Hui Hui smiled shyly and nodded, especially when she looked at Yang Lei, her little face turned red.

Only Yunyou seemed more depressed, because she was not their companion, she just came back in a group.

"Cough cough."

At this moment, he only heard Buccrolli coughing deliberately to attract everyone's attention, and then he waved his robe vigorously. Although he clearly didn't hold a wand, he still held his right hand high and shouted: "I Nebukroli, the son of the leading shoe store of the Crimson Demons, as a great magician, is someone who is good at using advanced magic."


Yang Lei, who was accustomed to the second disease of the Red Devils, applauded and cheered for Buccrolli's self-introduction.

"Thank you very much."

Buklori happily thanked him repeatedly. To tell the truth, this was the first time he had encountered the Crimson Demons when they introduced themselves without being given a subtle reaction by outsiders.

There is no way, after all, Yang Lei and the others get along with Huihui day and night, and there is another Yoyo who has been very close recently and has long been immune.

In other words, although Yoyo is the most valuable person in the Crimson Demons with common sense.

But because Megumin always wanted to tease her, Yunyun would always show a middle-two state that would make her feel ashamed.

It can only be said that this child is really born in the wrong place.

No, rather than saying that she was born in the wrong place and race, it is better to say that she was born in the wrong world, because the world is abnormal.

After Bukroli and his party all introduced themselves according to the habits of the Crimson Demons, Yang Lei and the others had already become one with this group of guys who claimed to be the guerrilla army of the Demon King's Army.

Then, with their help, after a teleportation, everyone came to a quiet village from the forest before. .

0775 Unreliable Patriarch

"what happened?"

Standing on the peaceful village path, Megumin and the others couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Isn't the village being attacked by the Demon King's army?But it looks like it's no different from usual?How is this going?

"Go and ask the patriarch."

That's what they said before they left.


Yunyou nodded, thinking that what they said was right, she had to talk to her father, the head of the Crimson Demon clan.

As the Crimson Demons with the strongest magic talent, Yoyo and Megumin are not low in intelligence, they had already noticed the difference and guessed something.

At this time, even Sato Kazuma and the others other than Yang Lei felt that the town of the Red Devils didn't care about the Demon King's army that surrounded the village.

In fact, think about it, if the entire village is a great magician, isn't it a matter of teleportation to leave?What's there to care about, really.

And looking at the construction of the village, we can see that the Demon King's army has never come in, and the villagers are living at ease, and there is absolutely no awareness and tension that the war has come.

"Everyone, come with me first."

At this time, under the 16 call of Yoyo, the group said goodbye to Bukroli and the others, and then followed her to the other direction.

Along the way, they met many villagers of the Crimson Demons. The Crimson Demons were still very friendly, and they did not encounter any bad situations.

"what is this?"

It's just that when he passed a statue, Kazuma Sato looked up and down with some curiosity, and felt that the Crimson Demons were still very literary and artistic, and they didn't know what monsters were carved, but they were very lifelike anyway.

"It's a griffin, it's carved very much like it."

Darkness was also amazed. As the daughter of a great noble family, even she was impressed by the craftsmanship of the Crimson Demons.

"It's not a statue."

On the side, Megumin explained to everyone: "It was made by using petrification magic to turn a griffin that got lost into the village into stone. Because it looks very handsome, everyone decided to keep it as a tourist attraction."


Aqua was suddenly very interested, and while muttering some magic incantation, she sent her right hand, which was gradually glowing, forward.

"Better not to restore it to its state."

Yang Lei quickly pulled Aqua back with a black line, thinking what are you doing?To help a terrifying monster restore its abnormal state?It's really weird.

Moreover, suddenly resurrecting such a monster in someone's village shouldn't have any good results, right?

. . . . . .

Since there is no longer anything new on the way, Aqua and the others can finally calm down.

It didn't take long for the group to be led by Youyou to the Crimson Demon Clan Patriarch's house, which was the gate of her house.

Because he is the head of the clan, the Yoyo's house is located in the middle and center of the village, and the big house is beautifully built.

At this time, Yang Lei and the others had already pushed open the door and walked in.

"Dad, I'm back."

Yoyo shouted from the entrance, and then skillfully found indoor slippers and the like for everyone.

"Yeah, Yoyo is back."

A middle-aged man was greeted from the back room. After he came out with a look of surprise, he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Yang Lei and them.

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