It seems that even with Megumin and Darkness, Yang Lei will not stop, but will continue to complete the task of defeating the Demon King.

"Speaking back."

At this time, Yang Lei rubbed his chin, turned his head thoughtfully to look in a certain direction, and said, "Actually, this place is really close to the Demon King City. If I think about it, maybe I can defeat the Demon King now. ?"

As they spoke, the group had already arrived on a mountain or hill, and saw Megumin walking a few steps to a place that seemed to be an observation deck, raised her hand and patted something like a telescope standing beside her, Said to everyone: "This is a super-performance telescopic magic item, which can peep into the Devil's Castle at any time. I heard that the most recommended surveillance point is the room of the Devil's daughter."


Yang Lei temporarily stopped talking with Kazuma Sato, chased after Megumin a few steps, and put away the telescopic magic tool in a huff.

"what happened?"

Everyone was stunned, not sure what Yang Lei was smoking.

Yang Lei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead speechlessly, and complained angrily: "I actually went to steal and peep at someone's daughter's room, I said that you Red Demons are very serious. Also, you are not afraid of people's troops coming to crusade you. Is it? I guess, this is the reason for this war, right?"

Hearing Yang Lei say this, the others finally reacted.

Indeed, something like this is already considered a crime.


Megumin turned her head to the side with no confidence, not daring to meet the eyes of everyone.

"Say it."

Yang Lei took another step forward and came to Huihui's side. He embraced her slender waist unceremoniously, and looked up. He who has the pupil technique doesn't need the telescopic magic item at all. It's very easy. I saw where the Demon King's Castle was.

"Looking from here, it's really close to the Demon King's Castle."

Just listen to Yang Lei say so.


I don't know when, Darkness also followed, standing on the other side of Yang Lei consciously, and then skillfully moved his arm and asked Yang Lei to hold his waist.

"Che, it's enough to look like a winner in life."

Below, Sato Kazuma bit his fingers and complained secretly in his heart, the envy and jealousy on his face was beyond words, and Aqua couldn't help but snicker.

"Hey, Yang Lei."

At this moment, Huihui turned her head and looked at Yang Lei's profile deeply, as if she wanted to keep his appearance firmly in her heart, and murmured, "After you go back, hurry up and have a baby, right?"


Yang Lei was taken aback. Hey, he just created a spirit of pointing the country, as if he was going to kill the Demon King City at any time. Why did he talk about the topic of children in a blink of an eye?

Also, you're only fourteen years old, girl, don't be so anxious, okay?


Darkness on the other side was not to be outdone, and said to Yang Lei in a rare and strong tone: "Whether you will come back to pick us up in the future, but at least you must leave us a child, especially our family. As for my child, you don't want to see me have children with other men in order to continue the glory and blood of the family?"

"Who dares."

Yang Lei shouted angrily: "I have decided, this time I will also be decadent, well, go back and let you give birth to my child.".

0779 Unreliable Red Devils

Yang Lei really said that wind is rain. Since both Huihui and Darkness said so, he definitely didn't want to live up to their expectations.

But after all, there are still two people who came with you, no, plus there are three people in Yoyo, so there is no way to run away like this.

Under the hard persuasion of Sato Kazuma and Aqua, he gave up the idea of ​​going home immediately with his eldest wife to make a man, but led by his eldest wife, Megumin, who was crying and laughing, the group continued to stroll. go down.

The home of the Crimson Demons is not the only scenic spot. Later, they went to a building such as a shrine, where they saw the beautiful, young, and female dolls that were enshrined by the Crimson Demons as if they were gods. . . .

Well, this doll is actually a toy on the other side of the earth~.

According to Megumin, a long, long time ago, an ancestor of the Crimson Demons rescued a traveler who was attacked by a monster, and this doll was the gift of thanks for the traveler's stay.

It seems that the guy who must be from Earth Japan is not a good bird. He even took a doll as a thank you gift or something.

I just don't know what the ancestors of the Crimson Demons thought. Maybe it was because the traveler said, "For me, this is a sacred object more valuable than life." Are you up?

It's quite silly.

However, Yang Lei can also understand. After all, the Crimson Demons have always been interested in things like gods, such as the other two relics called 'The Tomb of the Sealed Evil God' and the 'Seal of the Unknown Goddess'. It is not that there is none.

Then, they followed Megumin to a small spring under the shade of a tree.

"This is the spring water known as the "Wish Fountain". There is a legend in this spring that as long as an axe or a coin is offered as an offering, the goddess who is in charge of gold and silver can be summoned. Therefore, people still occasionally come here to throw axe or coins. go in."

"I don't know who spread this rumor. If it weren't for the kind uncle of the iron shop who would clean up the spring water regularly, the spring water would have grown a mountain of iron by now."

Megumin said so.

"Does anyone really believe it?"

Yang Lei was skeptical.

Sato Kazuma may have also begun to feel that the Crimson Demons seem to be unexpectedly unreliable, and he also asked: "By the way, how do you deal with the coins and scrap iron that the blacksmith uncle cleared out?"

"Of course it is recycled and used as a material for weapons and armor."

Megumin rolled her eyes and shook her head at Kazuma Sato with 'you're stupid' pity.

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