Yang Lei apologized to Darkness with a helpless expression, and pointed his hand in the direction behind him: "It seems that Aqua's voice is a bit loud, so they all heard it."


Darkness exclaimed, turned her head to look, and found that Megumin in the room was staring at him with a pair of bright red eyes, and Sato Kazuma was also looking at him with a hurt face.

"how so."

Darkness hugged her hair and yelled, she knew that if they knew about it, she probably wouldn't be able to run it secretly.

No wonder she checked the mailbox with Aqua before, so when Aqua saw the letter forwarded by the family, it was really careless.

(PS: Well, let's go to the sixth volume from now on...).

0784 Getting ready for dinner with the princess

Speaking of which, Yang Lei's team's record is really scary enough.

From the very beginning, the headless knight Beldia, followed by the hell duke-level demon Banir, then the highly poisonous Slimhans, and now a human-monster synthetic beast Sylvia has to be added.

There were only eight cadres in the Demon King's army, but only Yang Lei and the others defeated four, and they had to subtract one useless Wiz.

In other words, I don't know if I don't know, if I think about it carefully, even Sato Kazuma and the others are startled.

Because of this, they felt that they could be invited by the First Princess to dinner or something, which was simply too natural.

You must know that the existence of these cadres is definitely not short, only Wiz is the newest member, and no one has been able to defeat them for so many years, which shows how strong they are.

Therefore, Yang Lei and the others are still very strong.

Nonsense, can you not be strong, after all, Yang Lei is invincible....

Because they think they deserve to be entertained by the princess, neither of Sato Kazuma and the others feel that they might cause trouble for the Darkness family. Recently, they are preparing for the upcoming dinner party every day. Prepare.

Even Sato Kazuma, the waste Nite tribe, was very diligent once he knew the information about the first princess.

According to the information he inquired, the first princess, Princess Alice, seems to be only twelve years old this year, which is just the age to be regarded as a younger sister.

Does this guy 073 know who he is about to face?He even dared to imagine that Alice was a sister, so that everyone who knew his thoughts could not help but secretly sweat.

Especially Darkness, it's too late to stop him now, so he can only remind everyone as much as possible so that they don't lose their etiquette.

Yang Lei comforted Darkness for a while, always reassuring her and so on, but Darkness was still not at ease.

It is precisely because he has always been preoccupied with his mind that Darkness has not noticed one thing, that is, when Yang Lei mentioned Alice and the dinner party, there will be an untraceable murderous intent flowing from time to time in Yang Lei's eyes. on.

Of course, Yang Lei's goal is definitely not Princess Alice, but someone else.

"Are you still thinking of our Darkness? Hey, old thing, don't let me find a chance, or I'll kill you."

Yang Lei whispered to himself in his heart, not knowing who the old thing he was talking about was.

Anyway, no matter who it is, time is passing little by little, and it will be a few days later in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Darkness not only called the deacon from home to give a etiquette class to everyone except Yang Lei, but also took them to order some dresses (bgcf).

Sato Kazuma originally planned to wear a kimono. After all, it was a more formal occasion, so he wanted to show his importance to this dinner party and the princess.

The result was of course rejected. This time, even Aqua couldn't stand it anymore. To point out that he was actually making a fool of himself.

Yang Lei also warned him, saying that if he dared to bully their Darkness again, he would move his finger on his swordsmanship.

Well, pointing something must be just an excuse, the real intention is to teach Sato Kazuma a lesson.

Under the strong pressure of Yang Lei, Sato Kazuma finally compromised and finally agreed to be more honest.

"It's finally this day."

This evening, in the Dustinis' manor, Darkness, who had put on an elegant and noble evening dress, stood there, no longer as valiant as before. Tranquil.

To be honest, if it wasn't for someone they knew, whoever saw Lalatina now wouldn't believe that this guy turned out to be that Darkness.

It's just that her frowning expression at this time made her overall temperament a little bit less.

No way, the banquet with the first princess of the kingdom is about to start, she will definitely be worried.

Not only her, but even Ignis, who won't be there at night, and Darkness's father are also terrified, thinking what the hell is this? They have arranged the dinner party at their house. past.

If it was an ordinary dinner, of course he was extremely welcome.

But he knew Yang Lei's character and identity, and now he had already guessed that it would not end perfectly in the end.

"I can only hope that they can be more mature and stable."

Ignis can only comfort himself like this in his heart, but in his hand, he has made a prayer gesture unconsciously, and prayed: "Eris, the goddess of luck, please bless me..."

. . . . . .

"Darkness, Darkness, why do my clothes look like a child?"

Back in the direction of the locker room, after Megumin changed into a black dress, she was confronting Darkness, and she was very dissatisfied with the style of her dress.

But in fact, she obviously chose this dress herself, but now she came to find the fault of Darkness. Hey, don't think that you can bully the second wife as you want.

But having said that, she is very gifted in clothing. At this time, after changing into a small pure black dress, she made her fair skin more crystal clear.

Not only that, because the style is cute, although it makes her look like a child, it is surprisingly super cute.

Unlike Megumin who is fooling around, after putting on a white and flawless dress, Aqua, who is silent, suddenly becomes noble and beautiful, and even Kazuma Sato, who has been 'living together' with her since the stable. Are a little obsessed.

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