on her face. , until they ask her to give those lizard runners a burst of magic.

Unfortunately, she thought too much.

"You better sit down honestly."

Yang Lei hurriedly pressed Huihui down, thinking to stop making trouble, your blasting magic would blow up Axel Town as well.

"Just follow Kazuma's plan."

In the end, Yang Lei chose to support Kazuma Sato's plan. Although he has the power to instantly kill the so-called army of lizard runners, it is more interesting to play like this in order to cultivate Kazuma Sato's confidence.

So after all, is it to train Kazuma Sato or to have more fun? .

0759 Plans are not as fast as change

As the saying goes, plans are never as fast as change.

Especially with Aqua, the mentally retarded goddess, even the best plan and strategy will be destroyed.

For example, just now, just because I was a little anxious, Aqua deliberately released a magic that could attract monsters, directly disrupting all of Sato Kazuma's plans.

Originally, they only needed to secretly get the queen in the army of lizard runners. If they lost their mates, the remaining lizards would no longer need to compete for the king.

As a result, it has turned into a head-to-head fight. It can only be said that Aqua is really talented.

And Aqua was useless in this kind of battle, and the only people she could rely on were Yang Lei and Darkness.

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