As I said before, Huihui's magic is too powerful, and Yang Lei didn't dare to let her break out.

And at this time, they were already in close contact with the army of lizard runners, so they couldn't let Huihui Hu come, or they would be blown away together.

At the moment, I saw Yang Lei raised his hand and sent Aqua and Megumin, who would only cause trouble, to a large 16-tree, and then stood there with Darkness, facing the surging force. The torrent of lizards looked fearless.

Needless to say, Yang Lei, Darkness not only did not have the slightest fear, but seemed to be looking forward to it.

"Hey, Darkness, don't rush in by yourself."

Yang Lei quickly reminded Darkness, for fear that she couldn't help herself and rushed in to let the lizards step on it.

Darkness blushed and nodded, but she didn't know if Yang Lei was listening.

"And Sato Kazuma."

Looking up, Yang Lei explained to Kazuma Sato: "Try to kill the queen first. If the remaining lizards can be scattered, it's best, if not, you can only kill them all."


Sato Kazuma didn't have time to find trouble with Aqua now, so he quickly bent his bow and arrow to find the queen of the lizard runner below.

In nature, there are definitely differences between males and females, just as there are differences between men and women.

Nonsense, if they all look the same, how about male and female males and females?

In this way, Sato Kazuma quickly found the target.

He found that the lizard army was basically full of dark purple-skinned lizards, only the first one had red skin, and a purple-skinned lizard was next to it.

"I found the queen."

Sato Kazuma shouted excitedly, and then quickly aimed.


After a while, he only heard the name of the skill, and then he shot the bow and arrow in his hand.


Hearing a sharp sound of breaking wind, the long arrow that was fired, shot, and released by Sato Kazuma quickly went far away. Under Yang Lei's gaze, he was actually hit by one shot, instantly killing the lizard. Runner's Queen.


Aqua on the tree, as a goddess, naturally has strong eyesight, and also saw the result in the distance for the first time, and couldn't help cheering loudly.

"Don't be careless."

But at this moment, Yang Lei did not relax at all, because he found that the army of lizards not only did not stop there, but instead rushed towards here angrily.

Think about it too, the king finally obtained the right to mate with the queen, and as a result, his wife was killed by others before he could enjoy it. This is too sad.

Of course, it may also be that Aqua's skills are too effective. Those lizards are still in a state of being ridiculed and haven't woken up, so they continue to kill here without reducing their speed. They don't even know that the queen is dead.

"finally come."

Darkness wiped the corners of her mouth, and inadvertently she even had saliva coming out.

Not only that, but her face was completely red, and her breathing gradually became more urgent, and the anticipation in her eyes even made Yang Lei wonder, did he not satisfy her last night?

No, I've clearly fainted, so why aren't I satisfied?

"It's a headache."

Yang Lei rubbed his temples on both sides, thinking to himself what should he do to change Darkness?

But on second thought, if he was really changed by him, then Darkness would not be Darkness anymore.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Lei also felt that as long as Darkness didn't make that principled mistake, and just wanted to find a monster to experience the thrill of being hit, it wouldn't hurt.

Needless to say, what is the issue of principle?

And when Yang Lei was self-enlightening, the army of lizard runners on the other side came to him in a blink of an eye.

"Come here, haha."

Sure enough, Darkness still took Yang Lei's words as a deaf ear, and the girl even took the initiative to rush out, and was stepped on by countless lizards immediately.

"Oh, wow, ha, yeah, um."


Hearing Darkness calling in the lizards, Yang Lei's face was completely black to the point that he couldn't see it.

Sato Kazuma and the others on the tree couldn't help but look weird, but they really couldn't say much. They could only help Yang Lei below to deal with the lizard army as much as possible.

At this time, Kazuma Sato was really too busy. He kept bending bows and arrows in his hands, shooting long arrows one after another. At this time, he had no time to release his skills. Anyway, there were many lizards under the tree. To one's own, any shot can stab a lizard.

Aqua is also trying her best to make up for her mistakes, finding a gap in the army of lizards and constantly 'adding blood' to the cool Darkness, but she finally didn't let her fall in enjoyment.

As for Yang Lei's words.

Of course he wouldn't be trampled on by a mere pile of lizards.

"Stop for me."

When the army of lizards finally came to Yang Lei after stepping over Darkness one by one, he only heard him give a light drink, and the movement of his mind led to the power of thought, which made him easily fix all the lizards in the original place. land.

It's not a magic trick or a more complicated ability. Yang Lei just increased the surrounding gravity several times with his mind power, making the army of lizards just stand there with all their strength, and naturally they can't continue to run like before.

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