And Sato Kazuma just smiled bitterly and glanced at Yang Lei.

'I think I know who the culprit behind the rumors is. '

Sato Kazuma gestured to Yang Lei with his eyes.

'Shh, shh, just know, don't say it, or it will cause trouble. '

Yang Lei also reminded Sato Kazuma with his eyes, mainly because he didn't want Megumin to know that the 'kind' uncle in the blacksmith's shop was the culprit behind all this, and he was afraid that she would be sad or something.

Having said that, it's also thanks to them that they are able to 'brow and flirt'... Well, after all, it's a master-apprentice relationship.

"That, Aqua."

At this moment, Darkness looked embarrassed and shouted: "I think it's better for you to come up from the spring, and I guess there won't be coins like coins below, right?"

The three people on this side turned their heads and saw that Aqua jumped into the spring water below at some point. Maybe she was trying to get some coins out of the water?It's a pity that she only caught a piece of scrap metal in the end.

"Be careful not to get scratched."

Megumin on the shore was a little anxious. After all, she brought them here to play. If Aqua was injured by the rusted copper and iron soaked in water, she couldn't take the responsibility.

"no problem, no problem."

Aqua smirked: "Hey, Megumin, why don't you hire me to be the goddess of this spring when it's the tourist season?"

"What is she talking about?"

Sato Kazuma gritted his teeth, and began to turn his head to look around, while still muttering: "Okay, then I'll throw the axe in now, and you can turn it into a golden axe for me and send it back."

. . . . . .

After talking for a while, the group started walking again, and finally came to an entrance leading to the underground that seemed to be nothing special.

To use an analogy, it's like the entrance to a nuclear bunker.

"This is an underground facility where 'weapons capable of destroying the world' are sealed."

Megumin's mouth ran out of a very incredible name.

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

Because Megumin's expression was serious, Sato Kazuma couldn't help but feel a little scared.

After all, the hometown of the Red Devils is an evil god and an unknown goddess, etc., but it sounds very bluffing.

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The most important thing is that Yang Lei, as Megumin's male ticket, had quietly assured Kazuma Sato that the evil gods and goddesses that Megumi said existed, not just nonsense.

Sato Kazuma may not believe what others say, but if it is Yang Lei's guarantee, Sato Kazuma has to believe it.

Because Yang Lei also said that his pupil technique can see the breath of God in those two ruins that have been abandoned. Although it is very few, there are still traces to follow.

And Yang Lei shouldn't scare him so badly, right?

So Kazuma Sato is already a little restless at this time, hey, what a dangerous place the home of the Crimson Demons is, and what an unreliable race the Crimson Demons are, and they are moving the sealed evil gods back again. Picking up this or that dangerous thing is crazy.


It is stated in advance that the Crimson Demons are not insane, they are a middle-aged family, and they only do it because they think they are very handsome.

That's right, for the Crimson Demons, they don't need strong power or a cool head in battle, but they must speak handsome lines and put on the most perfect pose.

For example, when Megumin casts the explosion magic, she will often finish the spell in her mind first, and when she is about to cast it, she will deliberately add a piece of her own improvisation.

For example, I am Megumin, one of the great magicians of the Crimson Demons... or something.

From this, it can be seen how deeply ill the Crimson Demons are.

"All right."

In the end, Megumin clapped her hands and said to everyone, "It's almost the end of the hometown of the Red Devils when we get here, and in the end, only that mysterious facility is left."

Megumin raised her finger when talking about the mysterious facility. Everyone looked in her direction, and sure enough, they found a huge mysterious facility not far away.

According to Megumin: "Mysterious facilities are mysterious facilities. The purpose is a mystery, who built it for what purpose, and when it was built. It is also a mystery. After exploring the inside, it is completely unclear. That is a mysterious facility, and I don't plan to tear it down."

What is this village like?

"Let's disband here first."

After that, Megumin pulled Yang Lei over and called their third child. The family of three directly dumped Sato Kazuma and Aqua. .

0780 Honest and unreliable clothing store owner

In front of a certain store, after Megumin pulled Yang Lei and Darkness away from Sato Kazuma and Aqua, they came here.

"Is this a clothing store?"

Yang Lei glanced left and right, and then confirmed that this should be the storefront that sells clothes, and he could see from the window that there were humanoid molds and clothing inside.

"Isn't that of course?"

Megumin rolled her eyes and said something: "What are you talking about, since it's my boyfriend and Darkness, when I go shopping with my girlfriend, there will definitely be shopping and clothes shopping."

"That, Megumin, I won't..."

Darkness laughed dryly, and wanted to reject Megumin's kindness.

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