Although this guy is indeed a goddess, it has been said many times that this girl is a mentally retarded neuropathy, and even a goddess is just a mentally retarded female neuropathy.

Therefore, in order to prevent his wedding from turning into a farce, Yang Lei decided that if he was looking for a goddess, only Eris would be worth inviting, otherwise he would simply not want any witnesses.

Then Aqua stopped doing it, and started arguing like a child. Look at that sloppy look, she looks like a goddess....

(PS: Wow wow wow, it looks so laborious to write... In other words, today's five chapters may be written a little slower, if you want to read it more happily, I advise everyone to read it after [-] pm, when that time comes should be finished...).

0793 Wedding in summer

Spring has gone to summer, and in a blink of an eye, summer has come again. . .

One day in this hot summer, there is a grand wedding going on.

That's right, this is Yang Lei's wedding to Huihui and Darkness~.

As the bride's family, Ignis and Piao Saburo are standing in the same camp and glaring at Yang Lei, the winner of life, only Wei Wei seems to be more happy and emotional.

In other words, is it a little too anxious and too hasty to get married so soon?

It doesn't really count. Yang Lei was a multi-headed basilisk in the spring. It's been a few months now. After preparing for so long, it's really not too rushed.

The most important thing is that Darkness and Megumin are both a little fat, and they finally found out that they are pregnant, so they don't dare to delay any longer, otherwise they will get married after their belly is big, and they will look good. It’s hard to say, no, it’s easy to say and it doesn’t sound good.

"On this festive day, let's congratulate Mr. Yang Lei on his wedding with Miss Huihui and Miss Lalatina."

The last person to act as a witness was a high priest of the Eris sect, and it was time to officially officiate the wedding.

Yang Lei originally planned to invite Goddess Eris herself. After all, Yang Lei knew that Eris and Darkness were friends. I believe Eris would also like to host the wedding for his friend in person, right?

It's a pity that he was rejected by Eris, saying that she really can't just go down to the realm, otherwise she will be punished.

Yang Lei was easy to talk, but he didn't insist much. After rejecting Aqua's volunteering countless times, he asked Ignis to arrange a high priest in the Church of Eris.

It is said that the Darkness family has been a faithful believer of the Eris sect for generations, and the Axis sect is unreliable, so the only choice is the Eris sect.

After that, the preparations are simple. Yang Lei has money and ability, and can easily prepare whatever he needs, so we won't go into details.

In short, today, the three of them are finally getting married.

There were quite a few people at the scene, mostly adventurers and nobles.

The adventurers must have come for Yang Lei and the others to save face as a member of the adventurers. As for the nobles, needless to say, the Lalatina family is a big noble.

"Then, Mr. Yang Lei, now I want to solemnly ask you that in the future, whether in difficult times, in times of despair, or in times of prosperity, you will never abandon Miss Huihui and Miss Lalatina. You will always love them and be with them, would you do that?"

"I am willing!"

Without any hesitation, Yang Lei responded the second after the words of the High Priest of the Eris Cult.


On the opposite side, Megumin and Darkness couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering. This impatience was very funny and made them chuckle.

Yang Lei just smiled and looked at his bride with gentle eyes like water. He only felt that they were so beautiful and dazzling, and even made him feel that they were the only ones in the world at this moment.

"Miss Lalatina, Miss Huihui, are you willing to marry Mr. Yang Lei? No matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, you will never leave him, always be with him, take care of him, love him, and protect you together with him. family, are you willing to do this?"

"We will."

A moment ago, they were still making fun of Yang Lei, but at this time, the attitude of the two women was the same as that of Yang Lei just now.

In fact, in the context of this Middle Ages, it seems that the practice of robbing marriages is really recognized.

For example, there are two people in the wedding, and suddenly someone comes out and says that they want to rob the marriage, no matter whether the person is a man or a woman, or whether the object of the robbing is a man or a woman, as long as the person who was robbed nodded and agreed, If the remaining bride or groom wants to protect their marriage, the only thing they can do is to have a life-and-death duel with the person who comes.

This is a family-grabbing activity that can only happen to nobles, and all three parties have to nod and agree. At this time, it will definitely not be staged on Yang Lei and the others, because Darkness will never change her mind, so I just mentioned it casually. Just one sentence, don't take it to heart. . .

According to the rules, the high priest asked the New Year's bridegroom if he would like it or not, and then it was time to exchange the wedding ring.

I saw that Yang Lei took a small box from the best man Kazuma Sato, who was following him, took out two exquisite diamond rings one after another, and gently took the little hands of the two girls and put them on them.

From this moment on, they were really his wives.

Turning around, Megumin and Darkness also got the wedding rings they prepared from Yunyun and Banier who were the bridesmaids.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong, right?What the hell is Barnier being a bridesmaid?

It turns out that, according to Barnir, their demons are gender-neutral. That is to say, although Barnir looks like a man, he can actually treat him as a woman, depending on his own will. Male or female.

As for why Darkness invited Barnier to be her bridesmaid.

Everyone should have not forgotten that there was a bad relationship between the two of them. Barnier had attached a mask to Darkness, at least at that time, the two of them shared a body.

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And Darkness really thinks that Barnier is not bad. After that, the two of them have some friendship. At this time, when Aqua is unreliable and Chris doesn't want to be a bridesmaid, there are not many friends. Kernis had to ask Vanir.

Back to the topic....

When Huihui and Darkness also handed over their wedding rings to Yang Lei, and then watched him string their wedding rings on a necklace that already had several rings, this link was completed.

There is no doubt that the rings hanging on Yang Lei's necklace are all his wedding rings, such as Hinata and Sakura's, Rukia's, Erza's, Bulma's, and Fubuki's, and now there are more Two, the necklaces are about to be hung on one side.

After exchanging the wedding ring, it was time to kiss, it was very simple, and the three of them finished it quickly.


At this point, the wedding is over.

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