"very good."

Yang Lei nodded without delay, and greeted: "Then it's not too late, just as you are here, I'll take you to catch that guy now."


Darkness was taken aback. Hearing Yang Lei's meaning, is the other party in Axel Town?But if it refers to here, it seems that the biggest suspect may be her father.

"Don't overthink it."

Yang Lei angrily tapped Darkness's forehead, and said, "Don't forget that lord who has a bad reputation but always makes people unable to find the slightest evidence."


Kurea and Alice's eyes lit up at the same time, and they looked at each other again.

Even Darkness nodded thoughtfully. .

0787 Meet Barnier again

It has been said several times before that the Darkness family is one of the largest wealthy nobles in Belzegu Kingdom.

If you really want to say it, Darkness is like Alice's shield, and Kurea is like Alice's sword, which means right-hand man.

Even the two of them are the best candidates to be the princesses of Prince Jadis.

Of course, because of Yang Lei's existence, Darkness will definitely not be someone else's wife again. That's what it means, it's a metaphor.

So, I would like to ask, since Darkness and his family are so powerful, why did they move to Axel Town, which is just a novice village?

In fact, Darkness's father, Ignis, also has a secret mission to collect the guilt of Lord Ardap.

As the lord of the field around Axel Town, Ardap's reputation is not very good, especially I heard that he is still a good and lustful person, as long as the woman he likes will eventually be obtained by him. .

And he himself is a person who will not be single-minded, and often just plays and plays and abandons others.

I just don't know why, although Aldap's reputation is not good, 16 has been unable to find evidence of his real crime, and no one wants to report his appearance.

No way, the kingdom can only secretly arrange tasks for Ignis.

It's a pity that until today, it may have been several years or more than a decade, and Ignis still can't find any valid evidence, which has allowed Aldap to go unpunished all the time.

As a result, just today, Yang Lei broke the trap in one sentence: "That dog lord named Ardap must have a demon helping him, and that is a big demon with a strength around the Duke of Hell level, and even his memory can be distorted, so that's why he did it. Let Aldap stay free."

That's right, it is precisely because of the help of cheating demons that the girls who have been harmed by Ardap dare not report, or should be said that they forgot to report, and Ignis has been unable to collect evidence. .

The matter is now very clear, the old thing Yang Lei said to get rid of is Aldap.

Others don't know, but Yang Lei knows that this old man has been playing Darkness's idea all the time. For example, the previous blind date with Balta was also Ardap's plan.

Because of this necklace that can exchange bodies, Ardap thought that as long as Balta and Darkness are engaged, he can take Balta's body.

And once he succeeds, not only can he become younger, but he can also make a new face while getting Darkness, and even get rid of the original bad comments in one fell swoop.

Don't think that Ardap can't do such a thing, you must know that the ultimate purpose of his acceptance of Balta as his adopted son is for this moment.

Of course, in the beginning, when Balta was very young, Ardap hadn't spied on Darkness, he just regarded Balta as his storage container. Only after seeing her beauty, did she become obsessed with her.

It is precisely because of his obsession with Darkness that Ardap will make another plan after he fails.

Since even Balta couldn't win Darkness's favor, Ardap thought that he should take a risk.

With the help of the demon, he successfully delivered the necklace that can change the body to Alice's hands. When washing away the memory about himself, he only let Alice firmly remember that it was a gift to her brother. .

In this way, as long as this necklace falls into the hands of Prince Jadis, Ardap can successfully seize the kingdom, and can also use a more noble position to force Darkness to submit.

It's a pity that Aldap missed out on Yang Lei.

As a traveler, Yang Lei naturally knew about Ardap's person and his dirty and dirty things. Since Darkness was already his woman, he would definitely not continue to let Ardap go unpunished.

No, he has successfully obtained a kill order from Alice.

. . . . . .

After Yang Lei's explanation, the people in the restaurant finally understood the origin of the matter and the real mastermind behind it.

"It is unforgivable to dare to count His Highness Alice and His Royal Highness Prince Jedis."

Kureya jumped out the first, and said to Yang Lei: "I was offended before, and now I ask Mr. Yang Lei to help us punish that damn lord regardless of previous suspicions."

As Alice's personal bodyguard, Kureya couldn't leave Alice to punish Ardap, and she even dared not let Alice personally go to Ardap for accountability. In the end, she could only give this task to Yang Lei. They are adventurers.

And she has heard the other party say that the demon who has been helping Ardap is a great demon with the same strength as the Demon King's army officer Banir. Naturally, she is even more afraid to take risks in person.

"Leave it to me."

Yang Lei finally stopped doing things this time, but nodded and agreed easily, saying, "After all, I have to take care of Darkness's position, so I think it's for Darkness's sake, I'll go. Come and go."

Darkness looked at Yang Lei tenderly, not knowing how to express her emotion. I am afraid that if Yang Lei proposed to her now, even if Ignis didn't agree, she would run away with Yang Lei.

"As for Kazuma you?"

Turning around, Yang Lei looked at Sato Kazuma and the others, especially the worried Megumin, smiled and reassured: "It's just a waste lord and a demon, you don't have to come along."

"Also, don't forget that this time is a dinner party invited by Princess Alice, so please tell her our adventure story."

After explaining the work of the partners, and rejecting Huihui and Darkness's request, Yang Lei left with the necklace that would allow the host to exchange bodies with others.

He doesn't care about this dinner party, nor does he care about Alice, the purpose of being invited here is just for this moment.

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