If you haven't forgotten, at the very beginning, Darkness had said more than once that she would go back to her hometown to exercise her strength, that is, her muscles.

Now, although Darkness's abdominal muscles are still "zero-fifty" and not as good as Yang Lei's, they are not far behind.

Every night when she went to bed, Megumin often confused who the two people's stomachs belonged to. After all, they felt almost the same to the touch.

Sometimes even Yang Lei will complain that his girlfriend actually has eight pack abs or something, it's not soft and soft.

So she is very troubled now, and she is really embarrassed to buy some clothes outside, and she is even more embarrassed to show her strong muscles.

"Come in quickly."

Megumin would definitely not let her go, otherwise wouldn't it make her look like she's ostracizing?

Darkness was helpless, although she was stronger, she was dragged by Megumin into the shop in the end.

Behind the two women, Yang Lei shook his head with a wry smile, and had no choice but to follow them to the store.

"Welcome, oh oh oh."

Yang Lei and Darkness were startled by the shopkeeper's sudden exclamation, and only Megumin seemed calm because she was probably already prepared.

"Isn't this Megumin? By the way, these two are from outside, right?"

The shopkeeper asked Megumin with a bewildered expression.


Megumin nodded and introduced to the owner with a proud face: "That handsome guy who is not only impeccable in appearance, but also excellent in inside, and has a very high level of literacy and education is my man. friends."

"And the beautiful, unparalleled, sexy, hot Crusader standing next to him is not only my adventurer companion, but also my good sister."

Megumin's introduction made Yang Lei and Darkness feel embarrassed, and they couldn't help but admire Megumin. Wouldn't you feel embarrassed for saying that?

Well, after all, Megumin has made such exaggerated opening remarks more than once, and she has long been used to it.

"I see."

Suddenly, the uncle of the shop owner seemed to be a different person, and both the expression on his face and the momentum on his body also changed.

"first meet."

I saw the uncle of the shop owner skillfully waving his cape in the small shop, and introduced himself loudly: "I'm a K-brand! As an archmage, I am good at using advanced magic, and I am the chief clothing shop owner of the Crimson Demons!"

"oh oh."

Darkness applauded because of the store owner's performance, and praised: "The Crimson Demon's leading clothing store sounds really powerful, disrespectful."

"Cough cough."

The uncle, the owner of the shop named Che K Luo, blushed and coughed lightly, then explained embarrassingly: "Well, it's like this, because I'm the only clothing store in the town of Red Devils, so..."

"Give my appreciation back."

Even Darkness couldn't help but complain.

Naturally, Huihui knew the result for a long time, so she explained to Darkness and Yang Lei while holding back a smile.

After all, the population of the hometown of the Red Devils is only more than [-] people. In such a small-scale village, there are only a few households who open stores and do business, and it is impossible for there to be any more competition.

For example, this uncle is the number one clothing store owner, and then the shoe store is the number one shoe store owner, and vegetables, fruits, and the like can also be said to be number one.

"So, what is this village like?"

Yang Lei is also complaining, not only in this village, but even in this world, it is so immoral.

"never mind."

Shaking his head again, Yang Lei said in his heart that he should get used to it after being in this world for so long.

Looking forward, he asked Megumin again: "Speaking of which, Megumin, there seem to be only a few styles of clothes sold here. They are all magician cloaks, cloaks, etc. What do you want to buy?"

Indeed, not only does this small shop not have many goods, but also has very few styles. As Yang Lei said, it is basically the style that Huihui wears.

"Just to buy these."

Megumin explained that she had bought some clothes with similar styles in Axel Town before, but she still felt that the ones sold in her hometown were more pleasing to her heart, so she planned to take this opportunity to buy more clothes for washing. … ...

Yang Lei was speechless, thinking that it may be that Megumin really cares more about her figure, so she is so persistent and only wears that dress all the time.

Moreover, it may also be because of the poor relationship in the past, which led to Megumin's obsession, such as she must buy a few more sets when she is rich in the future, and so on. Clothes, that's for sure.

"Then buy it."

Naturally, Yang Lei would not refuse the request for a female ticket. He had money anyway, so he pulled down a chair and sat down, and let Huihui and Darkness choose it for themselves.

As I said just now, the size of the store is not large, and Megumin quickly found the clothes she needed from the few items she had.

As for Darkness, she was just a sidekick and didn't have the clothes she needed.

"That's all."

Megumin breathed a sigh of relief, but she thought she would be worried about not having her size.

"How could it not be."

The uncle of the shop owner kindly helped them put up their clothes while collecting the money, and at the same time explained to Megumin: "Isn't there a new student entering school soon, these are reserved for those first-year children. "

"The pitch black of black, which is blacker than black, merges with my true red..."

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