Yang Lei hurriedly waved his hand and pulled the guards who didn't know how to live and took things over from the air, and scolded angrily: "Are you looking for death? I don't have time to save you, so let's just watch the show honestly."

Looking at Megumin, Aqua, and the others, the four of them lined up in a row, ready to fight with Hans.

"How do you know my name?"

In the front, Hans did not go out after Yang Lei called out his identity, but stood in the same place and was silent for a while, and only then did he turn his head and look at Yang Lei and the others with puzzled eyes.

To be honest, he really didn't know Yang Lei and the others.


"It does not matter."

Aqua spoke before Yang Lei, and scolded in an extremely angry tone: "What the hell have you done? How dare you come to destroy the source of income of my beloved believers, damn Demon King's army, you and I Inconsistent."

Hello, big sister, have you forgotten the reason and mission why you were taken to the heaven by Kazuma Sato?Wasn't it already irreconcilable from the beginning?

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go to war!".

0766 Collect an ice sculpture

I don't know who shouted, let's go to war, and suddenly, Kazuma Sato attacked first.



After more than a month of long-term experience, this guy can be considered to have grown a bit, at least he won't have any hesitation any more, seeing him bend a bow and an arrow at Hans is a sniper.

It's just that Kazuma Sato may still be a little careless~.

Because he heard that Hans is just a mutated slime, he thinks, aren't mobs like slimes all little minions-?

He didn't know how a slime became a cadre of the Demon King's army, but it didn't matter, he wanted to grab the first credit before anyone else.

However, since we have already said that Kazuma Sato is careless, it is conceivable that his attack will not work at all.

"Pfft." "Humph."

On the opposite side, Hans couldn't dodge and was shot by Sato Kazuma's long arrow.

It's just that he didn't fall down, nor did he bleed.

"Since you forced me, then give me food."

Hans raised his head and drank, watching his body begin to collapse, and there was continuous flow of purple-red mucus.

"How is this going?"

Sato Kazuma was stunned, obviously his sniper didn't hit Hans?Why doesn't it seem to work?

"Don't be careless, Kazuma."

Darkness kindly reminded: "Slimes are powerful enemies. First of all, they are immune to physical attacks, and then even if they are fully armed, they can't stop their invasion. Once they are swallowed or blocked by it, they will either suffocate and suffocate. If you die, it will be eaten and digested into slag."

"And this guy is a mutated poisonous slime. Don't be touched by its venom, or you will die."

Hearing Darkness's introduction to the slime, Kazuma Sato was dumbfounded, with an expression like what the hell is this.

After all, in the original game of that world, aren't all slimes just the lowest level of mobs?

Why are the slimes here so scary?

At the moment, Sato Kazuma even had the urge to turn around and run.

On the side, Yang Lei couldn't help turning his head to look at Darkness with weird eyes, and asked her, "Hey, why are you so familiar with slimes?"

After saying that, Yang Lei regretted it.

"that is because."

Darkness suddenly twisted inexplicably, her pretty face blushed, and she said embarrassedly, "I've always wanted to keep a slime as a pet, so I know its habits and so on."

After finishing speaking, Darkness asked Yang Lei, "By the way, Yang Lei, why don't we take it home and adopt it? As long as Aqua is there, can't it be easy to purify the poison?"


Yang Lei refused without even thinking about it. What a joke, shouldn't you be looking at some occasions before posting qing?


Darkness was even more excited because of being reprimanded by Yang Lei.

"Hey, Yang Lei."

On the other side, Hui Hui, not to be outdone, grabbed Yang Lei's hand, pointed forward and asked, "It has become like this, do you want me to give it a shot?"

Looking forward along Megumin's hand, I saw that Hans had long since disappeared. Standing there was a large insect several meters tall and more than ten meters long.

This is Hans's body form, it looks like a giant caterpillar, but it is much more disgusting than a caterpillar.


Not only Yang Lei, but everyone who knew about Huihui's terrible situation hurriedly grabbed her.

Don't make trouble, really let Megumin take action, but not only Hans has been eliminated, I am afraid that even Acanretia will be rebuilt.

"Then how are you going to fight?"

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