Megumin bowed her head, her beautiful red eyes were glowing bright red at this time, and she heard her, mouth, 2.1 lips, squirming and moving, making a vague murmur, and I don't know if she was talking. what.


Fortunately, Yang Lei has super hearing. He knew right away that this girl was chanting a burst magic spell because she couldn't stand the blow, so she quickly hugged it and said in a funny and angry way, "What are you angry about? ?"


Megumin no longer chanted the mantra, but she still accused the boss with a dissatisfied look, saying that she dared to compare the body of a first-year elementary school student with her, it was too much.

The uncle of the shop owner pouted secretly, saying that he was telling the truth.

Fortunately, he didn't really say it, otherwise there would definitely be some trouble again.

"Let's go, let's go back. It just so happens that the cadre of the Demon King's army should be here. Quickly kill it and go home and make a villain."

0781 The exhausted Sato Kazuma

Because Yang Lei said, "The cadres of the Demon King's army should come too", which made Huihui and Darkness feel a little uneasy. The three hurriedly bid farewell to the owner of the clothing store and hurried all the way to Huihui's house.

But as soon as they went out, they found that the village seemed to be a little chaotic.

Could it really be the cadre of the Demon King's army calling?

That's right, that's right, a guy named Sylvia, who should look like a beautiful woman, came into the village.

And when Yang Lei and the others joined together with Aqua who placed the order, they also learned a piece of news, that is, it seems that Sato Kazuma has been captured by Sylvia.

"That idiot."

Aqua complained with tears in her eyes: "It's really stupid to resist because that guy named Sylvia has a pair of big weapons."


Megumin and Darkness were silent for a moment, and her "Zero Eight Seven" also felt it. When they were at home, Sato Kazuma sometimes pretended to peep casually and spy on them when they were wearing pajamas. After Yang Lei caught the current situation and gave a serious warning, he restrained a little.

In other words, Sato Kazuma really is a womanizer.

"That erotic, erotic, crazy waste material and truth."

Shaking his head speechlessly, Yang Lei couldn't help but muttered: "Is he an idiot? It would be fine if Sylvia was a woman, but he is a human-monster synthetic beast. Except for the upper body, the lower body, including the inner It's a man."


Because of Yang Lei's words, the three girls all had weird expressions, and inexplicably came up with an idiom, that is sister Da Diao.


After a while, Aqua suggested as if it was interesting: "Just let Kazuma suffer a little."

Hey, Aqua Sama, if Kazuma Sato knows what you think, he will cry.

First, she was almost overpowered by a female orc, and now it has fallen into the hands of a human-monster synthetic beast. You are in danger of being overpowered by the other party at any time. Please be considerate of others.

"it's not good."

Yang Lei, the only man at the scene, coughed dryly. As a man, of course he knew that unless it was an accident for someone with a daughter's heart, no one would accept being raped by others.

So he had to stand up and say two fair words for Sato Kazuma at this time: "After all, he is our companion, and we must guard the most precious thing for him no matter what."

In the face of Yang Lei's insistence, the three girls had no choice but to raise their spirits and follow him to search in the village.

As a leader of the Demon King's army, Sylvia was not arrogant, but came with a large army after knowing the difficulties and entanglements between the hometown of the Crimson Demons and the Crimson Demons.

It's just that the large army is obviously its abandoned son, and the purpose is just to help it attract the attention of the Crimson Demons.

The village soon became chaotic, and there were scenes of the Crimson Demons fighting against the soldiers of the Demon King's army.

It can only be said that it is Yang Lei. Whether it is the ability of pupil technique or voice, he can easily find the whereabouts of Kazuma Sato who was kidnapped. If it was someone else, he would not even want to find it in such a chaotic environment. One or two people.

"found it."

Under the leadership of Yang Lei, a group of four passed through the 'lively' village, and finally came to an entrance leading to the underground, which looked like the entrance to a nuclear bunker.

That's right, what they came to was exactly what Megumin said before, the entrance to the underground facility that sealed the 'weapons capable of destroying the world'.

"Oops, the sealed door was actually opened?"

Megumin covered her mouth and exclaimed, looking at the entrance of the door that had been opened in disbelief.

"It's really true."

Aqua said so confidently that she had also discovered before that the so-called sealed door was actually a security door with a password lock, and the keys to enter the password were all in Japanese.

Now that the door is opened after Sato Kazuma disappeared, it is not difficult to guess the truth, it must be that Sylvia's goal is that dangerous weapon, and threatened Sato Kazuma to open the door.

"pat, pat..."

At this moment, only the sound of running came from the inside of the gate, and then, a person came out from the inside, and immediately blocked the gate again with lightning speed.

"Huh? Isn't this Kazuma?"

The four people at the door walked over and found that the person who escaped from the door was Kazuma Sato.

"Where did that guy go?"

Yang Lei asked Kazuma Sato, in fact, he was using the pupil technique to see the situation inside through the gate, and found that Sylvia did not rush to chase after Kazuma Sato, but was ecstatic after discovering something. . . .....


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