Because this is the base camp of the Axis Order, most of the residents are followers of Aqua.

And now, because the sect's cash cow has been destroyed, they are gathering at the sect's headquarters to discuss countermeasures.

"The leisure time is over, it seems that the culprit has not had time to leave, let's go and kill him!"

(PS: Because there is a slight delay in the period, the plot will definitely change, and there will be no changes, right?).

0765 Hans, where are you going?

Because of the unexpected incident, the team immediately returned to the fighting state from the rest.

"By the way, why do I have to follow me too? Didn't you say you wanted to give me a vacation?"

They were all on the way, but Sato Kazuma kept shouting and protesting.

No way, he has been working continuously for a month, and he really needs a rest.

After all, his level is not high. Although he has enough skill points, his physical fitness is not good enough.

To be honest, let alone Aqua, who is a goddess, and Darkness, who is a Crusader, and even Megumin at the beginning, before being strengthened by Yang Lei with Dragon Balls. Megumi, her physical quality is far beyond Kazuma Sato.

You know, Megumin is a magician, and magicians are basically cowards.

But Kazuma Sato is not even as good as Megumin, which shows how bad his body is.

So although the performance is a bit exaggerated, he does need some rest.

"Are you an idiot, Kazuma?"

Yang Lei took the lead and charged forward. At this time, he turned his head to look at Kazuma Sato, and he was not afraid of accidentally falling. He reminded: "Whether you help the Axis sect or not is the second thing, don't forget our trip. The purpose is to take a hot spring."

"If that's the case, wouldn't it make sense to deal with that damn bastard? Could it be that you still want to take a dip in the hot springs that are polluted by all kinds of toxic substances?"

After hearing Yang Lei's words, Sato Kazuma reluctantly shut his mouth and followed behind everyone honestly.

Aqua doesn't want it anymore, obviously they are companions, aren't they?Why is Yang Lei unwilling to help her rescue her followers?

"I said Yang Lei."

As she ran, Aqua really complained: "You clearly know that it is my cult of believers, why are you so ruthless? Are we not companions? Aren't we the companions of an adventurer team?"

This time, even Darkness, who is the Eris Sect, can't stand it, and it is rare to retort for the first time after establishing a romantic relationship with Yang Lei: "Yang Lei, it has always been recorded in the teachings of our Eris Sect. 'Goddess Eris and Goddess Aqua are descended from each other', so if I can help the Axis Order here, I'd be more than happy to help."

Uh. . .

Although Darkness and Megumin have accepted that Aqua is the legendary water goddess Aqua, in order not to make their relationship too embarrassing, they feel that they can avoid talking about identity issues or skip it. it is good.

Another one is that Aqua herself is too reserved, and the things she does don't look like a goddess at all.

Also, it seemed that Aqua wanted to turn both Darkness and Megumin into her own before, and it left a bad impression on them, but it was too unreliable.

That's it, Darkness just avoided the key points, only said that he wanted to help the Axis order, but did not say that he wanted to help Aqua or the like.

Megumin also nodded and complained to Yang Lei: "That's right, Yang Lei, Aqua is our companion after all, you must not become as ruthless as Kazuma."

Because Sato Kazuma's character is the type that really obeys the equality of men and women, that is to say, he will obey the equality of men and women no matter what the situation is.

It's not like some people who pay attention to 'ladies first' when they encounter a discount, and do 'you are a man, you go on' when encountering difficulties, and finally say 'gender equality' only when there is nothing.

For Sato Kazuma, he is the kind of person who can kick up without hesitation even if the opponent is a woman.

Therefore, to many female adventurers in Axel Town, and even the female residents of Axel Town, Kazuma Sato is not only a ghost and real, but also a scumbag.

"Of course not."

Yang Lei hurriedly explained: "I just said this to clarify the scum and the truth."

"Hey, you've been saying that in front of me, it's very rude."

Kazuma Sato didn't want to (bgcf) anymore, so he quickly refuted it loudly, or wouldn't he really be worthless by them?

In other words, it doesn't seem like they are going to fight against the Demon King's army leaders at all, but they seem to be joking.

By the way, I forgot to mention it, because Wiz is still a cadre of the Demon King's army. In order not to make it difficult for her, Yang Lei and the others left her. They just asked her to find a hotel to make a reservation, and then wait for them there.

As for how to reunite after that.

Don't worry, isn't there Yang Lei? Whether it's pupil technique or voice positioning, you can easily find out which hotel Wiz booked.

. . . . . .

Along the way, they joked and talked about the trouble, and the group quickly walked from one end of the city gate of Acanretia to the other end of the city gate.

After all, this is a big city, and it is much more advanced than Axel Town in Novice Village, so it is impossible to have only one city gate, but it is very convenient to extend in all directions.

It's just that Kazuma Sato suffered. He ran all the way through the small half of Akanretia. Fortunately, Aqua continued to give him support augmentation magic, coupled with Yang Lei's comprehensive recovery ability, so he could persist. Come down, otherwise, I am afraid that I would have spit out my lungs long ago.

"Finally caught up."

And just when they came to the gate of the city on this side, they only heard Yang Lei Meng, who had been at the forefront of the team, and pointed at one of the men who were going out of the city and shouted: "Hey, That poisonous slime named Hans, where are you going? Do you want to run away after infecting the hot spring source of this city with poison?"

Yang Lei's shout was like a bolt from the blue.

"What? Is it his fault that the hot spring was infected?"

The city gate guard not far away was startled at first, and then quickly made a gesture to stop Hans from letting him out.

"Isn't this a joke?"

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