Look at Kazuma Sato again.

It was not until Kazuma Sato and the female half-orc met head-on that he finally discovered from some aspects that this was a female half-orc.

And the goal of the female orc is not the daughters behind him that he once raised the courage to protect, but him.

".Oh my God."

Kazuma Sato was so frightened that he turned around and asked for help, but saw five beauties behind him watching a play leisurely.

Huh?Five great beauties?


Sato Kazuma recognized it after careful identification. His master turned into a woman?

At the moment, Gu Bu (it was good) went up and complained that they didn't remind him, and didn't have time to ask Yang Lei how he did it, so he quickly shouted for help: "Help, Master, please help."

At this time, Kazuma Sato once again called out the honorific title of Master, instead of calling Yang Lei Yang Lei directly as usual.

"Who is your master."

Yang Lei snorted angrily, wrapped around the waists of Darkness and Megumin, who looked very strange, and calmly followed Sato Kazuma, who was entangled with the female orc, as calm as anyone else. Passed by.

Did she just walk by?


"It's bigger than me?"

Megumin seems to be more entangled in another thing, that is, she found out that her boyfriend's xiong is even older than her, which is really a sad story. . .

(PS: Because one of the readers in the book review area said that he wanted to see the plot of the male protagonist as a nanny, I thought it was a clever change to satisfy his taste, and then by the way, scum and truth, haha...) .

0772 Yang Lei is angry

After Yang Lei and the others left, Sato Kazuma didn't compromise on this.

Don't look at how embarrassed he was being entangled by the female orcs just now. In fact, it was because he was too shocked. He didn't expect that there were only female orcs in this world. The news shocked him, so he didn't react for a while. .

But now, under begging for others, Sato Kazuma directly launched Drain.Touch, which is the life absorption that the lich can master.

Of course, in order not to cause more trouble, Sato Kazuma was very measured, just let the female half-orc pass out, and did not go too far.


After bringing down the female orc, Kazuma Sato stood up with a sigh of relief.

He was really frightened just now, mainly because the female orc was too impatient, and she was too anxious to even throw him on the spot for Fa-rectification or something?

"I really can't expect too much from animal ears."

Sato Kazuma thought to himself: "At least pig ears can't be expected. In my case, I can only accept cat ears at most, hum, hehe."

In other words, this guy will not have left a psychological shadow, right?

"Kazuma, are you alright?"

Aqua ran over and asked with a worried look.

Sato Kazuo shook his head tiredly, then looked at the five beauties not far ahead with pure admiration eyes, and finally closed his eyes and showed a satisfied smile.

Sure enough, there are still more beauties. Sure enough, human girls are more beautiful, although there is a fake one among them.

"Let's go, let's keep going."

Although Yang Lei had a black line, he didn't say much. Fortunately, Sato Kazuma had just been beaten. If he dared to look at her with other eyes, Yang Lei would definitely teach him to be a human being.

In other words, why hasn't Yang Lei turned back into a man?Does she really have a transformation hobby or something?

Of course not, if you want to ask the reason, it is because he knows that this area is half-orc territory.

In other words, it was not an accident or accident to meet the orc just now. They accidentally broke into the orc territory.

That's why Yang Lei wasn't in a hurry to change back into a man, because he was afraid that he would also be targeted by those half-orcs.

As for why she didn't make a thunderous shot to kill them all?

It's not that big of a grudge, is it?At least from Yang Lei's standpoint, he has not yet reached the point where he can kill with a single shot, so he also has principles.

In Yang Lei's greeting, everyone regained their mood and went on the road again.

However, Yang Lei's worries were not in vain.


It didn't take long before I heard the sound of chaotic (bgdg) footsteps coming from behind.

"It's there, sisters, hurry up."

There was a naive call from the back, and Sato Kazuma froze subconsciously, turned his head to look, and found that a group of female orcs of different races were chasing not far away, especially The one who took the lead was the pig-eared orc he had just gotten rid of.

"Oh my God."

Sato Kazuma completely collapsed.

It was just one that almost left him with a psychological shadow, but now there is another group. Are you trying to scare him to death?

And even if a half-orc with cat ears appeared this time, it wouldn't help, the pig-eared half-orc running at the front was really scary.

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