"But now, if Prince Jedis does not return to the capital, I will not be able to carry out the plan for one day. I am really mad at me."

Cursing in his mouth, Aldap took a big gulp of the wine in his hand, and then continued to punch and kick the guy named Max on the ground.

There is no doubt that this Max is the Maxwell mentioned by Barnier just now.

Because Maxwell's laws are very powerful, not only can he distort other people's memories, but even his own memory is constantly being distorted by his own laws, which makes him not even remember who he is, but only himself. It's called Max.

He only remembered half of his name, so one can imagine how bad this guy's only memory is.

It is precisely because of this that Aldap dared to bully and abuse him. In fact, he always thought that Max was just a little scoundrel.

Having said that, it is precisely because Maxwell's memory is always being erased by his own law that he always forgets that he has helped Ardap countless times over the years. In fact, according to the average human being In terms of the agreement with the demon, Ardap should have paid the price long ago.

As a hell-duke-level demon of the same level as Barnir, he wanted to use Maxwell for his own use, so one could imagine what a huge price Ardap would pay. In Barnir's words, Ardap was Not even one thing is worth the cost.

As a result, because of Maxwell's memory defect, Aldap took advantage of the loophole. Should it be said that Aldap's luck is not bad?


Just then, a stranger broke in, it was Yang Lei.

I don't know how he got in. Anyway, he didn't cause any sao or chaos outside. It was as if he appeared in the secret room out of thin air. On the chair, he looked at Aldap and Maxwell with great interest.

"I heard that you want to beat my woman Darkness, which is Lalatina's idea?"

"It's really daring, it's not just a matter of death, right?"

"Then, I would like to ask you sincerely, Mr. Aldap, and Mr. Maxwell, the great demon, what kind of punishment do you want?"

"After all, you have harmed so many people before. Before you die, I want to let you experience the pain a little, and then destroy your souls."

"Sarah, let's start our desperate journey now, I believe you will be very satisfied with my hospitality."

(PS: It’s a little bit of paving the way for the world of Zhanmei, because some people in the world of Zhanmei not only want to kill, but really want to brutally abuse and kill them to be happy, such as the minister’s son and his Partisans, and the minister himself, etc...).

0789 Alice who has no sense of existence

On Ardap and Maxwell, Yang Lei took out all the moves he could think of.

For example, Ling, Chi, five horses dismembered their bodies, put down a frying pan, climbed a mountain of knives, waded through a sea of ​​fire, watched their anus be digged by a hyena, and experienced the pain of being eaten while they were still alive, and so on and so on.

Yang Lei was not such a cruel person. Originally, he believed in 'I am not a good person, but I am definitely not a bad person.You can crush others with great power, but you will never abuse or kill others'.

But today, he broke his precept. He brutally and brutally tortured, killed Aldap and Maxwell, and died countless times.

After all, he not only has fairy beans, but also powerful healing methods, so that Aldap and Maxwell can't even die happily. This is really impossible to survive.

It's no wonder Yang Lei is so ruthless and iron-blooded. When he used the power of karma to verify the two of them, that is, when he wanted to see how many evil things they had done by using Yuedao's full display ability, even he did not. was shocked.

Aldap not only harmed countless young girls, but also did a lot of tragic things, such as brutally killing a maid who was pregnant with his own child, and obtaining a lot of money by various illegal means, etc., really. It is Xinzhu that is difficult to read.

That's why he chose to punish the two in this way, and if 117 let them die happily, where is the justice for those poor people who were not only killed, but even their memories were played with and tricked in the end?

Coupled with Yang Lei's pupil technique and powerful illusion technique, it really made Aldap and Maxwell walk through the eighteen layers of hell in the underworld.

In the end, they both didn't need Yang Lei to make another move, and the souls of being tortured and grinded were scattered.

Until then, Yang Lei finally stopped.

"If I had known that you should be killed like this, I should have come to kill you long ago."

Yang Lei couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

It felt like a bit of an afterthought, but who told him that he did not expect that Aldap had committed so many sins before.

But he is much stronger than more people who do nothing, after all, he still shot, right?

"Is that the culprit of everything?"

After destroying Aldap and Maxwell, Yang Lei picked up an inconspicuous stone. He knew that Aldap used this stone to summon Maxwell from hell.

"This is also the cheat device chosen by the Japanese from Aqua, right?"

Yang Lei frowned tightly. Although he knew he shouldn't be angry, he still had some grievances against Aqua, especially the Japanese who chose this stone. He wanted to save him and kill him again. .

Fortunately, in the end, he didn't do that (bgdc), but crushed the magic stone with a little force in his hand.

Not only the stone, but also the necklace that Alice had taken from Alice was destroyed by him.

He can't use these artifacts, and they are not very safe. In order to prevent people from doing bad things, it is better to destroy them as soon as possible.

"It's time to go back."

After taking a sigh of relief, Yang Lei calmed down and got up and was about to go back.

The next thing has nothing to do with him. With Maxwell's death, the memory of the various crimes that Aldap has committed will be retrieved by the victims. In fact, even if he does not kill Aldap, he will Can't survive.

As for the massive wealth that Aldap has acquired through various informal means.

Just leave it to Ignis to deal with it, or to compensate those who have suffered, or to return it to those who have lost their property, and let his old husband be the master.

Ignis is now the largest noble in Axel Town. With the discovery of Ardap's disappearance, the kingdom will definitely appoint him as a temporary lord, or even an official lord.

So Yang Lei doesn't have to worry that the wealth here will be occupied by other people with intentions. He still trusts Ignis' personality very much.

As for the servants of the Ardap family, they should not steal, otherwise it would be a big crime to be discovered.

. . . . . .

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