As soon as he stepped out, Maxwell and Aldap were dealt with, and Yang Lei took a casual step out of the secret room and appeared directly at the gate of Darkness's house.


After another long breath, Yang Lei calmed down completely, looked up at the door, and thought to himself, would he still go in?

There is really nothing to look forward to at this dinner party, it's just a princess of a small kingdom, so what if the king comes?

You know, there is a real goddess of water in their team, but this goddess is a little mentally retarded.

And he himself is a god.

Compared to God, what is a king or a princess or something?


"After all, they are still waiting for my good news."

After thinking about it again, Yang Lei walked forward obediently. After calling to open the door, he crossed the long front yard path and returned to the gate of Darkness's villa.

Because everyone inside heard that Yang Lei was back, they all ran from the restaurant to the gate to welcome his return.

"Why so fast?"

Kureya didn't know Yang Lei's strength, and seeing that Yang Lei had only left for a while and then came back, she couldn't help but ask suspiciously, "Is it because there are too many guards in the Ardap family, so you dare not go in? "

When Alice heard this, she could not help but bow her head in disappointment. She was looking forward to it, and she really wanted to get rid of the behind-the-scenes mastermind of that necklace as soon as possible, otherwise she would really have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Do not worry."

Yang Lei didn't wait for the others to continue to question, Yang Lei raised the short necklace in his hand, and threw the small stone in the other hand to Aqua who was not far away, regardless of Akya. Ya was beaten and frowned and wanted to get angry, and said, "Aldap has been solved by me, and the demon who has been helping Aldap has also been killed by me."

"Don't worry, don't worry about killing the wrong person, wait, I can't guess for three days, those victims whose memories were changed by that demon before should restore their memories."

Having said this, Yang Lei turned to look at Darkness again and reminded: "By the way, Darkness, don't forget to inform your father-in-law at night, there will definitely be chaos in Axel Town these two days. , because Aldap really did a lot of sin."

"Well, Alice, why don't you let Mr. Ignis temporarily take over the role of lord. After all, he is now the only great noble in Axel Town. Before the new lord takes his place, let him It is also a good choice for the old man to deal with the mess of Aldap."

Yang Lei's words made Alice a little unhappy. After all, she is the current real leader of the kingdom. As a result, Yang Lei made Ignis an acting lord and ignored her directly. It's really hateful.

Originally, Alice wanted to thank Yang Lei for her help, but now, she just wanted to quickly brush up on her sense of existence.

It's just that Alice racked her brains and couldn't think of how to refute Yang Lei's arrangement. The current situation is that instead of returning to Wangcheng and dispatching a lord, it would be better to let Ignis who lives in Axel Town. come to do it.

Although this is a little sorry for Ignis, after all, he is the head of the great nobles, but now he can only be reduced to a novice village as the lord, which is really miserable.

But there is no way. The most urgent task is how to deal with the mess that Aldap left behind, and how to try to help those who have been hurt by him to get some compensation.

After thinking about it, Alice finally couldn't help pouting, and found that Yang Lei's arrangement was the best choice, blocking her to the point of being completely speechless.

"gone back."

In the end, Alice couldn't help but burst into a child's temper. Before others could react to the news that Yang Lei had killed the lord of Axel Town, she greeted Lei Yin to leave.

It's just that the royal family is the royal family after all. Before leaving, Alice still spoke to Darkness in the same way as Yang Lei just explained, and then she raised her chin at Yang Lei and stepped into the moment. in a moving magic circle. .

0790 Plans for marriage

It has been more than a month since Alice suddenly came to Axel Town to entertain Yang Lei and the others. During this period, as Yang Lei said, a lot of memories that were distorted by Maxwell before were replaced by those who had been distorted by Al The victims of Dapp's scourge are back.

In this way, Axel Town was in chaos in an instant, and nearly one-third of the people came to the lord's mansion to make a fuss, saying that they had to crusade the bastard lord.

It was only later that people learned that the lord who had done so much evil to the point that it was hard to write about had disappeared. Judging from the fact that he left all his family property and savings, it should have suffered some unpredictable catastrophe.

This is really heartwarming news.

In particular, even Alice had officially sent an appointment letter from the capital to temporarily entrust Ignis as the acting lord of Axel Town, and then make specific arrangements after her father, the king, returns.

And when Ignis became the acting lord, the first thing he did was to make amends as much as possible - those victims.

Suddenly, Ignis' prestige in Axel Town reached a very high level.

Of course, these have little to do with Yang Lei and the others, and the specific details will not be repeated.

. . . . . .

Since the inexplicable crusade against the Demon King's army officer Hans in Acanretia, the capital of hot springs, they rushed to the home of the Red Devils to crusade Sylvia, and then returned home and were summoned by Alice. worry.

Later, at the strong request of Sato Kazuma, and Yang Lei also wanted to rest a little, the team did not conduct adventurer activities for this month, but all became decadent.

In this way, in this month, a few people really did nothing, and finally they didn't even bother to cook, but went out to eat directly.

The main reason is that Yang Lei often brings Megumin and Darkness to play alone on a small stove. Only Aqua, Kazuma Sato, and the newly joined Yunyou are left. They can just deal with them casually.

As for Yang Lei, what have they been busy with recently?

But don't forget one thing, Huihui and Darkness had asked Yang Lei for a child, and he would definitely put this on the agenda.

As the saying goes, it is the hardest to endure the grace of a beautiful woman. This is because the two of them took the initiative to give birth to their own children, and Yang Lei couldn't refuse it.

By the way, Yang Lei once ran to the busy Ignis to propose a kiss.

Ignis didn't want to agree at first, at least he didn't want to agree so happily, because what this bastard did was a bit too inauthentic. He even stole his precious daughter in front of his eyes. It's too outrageous.

What's more, they are nobles. If this matter is accidentally known to the outside world, their family will lose adults.

It's just that Ignis really doesn't have time to talk to Yang Lei right now, but Yang Lei is really too busy now. As a result, it's just two rounds between you and me, and Ignis has no choice but to accept it.

No way, if Yang Lei wanted to be a rogue, it would be really too rogue.

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