Sato Kazuma is about to collapse, immune to physical attacks, and if Megumin is attacked by magic, Megumin can't make a move, which is simply driving them to a dead end.

"it's actually really easy."

Aqua clenched her fist with her right hand and squeezed it with her left hand, making a crisp 'kaka' sound, then shook her neck from side to side, and said coolly, "Just blow it away."

"Better be able to fly."

Sato Kazuma said I was stupid to ask you.

"Don't worry, look at me."

In the end, Yang Lei stood up and comforted Sato Kazuma, who was about to turn his head and run away. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"The magic of ice, freeze me."

There are no moves, it's just the most basic ability of ice magic, and after Yang Lei showed it, the air in the whole of Akanretia seemed to drop a dozen or so temperatures out of thin air.


Looking at Hans again, he just showed his body before he had time to devour nearby people or buildings by instinct, and he didn't even have time to move a little bit, and he was frozen there.

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Everyone exclaimed again, and looked at Yang Lei with weird eyes, knowing that you have the ability to drop it in seconds, so what is the purpose of calling them here?

Yang Lei said in his heart that of course he was going to take you to level up.

That's right, Yang Lei is about to have a trumpet now, and it's still the free one.

"oh oh."

Not to mention how much experience Sato Kazuma and the others have gained and how many levels they have risen, and looking at the surrounding guards who were pulled over by Yang Lei just now, they all cheered at this time.

At first, they were still skeptical, although they heard Yang Lei's testimony against Hans, but after all, there was not enough evidence.

But when Hans revealed his main body, if it was a mutated poisonous slime, then it was really possible that it was the culprit that polluted the source of the hot springs of Acanretia.


No, it should be said that it is right, otherwise, why would he come here as a highly poisonous slime and a leader of the Demon King's army?

This is the base camp of the Axis sect, and it can't deal with the Demon King's army. Once it is known that it is a cadre of the Demon King's army, even if they know that they can't fight, they will definitely not welcome him.


After cheering, the guards were a little embarrassed.

The size of Hans' body was depicted just now, but it would be very troublesome to place such a large ice sculpture here.

"give it to me."

Yang Lei took another shot, opened his personal space and put the ice sculpture in. After all, he was also a cadre of the Demon King's army. It was said that he had a relatively high bounty.

Besides, this thing actually looks interesting, doesn't it?

It was frozen by crystal dark blue ice cubes, and inside was a dark purple poisonous slime. Speaking of which, it could even be regarded as a work of art.

As for whether the ice cubes will melt, don't worry. After all, this is Yang Lei's shot. When the ice cubes appear, even the temperature of the entire Acanretia is affected. It can be seen that its power will be how amazing.

Let's put it this way, unless Yang Lei takes action to thaw it, otherwise, the ice sculpture will not melt in this life.

After Yang Lei collected the ice cubes that had frozen Hans, the temperature of Akanretia quickly returned to the original temperature, which was very hot.

"Go and solve the problem of the hot spring together, and then find a place to soak in the hot spring."

0767 Begin to purify the source of hot springs

After solving Hans, the group turned and walked towards the center of the city.

Before saying goodbye to those city gate guards, Yang Lei had specifically asked them about the location of the Axis Religion, and at this time they were going to the Axis Religion.

After all, this is the base camp of the Axis Religion, and the hot spring is the most important resource of the city of Akanretia. You should know without thinking that the source of the hot spring that has been polluted by the highly poisonous must be in the Axis Religion. Only under the control of the group.

Since they are here to help, and the hot spring has become like this, it is good to go directly to the door and express their intentions.

When a group of five people came to the Axis sect, they found that everyone's faces were full of sadness. Although everyone came to find a solution to the current predicament, they were all silent, unable to propose effective solutions. Views.

After all, Hans also has a lot of strength in the Demon King's army. He used "two and three zeros" to contaminate the source of the hot spring. Bones.

It can only be said that Aqua is worthy of being a goddess. In the original book, she was not corroded by the poison of Hans, but she just felt that the hot spring was very hot.

"My dearest believers..."

As soon as she arrived at the Axis Cult, Aqua was about to say something incredible.

Fortunately, Kazuma Sato stopped her in time.

Big sister, even if we know that you are the real goddess Aqua, others won't believe you if they don't know.

It's like so-and-so didn't believe anyone when he was alive, and it was only after he died that he made his sect shine.

(PS: Let's try not to cause trouble, please don't say it if you guess who so-and-so is, cough...)

After stopping the mentally retarded goddess Aqua from revealing her true body, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This is at the gate of other people's church. If you dare to 'pretend' to be the goddess of faith, aren't you afraid of being sunk to the bottom of the lake or burned to death?

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