"they are?"

No wonder the middle-aged man hesitated. Except for Huihui, Yang Lei and the others were all unfamiliar outsiders.

Don't look at Yang Lei's previous visit to the home of the Red Devils, and the patriarch has heard of him, but he has never seen Yang Lei's appearance, so he is considered a stranger.

"They are, are my friends."

Youyou hesitated two or three times when introducing Yang Lei and their identities, and finally she gritted her teeth and classified them as her friends without authorization.

Yang Lei and Kazuma Sato couldn't help but look at Yoyo with pity, thinking that this child is really pitiful.

Darkness, on the other hand, showed a look of mutual pity. She was so lonely and no friends when she was a child, but fortunately, she has found her partner and is still with her beloved.

"That's it."

Yunyou's father nodded and didn't say much. He easily accepted Yang Lei's arrival and welcomed everyone to the living room in the back room.

In the living room of Yoyo's house, around a small round table, a circle of people sat down.

"Hey, Dad, what happened?"

As soon as she sat down, Yunyou couldn't wait to ask.

Yang Lei and the others also asked the patriarch with concern, and expressed their willingness to help the hometown of the Red Devils if needed.


The patriarch scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "That's just a letter sent to the little girl to report the current situation, it just gets more and more energetic as I write, after all, people like us Crimson Demons can't write ordinary content. letter, hahaha..."

"Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying at all."

Sato Kazuma immediately complained unceremoniously.

At some point, he had recovered from being frightened and struck by the half-orc.

After all, Yang Lei and the others have wiped out the half-orc's territory and ethnic group, and the psychological shadows will pass as long as they are slowly adjusted.

Not only Kazuma Sato, but Yunyou was also stunned. Even if she noticed something strange, she didn't expect such an outcome.

Just a home book?

"Huh? Dad, Dad? Well, I'm very happy to see you're safe and sound, but can you say it again, first of all, the first sentence of the letter, 'When you received this letter, I Must be no longer in this world, what do you mean?"

Yang Lei and Kazuma Sato felt pity for her even more because Yoyo was at a loss, and even Darkness made the same expression this time.

"That's the season greeting of the Crimson Demons. Didn't you learn it at school?...Ah, yes, you and Megumin graduated very early because of their excellent grades, so you didn't learn it, right?"

The patriarch said the words with a flat face that made outsiders feel very cheesy.

Yoyo's eyes widened, she was already a little confused about the situation, and after blinking her eyes, she continued to ask unwillingly: "Then, then, what about the huge military base built by the Demon King's Army that couldn't be destroyed smoothly? ?"


The patriarch suddenly burst out laughing: "Because the base they built is very majestic and majestic, everyone is still discussing whether to destroy it directly or leave it as a new tourist attraction. The different opinions have not been unified."


Yunyou almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and threw herself forward on the table, completely losing to their old man.

"Yuyou, that, can I punch your dad?"

Kazuma Sato was instantly furious. What did he come here after suffering so much along the way?

"Okay, okay."

Without even thinking about it, Yunyou nodded and agreed. If she could, she even wanted to give her old man a punch.


Immediately, the surrounding of the small table was a mess.

"Hey, Yang Lei."

At this moment, Huihui quietly leaned into Yang Lei's ear and asked, "Looking at how indifferent you have been along the way, did you already guess that this was the result?"

"of course."

Yang Lei generously admitted Huihui's guess, and said proudly, "Who told us that we also have a Crimson Demon girl with a secondary illness in our family."

"Well, asshole."

A certain girl from the Crimson Demon clan who was sick in the second grade gave up, and also jumped on Yang Lei and made a fuss. .

0776 Strong Crimson Demons

"The Demon King's Army is on the alert, the Demon King's Army is on the alert. Anyone with nothing at hand, please gather in front of the griffin statue at the entrance of the village. The number of enemies is estimated to be around a thousand."

Just as the patriarch's house was in full swing, an alarm sounded throughout the village.


He let out a long breath, and the patriarch glanced at Sato Kazuma, who was still thinking about punching him in the face even though he was restrained by Darkness and Aqua, embarrassed. He asked, "Well, do you want to visit or something?"


Sato Kazuma was startled by the number of [-] up and down, and at this time, he was startled again by the words of the patriarch.

"Hey, that's a thousand, right? It's a thousand, am I right?"

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