No way, he was really close to being overpowered by those half-orcs before. It was really too 'timely' for Yang Lei to take action, which left a big psychological shadow on him.

For now, Sato Kazuma is even about to lose interest in the opposite sex.

Fortunately, Aqua has been comforting Sato Kazuma all the time, and has been tirelessly holding him by the corner of his shirt without complaining, which is a rare seriousness.

It's also that Kazuma Sato's performance is really pitiful. If he did this normally, Aqua would have been ridiculed long ago.

In the end, even Megumin and Darkness, as well as Yoyo who followed behind, looked at Sato Kazuma with pity, and then couldn't help looking at Yang Lei with weird and punitive eyes.

Yang Lei had explained it himself before that he clearly had the strength to expel orcs, but he wanted to use them to experience Kazuma Sato. It was really bad.

"It's really unkind to meet people, make friends carelessly, and worship teachers is not a virtuous person."

Aqua's sigh with emotion exhausted Sato Kazuma's hardships after meeting Yang Lei.

Ever since he met Yang Lei, he has always been trying to torment Sato Kazuma, to make their team stronger, and the purpose is to kill the Demon King as soon as possible.

And when their relationship got a little better, Yang Lei helped Aqua to take away all the property that Sato Kazuma had hidden when he needed it.

Although that was also given to him by Yang Lei.

In the end, Sato Kazuma just wanted to ask Yang Lei to ask him about kendo, but Yang Lei insisted that he be his master instead.

It doesn't matter if you are a master, but what the hell are you just teaching three esoteric proverbs?

Sato Kazuma is only an entry-level player, and he doesn't understand such advanced things, so he can't understand it.

And today he was pitted by Yang Lei again.

To say a fair word of conscience, since meeting Yang Lei, Kazuma Sato has suffered all kinds of hardships.


Perhaps it was because Aqua expressed the grievances in his heart, or because of the nervousness he was afraid of, Sato Kazuma couldn't help crying.

"Isn't it?"

Yang Lei can't sit still, hey, what are you crying about as a big man, it's like I'm bullying you, stop making trouble, we're all grown ups, okay, don't be so childish?

"Alas, sin."

Huihui followed suit, shaking her hair and letting out a sigh, as if she had a great responsibility for failing to control Yang Lei's nonsense.

Hey, what kind of parent are you, a fourteen-year-old little loli pretending to be here?

Megumin said she was very angry, the law in this world is that you can get married at the age of fourteen, right?In theory, she can have children, not children.

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"Yang Lei."

Darkness also spoke, looking at Kazuma Sato behind him a little unbearably, and said to Yang Lei: "Go and apologize, this time is really too much."

"Yes, Mr. Yang Lei."

Even Yunyou, who had never had a sense of existence, said a fair word: "You have also seen the end of those men, I think you are really going too far."

Suddenly, Yang Lei was attacked by a group.

It can only be said that who told him to be handsome before and said that he wanted to exercise Kazuma Sato, otherwise it would not be the case.


Yang Lei was also very kind. He didn't argue with everyone again, and he didn't want to shirk his responsibilities. He turned back to Kazuma Sato in a manly manner, and was good at Sato, who was crying behind Aqua's back. Kazuma patted on the shoulder.

. ....


Yang Lei once again took out his master's style, and under the strange gazes of several women, he said, "Life will always experience all kinds of trials and tribulations. Rush over."

"Come on, get out of that unnecessary psychological shadow, come, come to Master, the sun is shining brightly here."


Yang Lei's performance instantly shocked the four girls around.

Hey, which kindergarten teacher is coaxing the children?

Having said that, in terms of the emotional intelligence of the little devils now, this sentence can't even handle a three-year-old child.

"Wow ah ah..."

Sure enough, Sato Kazuma cried even more miserably. This was because he was angry, and Yang Lei was too irresponsible. He just apologized, why did he put on such an air again?Can't you just say sorry or something?He's all right.

"Hey, why did you make him cry again?"

Aqua was helpless, thinking that in the past, she had always played the role of mischief, why did Yang Lei become so unreliable today?


Yang Lei was also on fire, brought out another bowl of PAIR soup from his personal space, and said to Sato Kazuma: "If you really can't get over that hurdle, come on, drink it and you can become a beauty, then you don't have to I'm still entangled in the fact that I was almost overpowered by orcs before."

So, does Kazuma Sato drink?What is his choice? .

0774 Coming to the hometown of the Red Devils again

"Really, what are you thinking? Become a T, scum, ghost, overkill."

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