"Is such that."

Yang Lei opened his mouth and confidently said to the congregants who turned their heads and said, "We are here for a tour, because we heard that the hot springs are polluted, so we plan to come and see if there is any place to help."

Hearing Yang Lei's words, the congregants inside looked at each other.

"What a nice guy."

Immediately afterwards, a rather sad sigh broke out in the room.

After learning that the hot spring was polluted, all the tourists in the city left immediately. This was the first time someone came to the door and asked for help.

And, ah, the Axis Cult is not popular, and everyone should know the reason.

That's right, it's precisely because they want more people to join the teaching, and they even use the Chuanxiao mode, which can be said to be frightening.

In this way, even those who have the ability or the will to help should think about it.

But now, just today, for the first time, they received inquiries and help from kind-hearted people, and they couldn't help feeling moved.

And while being moved.

"These distinguished guests."

The church members in the room greeted him one after another, and they all held something in their hands, and they started to preach and preach around Yang Lei.

Hey hey, did something go wrong?


Yang Lei hurriedly stopped, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and couldn't help but complain, "Hey, is this the time to recruit people into teaching? Shouldn't we find a way to solve the source of the hot spring first, right?"

Sure enough, the believers who can believe in the mentally retarded goddess Aqua, how reliable do you think they will be?

And Yang Lei was too late, except that Darkness was spared because she took out the amulet that could prove that she was a member of the Eris cult, and the others were all stuffed with the application for admission.

In other words, the Axis Cult is really not friendly to the people who teach Eris.


Yang Lei saw that many people were looking at Darkness with contempt, and some people were even turning their heads and spitting in blatant manner.

After all, it was Aqua who took the lead in slandering Eris, what could he say.

And Darkness hasn't suffered any worse treatment, plus she herself seems to be excited?So he was too lazy to care.

"Don't waste your time."

With a long breath, Yang Lei snatched Aqua from Kazuma Sato's side, and recommended to the members of the nearby Axis sect, "This is a high priest, and he is also from your sect. Yes, let her try to purify the source of the polluted hot spring."

Yang Lei's words were vague, what does it mean to be born in the Axis sect?Obviously the Axis Cult came from Aqua, right?

But then again, after all, the source of Aqua's power is related to her believers. The more believers, the purer their beliefs, and the stronger her power will be. It's not bad to say that...  


The disciples looked at each other again.

"Then let her try?"

In the end, they decided that there was no other way, so let her try.

In this way, under the leadership of several high-level congregants, and even the highest priest of the headquarters, Jesta, a group of people came out of the church and walked up the mountain road leading to the back mountain.

The source of the hot spring is on the back mountain of the headquarters of the Axis Order. Now, accompanied by Jesta himself, they came to the source of the hot spring very smoothly without encountering any obstacles.

There are three sources of hot springs in Acanretia, and they are all on this mountain. There is only a small distance between them, which can be regarded as closely connected.


When I came here, I saw that the sources of the three hot springs were all polluted, and the pollution was even more serious than the branches of the hot springs below.

"I'll leave it to you."

Everyone turned their attention to Aqua.

Yang Lei has a way to help, but he has been a little too active recently, and Aqua has complained about not having the chance to play before, so let's give her this opportunity now.

And this is to help her lovely believers, it is only natural for her to take action.

Next, the others were fine, just sitting on the ground idle chatting and waiting.

4.8 Aqua, on the other hand, has to be a lot more busy, putting her hand in the hot hot spring and constantly releasing purification magic.

It should be said that she is indeed the goddess of water. The effect of this shot is still very significant. It can be seen with the naked eye. The previously turbid spring water is rapidly being purified.

Remember the previous task of 'purifying the lake'?

At that time, Aqua could just sit in the water and purify the polluted lake water.

And now she not only put her hand in the hot spring, but she is still using purification magic continuously, the effect and speed are of course faster than purifying lake water.

It didn't take long for one of the hot spring sources to be purified.

The only troublesome thing is that although Aqua has purified the highly poisonous substances in the hot spring, she can also purify the original hot spring of excellent quality into ordinary hot water, which makes Jace. Tower is more tangled. .

0768 A trip that ends quickly

Aqua's setting is like this, because she is the goddess of water, not to mention hot springs, even juice will turn into clear water after being touched by her.

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