
It's a pity that when Aqua snorted with pride and pride because of Sato Kazuma's performance, her overall image collapsed in an instant.

"Sure enough, it's still that Aqua."

Sato Kazuma lowered his head with a disappointed look on his face, and the expression of disappointment on his face was beyond words. Sato Kazuma's dinner party.

In other words, like the girls, Yang Lei and Kazuma Sato also put on more formal dresses.

For example, Sato Kazuma is wearing a white suit and a pair of small white leather shoes. The only color of his hair and eyes is black, his tie is dark blue, and everything else is white. .

If you do it like this, he and Aqua really feel a little bit like CP.

And it also made Kazuma Sato, who was not ugly, suddenly look better.

As for Yang Lei's words.

Originally, Darkness and Huihui arranged for him a red suit, because his appearance was so handsome, they really wanted to use sao red to match Yang Lei's body.

It's a pity that Yang Lei refused.

The final dress was the color Yang Lei chose himself. It was a set of blue as a whole, but there were some patterns embroidered with thin gold threads on the cuffs and collars as embellishments.

There are also black ties and white shirts. Although there are many matching colors, they still look very mature and mature. After all, whether it is blue, gold, black or white, it is not too bright and beautiful. color.

"Okay, don't make any trouble, it's time to greet Her Royal Highness Princess Alice!".

0785 Yang Lei who suddenly broke out

In the world where Yang Lei and the others are now, there is not only one country, after all, the Demon King's army must be considered a country.

The country to which Axel Town belongs is called Belzegu Kingdom, and it is the only one among the many human countries that borders the territory of the Demon King’s Army.

In other words, in fact, except for the Belzegu Kingdom, other countries are very peaceful.

It can only be said that the Belzegu Kingdom is really pitiful.

However, there are still many smart people, and other kingdoms did not take the opportunity to stab Belzegu Kingdom in the back, because they also knew that once Belzegu Kingdom was defeated, it would be their turn to face the Demon King’s army head-on. .

Therefore, now all human countries have formed alliances with the Belzegu Kingdom, and will regularly send support to the front line, some people send people, rich people send money, the purpose is not to let their own countries also fall into war-chaos middle.

And Alice is the first princess of Belzegu Kingdom.

The king of this generation seems to have only two children, the eldest son is the prince named what, and the second child is Princess Alice.

Just today, the first princess of the kingdom suddenly stayed at the Dustinis house, and invited Yang Lei and his party, who were adventurers, to a dinner party in advance. In order to reward them for their achievements in defeating several cadres of the Demon King's army, a special banquet was held. Some, and also prepared some items such as rewards.

The King City was far from Axel Town, and Alice would definitely not be able to travel long distances by carriage.

But don't worry, don't forget the trick of teleportation.


With a flash of white light, a simple group of three suddenly appeared at the door of Dustinis' house. After the white light disappeared, everyone could see that it was three girls who came.

After a brief introduction by Darkness as the master, Yang Lei and the others learned that the beautiful little girl with dazzling blonde hair and green eyes standing in the middle was Princess Alice.

Then standing on her left is a great magician named Rein, from a little-known nobleman.

And standing on Alice's right is a good-looking woman named Kureya Sinfonia. It is said that the Sinfonia family is a big noble with the same power as the Dustinis family.

Immediately afterwards, Darkness introduced Yang Lei and the others to the princess and her party.

After a brief chat, the two groups moved towards the restaurant in priority order.

The one who walked in the front and the middle must be Alice, and Darkness, the master, followed Alice's side with the woman named Kureya, but Rein was already excluded. He went to the side and followed closely behind the three people in front with Yang Lei.

Because the news of Alice's coming was announced several days in advance, the Dustinis family made all preparations early.

When the group came to the restaurant, they saw that a rectangular table was already filled with delicacies carefully cooked with various high-grade ingredients.

Unceremoniously, Alice walked to the front of the table and sat on the main seat.

Then, Qureia and Rain, who came together, did not sit down together, but consciously came to Alice's left and right and stopped.

In other words, this is obviously a private dinner party, do you need to be so formal?Kazuma Sato didn't even know how to speak.

"Just sit down."

After Alice took the lead to sit down, she opened her mouth to explain to everyone who was still standing there.

Only then did Darkness begin to arrange everyone's seating order.

First of all, she must be sitting in the position closest to Alice, but there are two positions close to Alice on the left and right of the rectangular table, which makes her a little tangled.

If possible, Darkness definitely wanted to sit next to Yang Lei, but she was worried about letting others be next to Alice.

In the end, the helpless Darkness had to make the following arrangements.

The seat on the left near Alice was her own, then Aqua sat on her right, and finally Megumin and her sandwiched Aqua.

It seemed that the pair of 'sisters' were trying to hold down Aqua, who might cause some trouble.

On the opposite side, Yang Lei sat directly opposite Darkness, that is, the position closest to Alice on the right, and Sato Kazuma sat on his left.

In this way, after a little delay, everyone finally took their seats around the dining table.

The next process is much simpler. For the dinner party, you must have a little something to eat at the beginning.

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