That's right, although he wanted to get rid of Ardap for a long time, in order not to cause trouble for Darkness, it would be better to get Alice's approval a little.

"Yeah, isn't this Yang Leijun?"

It's just that when Yang Lei came out of Darkness's house, someone who had been waiting at the gate greeted him.


Yang Lei raised his eyebrows, recognizing that the other party was Barnier, who was successfully attacked by them once before and is now working in the Wiz store, and asked curiously, "Have you seen my future? Can't you? After all, in terms of your ability, if it really involves my future, I'm afraid just a picture is enough to make your body collapse, right?"

That's right, Yang Lei is curious about this.

It's not that he is bragging. In terms of his strength, Barnier not only can't see through what he thinks, but also can't show the ability to see through everything.

As he said, once Barnier forced to check Yang Lei's future, even his body would collapse in an instant.

So Yang Lei was more puzzled, why did Barnier come here?Could it be that he already knew that he was going to kill Ardap and that demon?But how did he get the news? .

0788 Aldap, Maxwell

According to Barnier's explanation, he did not see Yang Lei's future. Just as Yang Lei said, he did not dare to observe Yang Lei with his own eyes that could see through everything. The body in hell also collapsed with serious consequences.

However, Barnier said he was not a fool.

Just this afternoon, Barnier suddenly saw a corner of the future. He found that Maxwell, who was also a Duke-level demon of hell with him, would die, and even his body in hell would be killed.

Barnier was a little amused at first, thinking that he was too tired recently, and wasted too much energy in order to make up for the deficit turnover created by the scrap owner Wiz.

But later, he thought of a person. If it was Yang Lei, maybe the picture he saw was not an illusion.

Next, Barnier paid close attention to the future. When he discovered that there was an inexplicable existence that he could never capture, he had already guessed that it must be related to Yang Lei.

Therefore, he specially ran here to wait for Yang Lei at this time, the purpose was to ask him for mercy, and at the same time, he also wanted to know why Yang Lei wanted to kill Maxwell.

"You want to save that demon?"

Yang Lei glanced at Barnier casually, and warned: "I advise you not to take an inch, I see that you haven't done too much to human beings, and the motto of action is also based on the premise of not killing human beings. , so there is no reason to kill you."

"But that guy is different. I have countless reasons to kill him, such as helping Ardap to harm those girls, and then helping Ardap to distort other people's memories. This kind of thing is really damning."

Yang Lei did not hide his intention to kill Maxwell, and there was no need to hide it.

It's just a Barnir, let alone a clone standing in front of him now, even if Barnir's body comes, it's not enough to see.

Banir remained silent. They were demons after all. Compared to them, humans were just their food, so they definitely wouldn't care about the thoughts and wishes of humans.

The reason why Barnir didn't do anything to humans was because his food was the negative emotions of human beings.

And Maxwell is different, so he really did a lot of harming too many people.

"Can't you really let him go?"

Barnier is still doing his final struggle, and judging from the fact that he will run specifically to welcome Maxwell's return, it is obvious that his relationship with Maxwell should be a good friend.

"Then may I ask, what to do with the girls who have been harmed?"

Yang Lei asked Barnier back.

Barnier was silent again.

"Let's go back."

Yang Lei waved to Barnier: "Before I feel disgusted with your demon clan, and before I don't want to kill your demon clan, go back and tell more demons, don't do things too much, or I will also Excessive."

With that said, Yang Lei stepped over Barnier and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Yang Lei is a principled person, and will not take action against people who should not be killed, but once he encounters someone who should be killed, he will be ruthless.

Now it seems a bit shameless to say that he wants to bring justice to the girls who have been harmed by Aldap, but in fact, the reason why he wants to kill Maxwell is related to those girls.

After all, it was Ardap who harmed them. Originally, it would be fine as long as Ardap was responsible for these crimes and the like.

But who told Maxwell to be so loyal and obedient to Aldap? Since it is the path you chose, then you have to finish it while crying.

In other words, since you were the first to attack humans, Yang Lei, as a human, naturally has a reason to fight back.

As for why not start sooner?

Again, Yang Lei didn't want to implicate the Darkness family.

Another one, it was very late when he came to this world, and Aldap has not gone too far recently, and he has not been in a hurry, so he has waited until today.


Behind, Barnier stood there for a long time, and finally opened his mouth and let out a sullen breath, and muttered with a somewhat lonely expression: "My dear friend, Maxwell, the demon who twists the truth, it seems that I can help you. There is only a place for you to be buried."

"Also, I have to go back to hell to warn those neutral demons who haven't joined any faction yet, and they must never act recklessly against humans, otherwise, it will bring disaster to us."

Saying so, Barnier's body suddenly turned into a puddle of yellow mud and hit the ground, while his mask turned into a black smoke and disappeared.

. . . . . .

Ardap's house, this is a large villa in the central area of ​​Axel Town. The magnificent decoration looks like a palace in the king's city.

At this time, although the sky was gradually entering the night, the lights of the Ardap house were still bright.

"Max, you are really useless."

In a relatively hidden room, Aldap was holding a 'person' crouching on the ground with all his might, and at the same time he kept scolding: "Why can't you distort other people's memories by directly letting Dak Ness became my woman? Why why? Otherwise I wouldn't have to wait."

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