"Help me."

Sato Kazuma ran away, the speed at this time reached his limit, and regardless of the danger ahead, he fell far behind Yang Lei and the others, and ran alone.

It's just that Kazuma Sato is the same no matter how fast he is, and the orcs are naturally stronger in terms of physical fitness, so they quickly catch up with him and surround him in the middle.

In the back, Yang Lei and the others followed unhurriedly. At first, they were laughing and laughing at the joke, but when Sato Kazuma's clothes were really about to be stripped off by the orcs, they finally took action.


In the shrill screams of Sato Kazuma, Yang Lei hugged Huihui and Darkness to the front, and said, "It's almost here, he is our companion, can you let us go there? ?"

This is very polite.


But the half-orcs scolded him unceremoniously, and threatened: "If you don't have the eyesight to save this man, don't blame us for destroying the flowers, and you will all be slaughtered for food at that time. ..."


A splash of blood splattered, and the talking orc disappeared immediately, turning into a puddle of meat mud spread on the ground.

"What did it just say?"

Yang Lei let go of Huihui and Darkness, leaned forward with his right hand as if he was listening, and asked the orcs, "I didn't hear it clearly just now, could you please repeat it again?"


The half-orcs all swallowed, and the hands on Sato Kazuma were withdrawn.

"It's really shocking remarks."

Yang Lei smiled and said to himself: "I originally just wanted to use you guys to stimulate this little apprentice of mine, to make him understand and think clearly, only one's own absolute strength is the foundation of all decadent life, If you don't have the support of strength, let alone the life you want, you can't even keep your body."

"In other words, I have no malice towards you at all. Although we are not of the same race, I have no reason to kill you, or even destroy your race."

"But, what to do? I heard you say that you orcs treat us humans as food, is that so?"

Having said that, the smile on Yang Lei's face was as cold as the winter and twelfth lunar month.

"That, this."

The clumsy half-orcs can no longer speak, although they are not smart because of their race, but no matter how stupid they are, they can feel that Yang Lei is not easy to mess with.

And they didn't even know what Yang Lei did just now, they just felt that with a flash in front of their eyes, the compatriot who was talking nonsense one second ago turned into a pool of blood in the next second, which is too scary.

"Forget it, shoot them to death."

Yang Lei saw that they didn't have anything to say, and maybe they couldn't say what they wanted to say.

As Yang Lei said just now, she had no reason to kill them, but they gave Yang Lei the reason by themselves, so I don't blame her.

"Get up."

After killing these blind orcs, Yang Lei greeted Kazuma Sato, who was about to cry, turned around, opened his personal space, took out a bowl of PAIR soup and drank it to restore himself to a man, and asked Megumin. He Yoyo: "Meihui, Yoyo, since these half-orcs are neighbors of your Crimson Demons, I think it's better to ask you guys how to deal with them."

"You said, should we go and exterminate them first? Or let them go?"

Megumin and Yunyou glanced at each other, and then heard Megumin say: "These orcs are also more troublesome to our hometown of red devils, after all, we also want to travel more, but they are One of the big obstacles."

"And the half-orcs not only like to take the men who attacked humans back to reproduce, but also regard humans as food, and those men who are captured by them will be brutally eaten after they are drained."

"So, if possible, it would be a good thing for us to destroy the Orcs nearby."

0773 Being unkind, making friends carelessly...

Before continuing to the hometown of the Red Devils, Yang Lei and the others changed directions. Under the leadership of Huihui and Youyou, and the signs of the map, they quickly found the tribe of the Orcs.

In fact, their tribes are not far away, and they arrived after a short distance.

In that tribe, there were only female orcs and no male orcs, and some male adventurers or nearby male residents were taken captive. When Yang Lei and the others came, they were being made by those orcs Something ashamed to say.

What else is there to say? Seeing that the captured human men are all dying, Yang Lei and the others hurried to save them.

After a brief battle, the orc tribe was soon wiped out~.

After all, with Yang Lei here, even if Megumin, who is an APC, can't make a move - it's fine.

After disposing of the orc tribe, he gave simple treatment to the men who were already sluggish and nearly collapsed, and then Yang Lei and the others set off on the road again.

In other words, are they a little too cold-blooded and ruthless?Not only did those guys who have been abused for a long time be left there to fend for themselves, but also some of the cubs of the Orc tribe were also wiped out.

What to say?

It’s like the battle between humans and the undead and the demons, and it’s like the battle between the human kingdom and the Demon King’s army. Are there still fewer dead people?

Orcs are like monsters to humans, at least they are not in the same camp. If they live in peace with each other, they can live together, but since the orcs are so obsessed with human men, and they all make attacks, It is normal behavior for them to kill.

After all, this is in a different world, and they are still adventurers, and they usually kill monsters when they go on quests.

As for the men who were rescued.

Everyone should be responsible for themselves, others have no obligation to help you, and Yang Lei and the others also have things to do, so don't kidnap morally.

After all, not everyone is a Virgin.

. . . . . .

After disposing of the half-orc tribe, when they hit the road again, they found that although Sato Kazuma was no longer as decadent and depressed as before, he was still much more silent than usual.

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